Here's the newest version of the MK:A cast according to the
US Internet Movie Database:
Robin Shou | Liu Kang | Sandra Hess | Sonya Blade |
Talisa Soto | Kitana | Irina Pantaeva | Jade |
Brian Thompson | Shao Kahn | Reiner Schöne | Shinnok |
Lynn 'Red' Williams | Jax | Deron McBee | Motaro (?) |
LiteFoot | Nightwolf |
James Remar | Rayden |
It seems like Motaro will have a speaking part. Kinda weird, but you have to remember that Goro talked also, but for a short amount of time. James Remar is playing the part of Rayden, instead of Johnny Cage. The biggest news is that Shinnok will appear in MK:A! If you are unaware of the existence of
Shinnok, he is the Elder God that used Noob Saibot as a double agent to destroy Kahn and relinquish both the Earth Realm and the Outworld to Shinnok. Could this also be the base of MK4's storyline? If it is, you heard it here first. (Thanks to
Jared Putnam for notifying me that USIMDB updated