Who is Scorpion?


New member
Every DC character has the same clear storyline

when you think of superman what do you think of?
howd he became superman?

superman was the last son of krypton sent to earth by his parents from their dying planet as a infant and under the earth's sun rays he became superman.. alter ego clark kent

green lantern was a test pilot where a fallen green lantern's ring chose hal jordan

mortal kombat is one of my favorite fighting games of all time but the stories was never clear as a dc character

who is scorpion? a ninja ghost whose only goal is to avenge his family and clan?

can someone explain who is scorpion in full depth and clearly to someone who hasnt played Mortal Kombat and for someone who is seeing this mysterious character in their injustice rooster for the first time

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Essentially, Quan Chi tricked Scorpion into thinking Subzero killed his wife and child. while the lin Kuei wiped out his clan.

When it was actually Quan chi who did it, to acquire scorpion as a fighter for him.

So essentially Scorpion agree's to Quan Chi's terms in order to get a shot at getting revenge against Subzero, not realizing he's a puppet to the guy who actually killed his family.

his story is pretty tragic and his motives are purely for self satisfaction of delivering vengeance to those that did him wrong.

He only sides with people if they have something to offer him that has anything to do with his motives, he isn't purely evil or purely good. He just wants revenge.
Essentially, Quan Chi tricked Scorpion into thinking Subzero killed his wife and child. while the lin Kuei wiped out his clan.

When it was actually Quan chi who did it, to acquire scorpion as a fighter for him.

So essentially Scorpion agree's to Quan Chi's terms in order to get a shot at getting revenge against Subzero, not realizing he's a puppet to the guy who actually killed his family.

his story is pretty tragic and his motives are purely for self satisfaction of delivering vengeance to those that did him wrong.

He only sides with people if they have something to offer him that has anything to do with his motives, he isn't purely evil or purely good. He just wants revenge.

That's a well put summary of Scorpion's story.
Just to add a few details:
-Name is Hanzo Hisashi
-He is leader of the (murdered) Shirai Ryu clan
-Masterful using the kunai which earned him the nickname Scorpion. (Explained in legacy which would also make sense for the game as well)
- Sorcery abilities to summon/breath fire and teleport
- His true specter form is a skull underneath his mask.
That's a well put summary of Scorpion's story.
Just to add a few details:
-Name is Hanzo Hisashi
-He is leader of the (murdered) Shirai Ryu clan
-Masterful using the kunai which earned him the nickname Scorpion. (Explained in legacy which would also make sense for the game as well)
- Sorcery abilities to summon/breath fire and teleport
- His true specter form is a skull underneath his mask.

i dont remember scorpion being the clan leader of the shirai ryu
Not essentially the leader, but he IS definitely one of the higher rank members of the Shirai Ryu, for someone as renowned as him.

Although he DID avenged his own death by the hands of Sub-Zero (Bi-Han), but he is unknowingly working for the true killer of his family and clan, Quan Chi.
Can it also be implied that Scorpion's powers were given to him by Quan Chi?

I can't imagine that a regular Chinese man was summoning fire and skeletons out the box.
We can assume he was proficent with his spear and in ninjitsu before he got his hellfire powers, so he probably had the whole vanish-with-a-smokebomb thing for a teleport.
Who is Scorpion?

Basically Kratos, but beloved to the point of being included in everything Neatherrealm does.
Everybody pretty much answered your question. Scorpion's real name is Hanzo Hasashi and was a member of the Shirai Ryu clan. And at some point a sorcerer by the name of Quan Chi hires Sub-Zero and the Lin Kuei to find a map so he can retrieve a special amulet but what Bi-Han (Elder Sub-Zero) didnt know was that Quan chi also hired Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion) from the rival Shirai Ryu clan to do the same thing incase sub-zero didn't succeed. Sub-zero and Scorpion encountered one another and sub-zero murdered scorpion. Then quan-chi has scorpions entire family and clan killed but made it seem as though sub-zero and the lin-kuei were directly responsible, Scorpion was brought back as a hell-spawned spectre out seeking revenge on those responsible for the death of his family and clan, like somebody above mentioned he is not evil or good, but he will work with whoever can or says they can help him get closer to accomplishing his goal of revenge or bringing back his family and clan. He means well :)
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the story of scorpion.

