Mortal Kombat (2011)

Select a Kombatant

Baraka Cyrax Ermac
Freddy Krueger Jade Jax
Johnny Cage Kabal Kano
Kenshi Kitana Kung Lao
Liu Kang Mileena Nightwolf
Noob Raiden Rain
Reptile Scorpion Sektor
Shang Tsung Sheeva Sindel
Skarlet Smoke Sonya Blade
Stryker Sub-Zero Cyber Sub-Zero
Kratos Quan Chi


One of New York City's Finest, Stryker is a one-man SWAT team. He was once decorated for single-handedly thwarting the terrorists in the famous Greenberg Tower Incident, and again for rescuing passengers of a speeding crosstown bus rigged to explode. He was unprepared, however, for the magical portal that spewed forth creatures from another realm--a realm he didn't even know existed. So far his kombat training has gotten him through the first wave of creatures. It'll take more than rocket-launching Tarkatans to stop this die-hard cop.


    Special Move

    • Baton Sweep: D B BK
    • Grenade Throw (High): D B BP
    • Grenade Throw (Low): D B FP
    • Gun Shot: B F FP
    • Roll Toss: B F BK


    • Busted: FLIP STANCE + BL


    • Time Served: F D F FK (Sweep)
    • Have A Blast: D F D F BL (Sweep)


    • Babality: D F D B BP (Jump)

    Pit Fatality

    • Stage Fatality: F U U BK (Varies)

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