Why are these things deemed inappropriate for children in the media?


New member
Vulgar words (some of which can't even be said on this board), as well as urine and fecal matter.

The latter, particularly, is quite funny, since I'm pretty sure children do know what urine and scat look like, or am I supposed to believe children pee and poop blindfolded?

As for vulgar words, come on, what's so bad about those that children shouldn't say or hear them?

I'll add harmless sexual content (as in, nothing violent like rape) to that list too.

The SNES version of Primal Rage removed Chaos' Golden Shower fatality, but kept the gore. The N64 version of Duke Nukem 3D censored some of the naked women by turning them into savagely mutilated corpses. And to think, that before that, Nintendo completely removed the gore from the SNES version of MK1.

Censorship is so dumb, lol. Honestly, if you removed the gory parts from Conker's Bad Fur Day, but kept everything else, would it still be an inappropriate game for children?
I don't think with the case of MK it has anything to do with censorship, but Netherrealm Studios seem to not want to take a lot of risks, i mean just look at the roster, it's mostly comprised out of the most popular characters from MK1-2 when it would've been possible for "newcomers" from older games to take their place, other than that i think stuff like urine, scat and for the most part sexual content is not necessary in MK, i'm pretty sure the game does have vulgar words, maybe not as much as you think it should.
because were living in a world were people make sex out to be worse than violence. as far as the urine or the scat goes we just don't need to see them do that.but I know where youre going with this. people play god of war and see an all out naked girl but OH MY GOD if you have a half naked female in an mk game it gets labeled "porn". just an example.
because were living in a world were people make sex out to be worse than violence. as far as the urine or the scat goes we just don't need to see them do that.but I know where youre going with this. people play god of war and see an all out naked girl but OH MY GOD if you have a half naked female in an mk game it gets labeled "porn". just an example.
Yeah the whole nudity thing is a pretty ridiculous double standard, but then again Netherrealm Studios of today are not Midway of the 90's, they do NOT like taking risks, and honestly we can't blame them too much...
I know a few people in my life who get anal about profanity being used in front of them, it's mostly when their little siblings are in the area. The problem is that their younger siblings look like two-three years younger than us so I don't get why they feel the need to lash out at anyone who drops the f-bomb every now and then. I don't, however, swear in front of children. There's no need for that and they don't need to hear it. I grew up where my dad used to curse a lot, but I never really took the time to intimidate him because I knew the moment he dropped the big words, you just go "Ooooooooooh, daddy said the bad word!"

For me with the whole sexiness within women in video games such as wearing revealing clothing or just being used as a sex object, in my opinion as a woman myself, I don't give a damn about it. It's a video game. Majority of the employees working in these companies are men. Majority of these games are aimed towards men. Do I care that there's not a single fighting game that's aimed for women? No, I really don't care.

I don't get why people feel the need to make a big fuss about why Mileena is wearing the most revealing outfit. I've normally stated that I would prefer that the characters wear something that represents them, such as Sonya wearing something that finally makes her look like she belongs in the military.

With the whole subject about fecal/urine... Eh, it's gross. Yeah, this is coming from a person who said that they didn't mind a joke character who uses toilet humor as a weapon. It's still gross nonetheless. I guess vomiting is less gross than sh!tting/peeing? Because I guess you still have to see the private area so that's more "gross" in other people's eyes. With Chaos' Golden Shower fatality, that was hysterical because he's a freaking giant ape who pisses acid on his opponent. I don't know, I guess you can say it just has to deal with people who can either be way too sensitive, or just couldn't care less... and those who are sensitive will always win.
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To people saying we don't need to see scat or urine, do you think it's true even when the context requires it? Like the Jackass show? Censoring that on a show like that is pretty stupid.

Or, again, Chaos' golden shower fatality. It suited his character.

I ask because I know that plenty of people are obsessed with things "fitting" and profanities, urine, scat and sexual content are often considered "unfitting". Sexual content, in particular, is something people seem to want confined to porn, for the most part.

So, in these two cases, where it fits the context, why not show the gross stuff? In Jackass' case in particular, since the censors didn't mind the crew bleeding during some of their skits.
Why do you care? Are you cursing and throwing literal sh*t at kids at a playground?

And it's not censored. The internet is relatively uncensensored.
Children really should be kept away from swearing imo. I wish I didn't curse, but ever since middle school any opportunity to use an adjective has been replaced with shit or fukk. Just makes you look stupid sometimes.

And what is your definition of a child? Is it prepubecent? Because they definitely don't need to see sexual content. Why would they, it's of no productive use to them.
Children really should be kept away from swearing imo. I wish I didn't curse, but ever since middle school any opportunity to use an adjective has been replaced with shit or fukk. Just makes you look stupid sometimes.

And what is your definition of a child? Is it prepubecent? Because they definitely don't need to see sexual content. Why would they, it's of no productive use to them.

I personally don't think kids should be kept away from swearing. They're just words and regardless if they're sheltered from the words or not, they will end up using them anyways. I cussed every chance I could get once my parents or any other adults weren't around. Racist words like ni**er and really shitty words like that, yeah for sure, don't say that around kids, but words like 'fvck' or 'shit' are just words that can add more passion or anger to a statement.

"Metal Gear Solid 1 on the PS1 is the best game ever, dude."


"Metal Gear Solid 1 on the PS1 is the fvcking best game ever, dude."