Scorpion was in life a member of the Shirai ryu clan of ninjas ( pronounced "rye-oo". instead of "ree-oo" though i don't know why) The rival of the Lin kuei clan of Chinese assassins. Scorpion lost his life to Subzer0 while competing for a magical amulet on a mission. (No doubt because his bright yellow uniform defeats the purpose of being a "shadow warrior". He couldn't sneak up on a blind deaf man in that thing!)
Both were hired by Quan-chi ,an evil magical drag queen who resides in the neatherrealm (MK's version of Hell) so that if one failed the other would complete the task.

Now unlike honorable ninjas, who understand that death is a very real possibility in their particular line of work, Scorpion chooses to p*ss and moan about his death. His incessant b-ching catches the attention of Quan-chi who offers him a proposition....

Back on Earth, the "Lin kuei" have killed Scorpion's clan, because they were enemy clans of killers so naturally they would try to kill each other. (Kinda like Crips and Latin kings only with kung-fu and swords and stuff).
So, Quan-chi, tired of hearing all his b-ching, decides to give the whiniest ninja in hell a chance to avenge his family clan blah blah blah and finally STFU!

Side note: Scorpion must think sub-zero is pretty bad ass if he blames him for the death of his whole clan. Even Scorpion sub-consciously thinks Subzero is the BomB! but i digress

In return for this favor he pledges his allegiance to Quan-chi. Quan-chi, getting a hard-on from this new proposition, decides "what the hell i'll send Scorpion back because even if he fails i still get a new !" "Plus that Badass Blue bastard SUB-ZERO kicked my ass and thwarted my plans before so... "I" remotely get another shot at him as well." "ya know, without running the risk of having my pasty ass handed to me again."

Enter: the Mortal Mombat tournament.

Sub-zero is assigned to kill "Shang Tsung" while acting as his bodyguard. Ya know, Real Ninja shit! Scorpion(still too stupid to figure things out for himself) confronts sub-zero during the tournament. Now that he has Hell spawned power plus ninjitsu he is finally a match for Sub-zero. Tragically Sub-zero (the most badass character in MK) dies at the hands of "the crying ghost rider rip-off".

Now it's also important to note that sub-zero dies and is also consequently transformed into an undead servant of Quan-chi. However the big difference here is....

1.He doesn't b-ich about it

2.He doesn't come back on some stupid ass vendetta.

Instead, he makes the best of it. He replaces Scorpion as Quan-chi's bodyguard (implying that even in death he is scorpion's superior and the only reason scorpion exists is to recruit Sub-zero! He embraces the fact that he is dead and in hell, and is so badass plots to overthrow Quan-chi. yet again real ninja shit

So basically. Scorpion is not that important. just a yellow cry bag.
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the story of scorpion.

Scorpion was in life a member of the Shirai ryu clan of ninjas ( pronounced "rye-oo". instead of "ree-oo" though i don't know why) The rival of the Lin kuei clan of Chinese assassins. Scorpion lost his life to Subzer0 while competing for a magical amulet on a mission. (No doubt because his bright yellow uniform defeats the purpose of being a "shadow warrior". He couldn't sneak up on a blind deaf man in that thing!)
Both were hired by Quan-chi ,an evil magical drag queen who resides in the neatherrealm (MK's version of Hell) so that if one failed the other would complete the task.

Now unlike honorable ninjas, who understand that death is a very real possibility in their particular line of work, Scorpion chooses to p*ss and moan about his death. His incessant b-ching catches the attention of Quan-chi who offers him a proposition....

Back on Earth, the "Lin kuei" have killed Scorpion's clan, because they were enemy clans of killers so naturally they would try to kill each other. (Kinda like Crips and Latin kings only with kung-fu and swords and stuff).
So, Quan-chi, tired of hearing all his b-ching, decides to give the whiniest ninja in hell a chance to avenge his family clan blah blah blah and finally STFU!

Side note: Scorpion must think sub-zero is pretty bad ass if he blames him for the death of his whole clan. Even Scorpion sub-consciously thinks Subzero is the BomB! but i digress

In return for this favor he pledges his allegiance to Quan-chi. Quan-chi, getting a hard-on from this new proposition, decides "what the hell i'll send Scorpion back because even if he fails i still get a new !" "Plus that Badass Blue bastard SUB-ZERO kicked my ass and thwarted my plans before so... "I" remotely get another shot at him as well." "ya know, without running the risk of having my pasty ass handed to me again."

Enter: the Mortal Mombat tournament.

