June 10th, 2014
12:03 AM CST -
Tonight during Sony's E3 2014 Press Conference the world exclusive debut of gameplay footage of Mortal Kombat X we may have gotten part of the answer to the question posed by the game's advertising: "Who's Next?"

NetherRealm Studios's Creative Director Ed Boon had said that two new characters would be shown at E3, and many took that to mean "two not yet revealed."

But it's clear now that Ed actually meant two completely new characters. Actually there was three new characters in the gameplay trailer shown, but we'll get to that later. Take a look at the video of the gameplay debut below:

So who are these characters you may ask? These characters are so new, that we don't know their names yet. Here's a shot of the characters and a bit about what we can learn about them from the trailer.


The first new character we meet seems to be able to control bugs. She's seen with a few flying insects around her after she flies into the arena. She also strokes a big fat caterpillar in her hand as she taunts her opponent. She has some horns on her arms and later in gameplay video is shown with a second set of long insect like arms.

Later a Fatality of hers is shown where she commands an army of flying bugs to eat the face off of Sub-Zero.


The other new character is a hooded armored warrior that carrys a small child on their back much like Master Blaster characters from Mad Max. The small child appears to have hooks attached to each hand and can move fairly fast. It appears the attacks are a combination between the two characters who work fairly well together.

We don't see how their fatality ends, but it starts by the child stabbing Scorpion in the head with the claws. Then he flips around to the back of Scorpion with the claws still embedded. That's when the scene is cut off.

Kotal Kahn

The Aztec looking warrior is only seen in the Fatality montage at the end. His body features glowing neon colored tattoos along with a feather headress. He's seen drinking the blood of Scorpion's still beating heart after ripping it from his body.

I have a feeling these will not be the last new characters introduced into the series. So I am left asking again, Who's Next?

E3 2014 starts tomorrow at Noon Pacific. We'll be heading over to check out the game and likely doing some interviews with the makers of the game this week. So be sure to head over to our Questions News thread with your questions and we'll try to get the best ones answered. Check back later that day for updates and be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for live updates from the show floor!

Updated 6/10 To Put Their Real Names in Place

Reader Komments from the TRMK Forums:

June 10th, 2014 12:14 AM CST - Tarkatan Trash
How the hell did Peter Pan's sidekick end up in MK? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
June 10th, 2014 2:40 AM CST - thexx25
Oh God, THIS IS FABULOUS !!! This first footage is absolulty awesome, fantastic... THIS WILL BE THE BEST MK EVER !! I love the way my favorite franchise had became DARKER and more REALISTIC this time !! I'm an old die-hard MK fan (i'm playing MK since 1992), and this trailer remember me the first time i saw MK Deadly Alliance, and tought : "at least, they made something new, darker and nastier, with new gameplay and new character !" A GREAT THANKS to ED BOON and NEITHERREALM STUDIO !! This is FANTASTIC !!
June 10th, 2014 4:44 AM CST - Nasty_Freak
Nice! Why do I get the feeling the Lady Bug woman is the woman in Jade's MK9 ending? I hope not and I hope that the woman in Jade's MK9 ending will be totally different and playable. I still want that dominatrix with the chainsaw. I'd want Tanya to return too.
June 10th, 2014 6:40 AM CST - Eks
It's still a bit early to form a solid opinion, but it looks great so far. Using the environment to enhance combat looks interesting.
June 10th, 2014 8:59 AM CST - jbell0129
this loooooks freaking AWEEESOMMMMEEE...
June 10th, 2014 9:41 AM CST - Kurtis Stryker
I hate everything about this game, thus far. They should have taken a cue from Capcom, and kept the latest game alive for 6+ years. Ultra Street Fighter IV is the premiere fighting game. This is why Capcom is the best at Fighting Games.
June 10th, 2014 10:24 AM CST - Tarkatan Trash
Originally Posted by : Kurtis Stryker
I hate everything about this game, thus far. They should have taken a cue from Capcom, and kept the latest game alive for 6+ years. Ultra Street Fighter IV is the premiere fighting game. This is why Capcom is the best at Fighting Games.
You mean the game that counts with 1, 2, 2 CE, 2 Turbo, Super 2, Super 2 Turbo, 3, 3 SI, 3 TS, 4, Super 4, Super 4 AE, Ultra 4 and can't get to 5? No thanks! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
June 10th, 2014 10:51 AM CST - Sub-Zero
Originally Posted by : Kurtis Stryker
I hate everything about this game, thus far. They should have taken a cue from Capcom, and kept the latest game alive for 6+ years. Ultra Street Fighter IV is the premiere fighting game. This is why Capcom is the best at Fighting Games.
You're my new favourite person. Stay strong and beautiful.
June 10th, 2014 12:14 PM CST - Xx Skorpion xX
Originally Posted by : Kurtis Stryker
I hate everything about this game, thus far. They should have taken a cue from Capcom, and kept the latest game alive for 6+ years. Ultra Street Fighter IV is the premiere fighting game. This is why Capcom is the best at Fighting Games.
I'd imagine you're on the wrong website then haha... SF is a teen game to me. Legendary fighter non-the less but when you punch someone in the face it's orange bubbles....Naww bro. Spine rips n' sh*t loll
June 10th, 2014 1:25 PM CST - Sub-Zero
Originally Posted by : Xx Skorpion xX
I'd imagine you're on the wrong website then haha... SF is a teen game to me. Legendary fighter non-the less but when you punch someone in the face it's orange bubbles....Naww bro. Spine rips n' sh*t loll
He's only on here to troll. Did the same crap when the last MK came out. Just send love his way.
June 10th, 2014 6:48 PM CST - Commander
I feel like I'm the only old fart that caught the Master Blaster Jr joke. Anyways, after seeing today's live stream with Ed Boon, I'm SO PSYCHED FOR MK X!!!!!
June 10th, 2014 8:07 PM CST - Shirayuki Mizore
Not a fan of the Bane and Wee Man tag team, lol.
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