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January 5th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Weekly revisions of The IceMaster's MK4 Fullscale Text FAQ will be resuming by this weekend if all goes well, as it is in the process of being updated for game Revision 3

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12:01 PM CST -
Reptile's Ceiling Spikes Stage Fatality (Revision 3), performed on the Goro's Lair stage, has been found. Thanks to Moe.
D - D - F - HK (Close)

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12:02 PM CST -
Reiko's Prison Stage Fatality, which also works in Revision 2, has finally been found. Thanks go out to Da Sawman.
D - D - B - LP (Close)

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12:03 PM CST -
The Hidden Character known as Meat (new in Revision 3) has been found. Choose Group mode in a VS game and keep choosing it until you have played as all 15 regular characters, you will then be able to play as Meat. He uses the moves of whoever you choose. Thanks go out to Victor Harris.

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12:04 PM CST -
Quan Chi's second Fatality in Revision 3 is whatever his opponent has for his/her second Fatality. The following description, from MetalHed5, we had originally posted as Quan Chi's second fatality is actually Liu Kang's second.
"Quan picks up the opponent and
swings him around a la fan fatality, then he lets go and the opponent flails towards the screen. As soon as the opponent is about to hit the screen, Quan Chi throws an orange fireball and the opponent explodes, leaving blood on the screen."

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12:05 PM CST -
TRMK's server has been down for nearly a week due to technical difficulties caused by a power failure. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused

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January 6th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Below is a picture of Meat, MK4's first found hidden character, posted on USENET. Derek from MK4 Dominion sent us this picture and, as you can see, Meat appears to have the same head as the heads in "The Furnace" stage.

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January 7th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
With the discovery of Reiko's Prison Stage fatality, everything has been found and confirmed in Revision 2. We have completed our *Final Update* of both the Mini Printable and HTML versions of our Revision 2 move lists. Work has already begun on the creation of our Revision 3 mini and html moves lists which should be available this weekend

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January 10th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Today is the last day for entries in our 1 year Anniversary Contest. Remember you have until 11:59 CST to get your entry in to win one of [4] Mortal Kombat: The Movies, [3] MKA: Soundtracks, [1] MK: Animated Video, and [1] MK: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. That's right. you have 9 chances to win some cool MK stuff. We'll pick winners sometime during next week. Check back for the official date.

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January 12th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
TRMK's Canadian Correspondent, The IceMaster, has released this week's revision of the Mortal Kombat 4 Weekly Text FAQ, after a few weeks of converting it for the new game revision. It can now be downloaded via the WWW, FTP, and the alt.games.mk USENET Newsgroup

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12:01 PM CST -
Ed Boon has now moved his Outworld to it's new home at http://www.noob.com which is also mirrored on http://www.dragondata.com/~edboon. The site is hosted by Midway's own Kevin Day. The addition of Noob Saibot's Outworld adds another site to the growing list of Official Authorized Midway Games related websites hosted on Dragondata.com including Dave Michicich's Character Pages, MK4.com, Mortal Kombat Mythologies Sub-Zero, and NFL Blitz

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12:02 PM CST -
The Mortal Kombat CyberCity, one of the firsts to have Revision 3 information from an actual MK4 Crew Member, has moved to it's new location at http://www.shoals.com/mkcc.

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12:03 PM CST -
Go check out The COP-DN 1997 Arcade Game Awards Voting Center where you can voice your opinion on what was the best of 1997 in the arcade world

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January 17th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Ed Boon has redesigned his front page reflecting his new site address at "http://www.noob.com" TARGET="_top">Noob.com. However, no other information has been added yet to the new site besides the Revision 3 page. Speaking of which, it seems like Revision 3 is still stuck in the Chicago area, since we haven't heard of any other arcades having the new revision yet

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January 19th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
This is probably going to be the last update on TRMK about any change on Noob.com unless the update contains any significant information about Mortal Kombat. You should be checking his page frequently anyways since it is in the process of rebuilding. Here are the magazine covers
January 19th, 1998
12:01 PM CST -
As you can see, we've updated our look. It's optimized for Internet Explorer 3.0 and 4.0, however it still looks great under Netscape, except for Netscape 3.0's use of a single pixel border between frames no matter what value you set "border" to. If you're in 640x480 resolution or you're not a big fan of frames, we've provided a link at the top that will just show this page. The new design looks great under 800x600 and looks phenomenal under 1024x768 or higher. Right now, any outbound links will load in this frame. We're working on it right now to have them load up in the entire area, but this requires having to go into every single news article and change each outbound link. So we'll have that completed later on this week. Here are some other things that have been updated.
  • TRMK Search Engine: The search engine is up and running at full speed. Major modifications now allow you browse the next set of items for your searched topic.
  • TRMK Moves Lists and FAQ's: To Netscape users, it may not look like something special; however, the moves lists section now has a Dynamic HTML enhanced launch page. Just click on the game's logo and down drops buttons for whatever version we currently have. We're working on expanding our moves lists section to include FAQ's from past Mortal Kombat games from each console they were released on.

If you encounter any problems while browsing the new design, please send us e-mail with which browser you used along with the problem

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January 20th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Special thanks to Chrystfferssen Maakorey, who was kind enough to send along the remedy to the incompatibility of Netscape's and other browsers frames layout. Now if I can just find a way to keep IE3 from displaying the links in red all the time. The Netscape logo has earned it's spot back at the bottom of the page along with it's other buddies. Thanks again Chryst
January 22nd, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Fryguy sent along an e-mail from Brent Friedman, one of the many MKA writers, concerning the new MK TV Series.
1. When is the show set to come out?

Well, it should be shooting in April/May and airing in the fall. If all goes as planned...

2. Are any actors from the movies going to be on the show? If so, which ones?
Formal casting has not begun but I suspect the actors will all be new.

3. Who are some of the new characters that are going to be in the show?

Initially, the centers on Kung Lao and his quest to repeat as champion of the MK tournaments five hundred years ago. Rayden is a regular, as is Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn. New heroes will be introduced over the course of the series as Kung Lao gathers a group of fighters to join him in the tournament.

4. Will there be anything that uses a lot of special effects like were used with Goro and Motaro?

As long as there are incredible creatures and characters in the MK world you can expect equally incredible effects.

5. Anything really cool or special you would like to share about the show?

The series will be doing something very cool: showing you the origins of many
villains. For instance, in the first two shows Shang Tsung "creates"
Scorpion with his sorcery. Expect a bunch of this in episodes to come.

January 26th, 1998
12:00 PM CST -
Our winners have been chosen and notified by e-mail. Currently only 6 people have replied to claim their winnings. If these three people do not reply to claim their MK Video, then three more people will be chosen randomly. Here is the list of the current winners and their prizes.
  • Mike Smith (MK Movie)
  • Lou Bell (MKA Soundtrack)
  • Phillip Valore (MKA Soundtrack)
  • Gary Zabrisky (MKA Soundtrack)
  • Ben Mitchell (Animated Video)
  • Richard Moyer (MK Soundtrack)

    • Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone that entered to make this a huge success. Don't e-mail us asking if you were the one we e-mailed. Doing so will disqualify you from a possibility of winning one of the 3 videos not claimed
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