Sub-zero is assigned to kill "Shang Tsung" while acting as his bodyguard. Ya know, Real Ninja shit! Scorpion(still too stupid to figure things out for himself) confronts sub-zero during the tournament. Now that he has Hell spawned power plus ninjitsu he is finally a match for Sub-zero. Tragically Sub-zero (the most badass character in MK) dies at the hands of "the crying ghost rider rip-off".

Now it's also important to note that sub-zero dies and is also consequently transformed into an undead servant of Quan-chi. However the big difference here is....

1.He doesn't b-ich about it

2.He doesn't come back on some stupid ass vendetta.

Instead, he makes the best of it. He replaces Scorpion as Quan-chi's bodyguard (implying that even in death he is scorpion's superior and the only reason scorpion exists is to recruit Sub-zero! He embraces the fact that he is dead and in hell, and is so badass plots to overthrow Quan-chi. yet again real ninja shit

So basically. Scorpion is not that important. just a yellow cry bag.

May I ask why you dislike scorpion so much? Or do the things listed in your post pretty much sum it up? I'm just curious.
May I ask why you dislike scorpion so much? Or do the things listed in your post pretty much sum it up? I'm just curious.

that about sums it. up. I just think he is grossly overrated and not even close to being as iconic as Sub-zero.He's just forced down everyone's throat. The only reason i can surmize is he just happens to have a cheap move that is easy to execute (kunai on a rope), he is an entry level character.

Oh and i forgot to mention that before the MK tournament proper he did encounter Sub-zero in battle as a "spectre"(read: whiny gohst) and had his ass handed to him.

He's basically "Ninja Ghost Rider". Completely unoriginal. Sub-zero on the other hand was a completely original character that was way more interesting.

P.S. I'm a Sub-Zero fan. Scorpion can E.A.D!!!!!
that about sums it. up. I just think he is grossly overrated and not even close to being as iconic as Sub-zero.He's just forced down everyone's throat. The only reason i can surmize is he just happens to have a cheap move that is easy to execute (kunai on a rope), he is an entry level character.

Oh and i forgot to mention that before the MK tournament proper he did encounter Sub-zero in battle as a "spectre"(read: whiny gohst) and had his ass handed to him.

He's basically "Ninja Ghost Rider". Completely unoriginal. Sub-zero on the other hand was a completely original character that was way more interesting.

P.S. I'm a Sub-Zero fan. Scorpion can E.A.D!!!!!

Lol I can tell you are a sub-zero fan but that's cool I was just wondering why you disliked scorpion so much. I have always liked both of them a lot ever since I first played MK1 and 2 as kid. I always liked the palette swapped ninjas the best lmao.
Hundreds of years ago, there existed a clan of thieves and assassins known as the Lin Kuei. They did the bidding of those who paid top dollar for their services, without any regard of the consequences. Generally speaking, membership of the Lin Kuei lasts from cradle to coffin. Their members were chosen from birth, taken away from their families and trained to be ruthless killers, and leaving the Lin Kuei was considered tantamount to treason, and therefore was punishable by death (in other words, the only true way out of the clan is death). One assassin learned the latter the hard way. He was a Japanese-born Lin Kuei assassin by the name of Takeda, and upon returning to his homeland, he used the skills he learned in the Lin Kuei to develop a new artform known as Ninjutsu. Instead of relying on supernatural abilities, ninjas use magics and skills that can be mastered by any ordinary human with enough practice. The ninja did not exist as one big clan, but as a loosely-connected spy network consisting of many different clans. One of those clans was the Shirai Ryu, which was founded by Takeda himself. Since their founder was a deserter of the Lin Kuei, the Shirai Ryu as a whole, and Takeda in particular, was marked for death by the Lin Kuei. Takeda evaded his former clan for many years, until his elder years, when he died not in kombat, but in his sleep, the victim of poison slipped into his tea. It has never been made clear who was responsible for Takeda's death, but given the Lin Kuei's obvious stance on desertion, and the time and resources they spent on trying to take him out, it is speculated that the Lin Kuei was behind it.