Yeah the first example lets you know what I was wanting to say, but the second example shows that I REALLY mean what I said, ya know?

Just my opinion on cussing.

As for kids seeing sexual content, yeah keep that away. That shit can warp a kids mind. I've seen it first hand it's not only cringe worthy, it's just really really sad.
As for kids seeing sexual content, yeah keep that away. That shit can warp a kids mind. I've seen it first hand it's not only cringe worthy, it's just really really sad.

Right, early exposure to sexuality is apparently too traumatizing for children. But I guess violence isn't, eh?

I have never, ever seen anyone try to explain why it's more acceptable to expose children to blood and gore than profanities and sexual content. I mean, MKA's "Kreate a fighter" mode didn't even allow you to name your character with any vulgar words, but it definitely allowed you to mutilate your foes. Lol. Basically, it seems to be going like this:

Parent: No swearing, son.

Kid: But can I eviscerate someone in my games?

Parent: Sure. As long as you don't shit or pee on them.
The only issue that I see with curse words is that people (in general) seem use them because they often mis-use / over-use other superlative words like "awesome," "love," "excellent" and "great" so often, that after a while those words tend to lose meaning.

The word "Band-aid" is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Band-aid is in danger of losing their branding because of how much of a common household name it has become.
Most people say "band-aid" when they speak of adhesive bandages.
The same goes for those superlative words which I mentioned above.
After a while of saying things like love, excellent, great and awesome, then they tend to die off and lose meaning and another adjective needs to come in to enhance that word, often a curse word.

I love Key Lime pie.
I love my family.
Both are true, but the use of "love" in 1 of those sentences 1 tends to make the meaning lost in the other sentence, or give off the feeling that it doesn't mean as much (whether or not that may be true).
If I say that I love Key Lime pie and also say that I love my family, am I saying that Key Lime pie is great and the love for my family is as great or greater than that, or am I saying that I love my family and Key Lime pie is as great or greater than that?
Do you see what I mean?

Tone also makes all the difference in the world.
If I only use the superlative words with the right tone when I actually mean them, then inserting curse words as adjectives aren't really necessary.
Anyways, that's my $0.02 on the matter of curse words.
They should ban swearing totally. Cut out the tongues of those who say these foul words and cut of the fingers of those who type them.
Raise a kid to talk like a sailor, then tell them to go get a job, good luck then. I don't mind swearing, but if you're raised with it just in your regular every day vocabulary, not knowing the difference. You're going to come off as quite trashy when every other word is fukk.
The way I see it, it's something be to used with discretion. For example, while profanity may be used widely among coworkers, using them front of customers is discouraged. Not everybody appreciates profanity, and it can come across as rude and unprofessional if not kept under control.
Vulgar words are violent and unnecessary. However, ever since hearing them used so much, it has become very difficult for me to express my points without using language, hence the reason I say '' instead of 'B' or 'F' or I'd do just like I did with the b word and f word. People really don't need to use them.

With sexual content, maybe it's just me but that stuff is straight disgusting to me. It's also the reason why I don't buy games like the Witcher series, DOA 5, Darkstalkers, and stuff like that. Granted I do play Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter, I can say the sexualization doesn't really standout as much as the fighting. Even with MK9, until you unlock Mileena's third costume (which is a prize for working extremely hard), lose to Shao Kahn, or win with Sheeva you're not really looking at it as an oversexualized game.

The Argument about comparing blood and gore with sexual content is like comparing Boys in the Hood with porn. People watch movies like Boys in the Hood for the story, not in an attempt to learn how to be "Hood." People who watch porn (I'm Assuming) are watching it to jack off or learn new sex stuff, not to know the story of people who have sex. We all know the many things that sex can lead to, safe or not. People don't look at violent stuff in an attempt to learn violence, however people do look at sexual content to learn sexual things.

As for as Scat and piss, I eat while watching TV and so do many other kids. I don't want to each chocolate pudding, Gravy, or Coco Puffs while looking at crap. I also don't want to drink lemonade while looking at someone piss.

One thing I can say is that ever since I starting seeing sexual content and hearing excessive use of language, my life has gotten a bit worse than it was. Surprisingly though, when I first played Conker's Bad Fur Day at the age of 5, I really didn't pay attention to the sexualized stuff, however I liked that the swear words were censored in the game which was cool.
People in the US are super strict on everything. I remember in the 90's, cartoons where not allow to say "kill" or "die". The 90's Spider-Man show had to replace it's guns with leaser guns and you could not throw punches in that show. I also remember with DBZ in the late 90's, you where not allow to say that people die. They went to the next dimension and Hell was changed to "HIFL".

In Japan, they can get away with more content in kids shows and most Japanese people I talk too that grew up watching kids shows that deal with death and had blood, end up growing up to be normal ever day people.
I have a feeling OP makes edgy threads for the sake of being edgy. It's like he does the things he brings up and asks a bunch of strangers if its okay.
I still don't get what the big freaking deal with sex/nudity in games and movies is. like one of you said in another thread some time ago "your choice porn or a girlfriend. you cant have both." YET I don't know 1 woman who has EVER broke up with her boyfriend or divorced her husband because they walked in the room and saw them playing mk9 or god of war or watching something like Game of Thrones. if youre mature enough to handle it then it should be ok.

and [MENTION=12191]kadell[/MENTION]: Developers make a game for ADULTS and then censor it for kids because of people with your mindset.
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