Who's the woman in Jade's ending? video inside

Oh I really want to know and I hope she will become an official character in the future. She reminds me of Cleopatra. Maybe she is Cleopatra or Aphrodite. lol That was a joke. But it can be Delia.
So is Jade in the next game going to be controlled by this woman or something?

Thats the only thing I dont really like about Mortal Kombat. The arcade endings can be awesome but they are non cannon so they are never mentioned again
It's questionable how much of story mode will actually be non-canon between the endings of different characters. Sonya's ending obviously leads to the fact Kung Lao, Jax, and Liu Kang definitely died but they introduce a new figure who possesses Jade, all for no reason? Unlikely. I expect to see her and maybe two or more characters so still be alive from the battle with Sindel.
Yeah, it's possible for an ending to be semi-canon. Like, Liu Kang beats Motaro in MK3, and then he fights Shao Khan and wins. Him beating Shao Khan is canon, but him beating Motaro isn't (Sheeva does that).

I could easily see them implementing this woman into Jades story (well, if she comes back to life). It might just make things more interesting, since I just see Jade as "Kitana's Friend". I think she's literally the character I know the least about.
Well for being possesed by Delia, Jade must defeat Shao Kahn so... no, it wont be cannon.

Well, they could make so that instead of beating Shao Khan... she doesn't, lol. She could just be strolling through Central Park, and then suddenly *WHAM*, "Jade finds herself in an unknown realm, ect ect".

Maybe not that brazen, but you get the idea. The only ending I've noticed so far that is totally contingent on beating Shao Khan in order for it to happen is Sindel's, since she beats Shao Khan and brings peace to the realms and all that. But Sheeva could still nagotiate a place for the Shokan in Australia, and Cyrax can still try to escape the Lin Kuei and be saved by Raiden and an army of monks (which was pretty badass, lol) without beating Shao Khan first.

Well, there might be more. Those three and Jade's are the only ones I've seen (well, except Kratos', since I looked it up because I don't have a PS3).
The woman in the ending I'm sure will make future appearances, but the part about Jade meeting this woman can not obviously be canon since she and many others are currently under Quan Chi's spell.
I wanna know who this woman is and I hope she will be one of the fresh new characters in the next MK.

If she will control Jade's body, I'd want Jade to have the same moves but with energy blasts coming out of her staff and still be that Vlad the Impaler I want her to be.

If the woman is going to be herself (not controlling bodies), I hope she will be this angel that would wield a long bow as a staff and shoot various powerful, explosive, magical arrows. I also hope she can have the ability to heal herself.
I wanna know who this woman is and I hope she will be one of the fresh new characters in the next MK.

If she will control Jade's body, I'd want Jade to have the same moves but with energy blasts coming out of her staff and still be that Vlad the Impaler I want her to be.

Hey, if it makes her top tier in MK10, I'm all for it :)
*Face palm* It's NOT Li Mei, and it's NOT Delia.

How people still think this woman is either of these characters is beyond me. There is nothing in Jade's ending that hints anything about the identity of that character.

We know who both Li Mei and Delia is, there's enough information about these two that would make us know who they are. To give them a complete make-over of appearance, story, and abilities is stupid, and no there's no retconning them just to make either one of them become this woman.

I seriously hope this character actually makes an appearance just so that we can finally close the book on figuring out who the heck she is. But I can certainly say that I am 100% certain that neither Li Mei nor Delia is this woman.
In all likeness, a story tool for setting up the "clash of Armageddon timeline and Reboot timeline", something which was hinted at in several MKX endings and mirror match character dialogue interactions. There could be a chance that in MK11, some characters from MK Armageddon timeline cross over into our current timeline, with help of this woman who could be connected to all timelines.
I'd want this woman to be a part of Jade during battle. Like how Kenshi has a demon in his "Possessed" variation. This woman can use a bladed whip to attack as Jade summons her. ;)