The war between clans continued for centuries, until the vile Netherrealm sorcerer Quan Chi, with ulterior motives, sent members of both clans to a Shaolin temple to steal an ancient map. Representing the Lin Kuei was Bi-Han, code-named "Sub-Zero", who was a 5th generation member of the Lin Kuei who had mastered the arts of cryomancy, a skill hereditarily passed to him by his ancestors. Representing the Shirai Ryu was a ninja of at least the second generation named Hanzo Hasashi, code-named "Scorpion", who by this time mastered the use of the kunai and shurikens. While Bi-Han and his younger brother were chosen by their father to join the Lin Kuei, Hasashi was forbidden by his father from joining the Shirai Ryu. Apparently, the elder Hasashi must have experienced enough bloodshed and treachery to know that he did not want his son to live this same life. Nevertheless, Hanzo was tempted to join his father's clan to provide a better life for his wife and child, and joined the clan anyway. As Quan Chi anticipated, the two rivals engaged in a heated battle where Bi-Han slew Hasashi and completed the mission on behalf of the Lin Kuei. During that time, Quan Chi slaughtered every last remnant of the Shirai Ryu, even going as far as eliminating the surviving families of each member (as evidenced by the fact that Scorpion's wife and child were killed). However, the sorcerer had an ace in the hole. He framed Bi-Han and his brother Kuai Liang (the latter of whom was at the time code-named "Tundra"), in the event that he was betrayed by either of them, or by the Lin Kuei as a whole. Additionally, he resurrected Scorpion as an undead specter to unleash his vengeance should it come to that. As it turned out, Bi-Han DID betray Quan Chi, as Raiden guilt-tripped Bi-Han into taking back Shinnok's amulet from the sorcerer. After the amulet was brought back to Earthrealm (although this later proved to be a ruse as Quan Chi made a fake while keeping the original in an act of conning Raiden, and possibly double-crossing Shinnok), he used Bi-Han's framed role in the Shirai Ryu Massacre against him by sending Scorpion to the Mortal Kombat tournament.

During the tournament, Scorpion got his revenge and slew Bi-Han, who was later resurrected by Quan Chi as the undead wraith Noob Saibot, but Scorpion did not know that Sub-Zero left behind a younger brother. Kuai Liang, sensing something wasn't right after his brother failed to return from the tournament, went into Outworld to attempt to finish his brother's mission of assassinating Shang Tsung, but also had intentions of investigating his brother's disappearance, and to honor his brother's memory, Kuai Liang ceased to be known as Tundra and adopted his brother's code-name. Well, Scorpion somehow found out about Sub-Zero's return, and sought answers as to how someone he killed with his own hands and saw die with his own eyes could be back...both were oblivious to the circumstances until they crossed paths. Sub-Zero had learned of his brother's fate from Earthrealm witnesses, while Scorpion witnessed Sub-Zero spare the life of a defeated enemy, which cast doubts as to his identity in his mind, later finding out that this Sub-Zero was in fact the younger brother. Aware that his own family was taken from him and that he had done the same to someone else, Scorpion is believed to have become Sub-Zero's guardian in atonement for killing his older brother. This newfound loyalty would be tested when he was recruited by Shao Kahn to take part in the invasion of Earthrealm, only to find out later that Sub-Zero was among the Earthrealm warriors chosen by Raiden to defend the realm from Kahn's treachery, and therefore a target for death by Kahn's extermination squads (it is unclear if Scorpion knew that Sub-Zero had deserted the Lin Kuei and as a result was marked for death by that clan as well, as was the case with his own clan's founder). Scorpion stayed true to his oath towards Sub-Zero and betrayed the emperor without regard for the consequences, but Scorpion's loyalty to Sub-Zero would be short-lived. Quan Chi masterminded another attempt at getting Shinnok out of the Netherrealm and waging a war against the Elder Gods who banished Shinnok. Hoping to recruit Scorpion and finish his revenge on Sub-Zero, Quan Chi used Kuai Liang's framed role in the Shirai Ryu Massacre to turn Scorpion against Sub-Zero. The ruse worked, and Scorpion defeated Sub-Zero, but as he was about to finish off the former Lin Kuei assassin, Quan Chi made the mistake of revealing his treachery to Scorpion. Needless to say, Scorpion was PISSED that he had been lied to the entire time, as he not only took his frustrations on two people who were completely innocent of such a heinous massacre, but that the TRUE killer of his clan, wife and child was the same one he had been serving in the first place. Scorpion restored his oath never to harm Sub-Zero, and this time, it was permanent...the target of his wrath was now Quan Chi.

Scorpion spent the next ten years tormenting Quan Chi in the 5th plane of the Netherrealm, where Scorpion's power grew stronger and Quan Chi's got weaker. However, Quan Chi would soon discover that the amulet he had stolen would soon get him out of a world of shit. He opened a portal into Outworld, and masterminded a plot to take over Outworld, as well as other realms (the process of which involved forming an alliance with Shang Tsung and the assassinations of both Shao Kahn and Liu Kang). Scorpion didn't give a shit what Quan Chi was up to, only as long as he got his revenge. Scorpion found himself thrown into Shang Tsung's soulnado, and was nearly ripped apart by the purity of the heavens, but Scorpion escaped and found himself standing before the Elder Gods themselves, who transformed him into their champion to stop any threats to the stability of the Realms. As it turns out, Onaga, the former emperor of Outworld who was known as the Dragon King in his prime, had been reborn at around this time and sought to finish what he started thousands of years before; merge the realms and destroy the Elder Gods. Scorpion played a role in Onaga's defeat, and as repayment for his services, the Elder Gods resurrected his clan and family...the catch being that they would be just as alive as him. This enraged Scorpion, so he betrayed the Elder Gods and sought to destroy ANY forces of light...including Taven, who was on a quest to stop Armageddon.
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Hundreds of years ago, there existed a clan of thieves and assassins known as the Lin Kuei. They did the bidding of those who paid top dollar for their services, without any regard of the consequences. Generally speaking, membership of the Lin Kuei lasts from cradle to coffin. Their members were chosen from birth, taken away from their families and trained to be ruthless killers, and leaving the Lin Kuei was considered tantamount to treason, and therefore was punishable by death (in other words, the only true way out of the clan is death). One assassin learned the latter the hard way. He was a Japanese-born Lin Kuei assassin by the name of Takeda, and upon returning to his homeland, he used the skills he learned in the Lin Kuei to develop a new artform known as Ninjutsu. Instead of relying on supernatural abilities, ninjas use magics and skills that can be mastered by any ordinary human with enough practice. The ninja did not exist as one big clan, but as a loosely-connected spy network consisting of many different clans. One of those clans was the Shirai Ryu, which was founded by Takeda himself. Since their founder was a deserter of the Lin Kuei, the Shirai Ryu as a whole, and Takeda in particular, was marked for death by the Lin Kuei. Takeda evaded his former clan for many years, until his elder years, when he died not in kombat, but in his sleep, the victim of poison slipped into his tea. It has never been made clear who was responsible for Takeda's death, but given the Lin Kuei's obvious stance on desertion, and the time and resources they spent on trying to take him out, it is speculated that the Lin Kuei was behind it.

The war between clans continued for centuries, until the vile Netherrealm sorcerer Quan Chi, with ulterior motives, sent members of both clans to a Shaolin temple to steal an ancient map. Representing the Lin Kuei was Bi-Han, code-named "Sub-Zero", who was a 5th generation member of the Lin Kuei who had mastered the arts of cryomancy, a skill hereditarily passed to him by his ancestors. Representing the Shirai Ryu was a ninja of at least the second generation named Hanzo Hasashi, code-named "Scorpion", who by this time mastered the use of the kunai and shurikens. While Bi-Han and his younger brother were chosen by their father to join the Lin Kuei, Hasashi was forbidden by his father from joining the Shirai Ryu. Apparently, the elder Hasashi must have experienced enough bloodshed and treachery to know that he did not want his son to live this same life. Nevertheless, Hanzo was tempted to join his father's clan to provide a better life for his wife and child, and joined the clan anyway. As Quan Chi anticipated, the two rivals engaged in a heated battle where Bi-Han slew Hasashi and completed the mission on behalf of the Lin Kuei. During that time, Quan Chi slaughtered every last remnant of the Shirai Ryu, even going as far as eliminating the surviving families of each member (as evidenced by the fact that Scorpion's wife and child were killed). However, the sorcerer had an ace in the hole. He framed Bi-Han and his brother Kuai Liang (the latter of whom was at the time code-named "Tundra"), in the event that he was betrayed by either of them, or by the Lin Kuei as a whole. Additionally, he resurrected Scorpion as an undead specter to unleash his vengeance should it come to that. As it turned out, Bi-Han DID betray Quan Chi, as Raiden guilt-tripped Bi-Han into taking back Shinnok's amulet from the sorcerer. After the amulet was brought back to Earthrealm (although this later proved to be a ruse as Quan Chi made a fake while keeping the original in an act of conning Raiden, and possibly double-crossing Shinnok), he used Bi-Han's framed role in the Shirai Ryu Massacre against him by sending Scorpion to the Mortal Kombat tournament.

During the tournament, Scorpion got his revenge and slew Bi-Han, who was later resurrected by Quan Chi as the undead wraith Noob Saibot, but Scorpion did not know that Sub-Zero left behind a younger brother. Kuai Liang, sensing something wasn't right after his brother failed to return from the tournament, went into Outworld to attempt to finish his brother's mission of assassinating Shang Tsung, but also had intentions of investigating his brother's disappearance, and to honor his brother's memory, Kuai Liang ceased to be known as Tundra and adopted his brother's code-name. Well, Scorpion somehow found out about Sub-Zero's return, and sought answers as to how someone he killed with his own hands and saw die with his own eyes could be back...both were oblivious to the circumstances until they crossed paths. Sub-Zero had learned of his brother's fate from Earthrealm witnesses, while Scorpion witnessed Sub-Zero spare the life of a defeated enemy, which cast doubts as to his identity in his mind, later finding out that this Sub-Zero was in fact the younger brother. Aware that his own family was taken from him and that he had done the same to someone else, Scorpion is believed to have become Sub-Zero's guardian in atonement for killing his older brother. This newfound loyalty would be tested when he was recruited by Shao Kahn to take part in the invasion of Earthrealm, only to find out later that Sub-Zero was among the Earthrealm warriors chosen by Raiden to defend the realm from Kahn's treachery, and therefore a target for death by Kahn's extermination squads (it is unclear if Scorpion knew that Sub-Zero had deserted the Lin Kuei and as a result was marked for death by that clan as well, as was the case with his own clan's founder). Scorpion stayed true to his oath towards Sub-Zero and betrayed the emperor without regard for the consequences, but Scorpion's loyalty to Sub-Zero would be short-lived. Quan Chi masterminded another attempt at getting Shinnok out of the Netherrealm and waging a war against the Elder Gods who banished Shinnok. Hoping to recruit Scorpion and finish his revenge on Sub-Zero, Quan Chi used Kuai Liang's framed role in the Shirai Ryu Massacre to turn Scorpion against Sub-Zero. The ruse worked, and Scorpion defeated Sub-Zero, but as he was about to finish off the former Lin Kuei assassin, Quan Chi made the mistake of revealing his treachery to Scorpion. Needless to say, Scorpion was PISSED that he had been lied to the entire time, as he not only took his frustrations on two people who were completely innocent of such a heinous massacre, but that the TRUE killer of his clan, wife and child was the same one he had been serving in the first place. Scorpion restored his oath never to harm Sub-Zero, and this time, it was permanent...the target of his wrath was now Quan Chi.

Scorpion spent the next ten years tormenting Quan Chi in the 5th plane of the Netherrealm, where Scorpion's power grew stronger and Quan Chi's got weaker. However, Quan Chi would soon discover that the amulet he had stolen would soon get him out of a world of shit. He opened a portal into Outworld, and masterminded a plot to take over Outworld, as well as other realms (the process of which involved forming an alliance with Shang Tsung and the assassinations of both Shao Kahn and Liu Kang). Scorpion didn't give a shit what Quan Chi was up to, only as long as he got his revenge. Scorpion found himself thrown into Shang Tsung's soulnado, and was nearly ripped apart by the purity of the heavens, but Scorpion escaped and found himself standing before the Elder Gods themselves, who transformed him into their champion to stop any threats to the stability of the Realms. As it turns out, Onaga, the former emperor of Outworld who was known as the Dragon King in his prime, had been reborn at around this time and sought to finish what he started thousands of years before; merge the realms and destroy the Elder Gods. Scorpion played a role in Onaga's defeat, and as repayment for his services, the Elder Gods resurrected his clan and family...the catch being that they would be just as alive as him. This enraged Scorpion, so he betrayed the Elder Gods and sought to destroy ANY forces of light...including Taven, who was on a quest to stop Armageddon.

This^ a thousand times this^. Extremely well put. Respect.
Hundreds of years ago, there existed a clan of thieves and assassins known as the Lin Kuei. They did the bidding of those who paid top dollar for their services, without any regard of the consequences. Generally speaking, membership of the Lin Kuei lasts from cradle to coffin. Their members were chosen from birth, taken away from their families and trained to be ruthless killers, and leaving the Lin Kuei was considered tantamount to treason, and therefore was punishable by death (in other words, the only true way out of the clan is death). One assassin learned the latter the hard way. He was a Japanese-born Lin Kuei assassin by the name of Takeda, and upon returning to his homeland, he used the skills he learned in the Lin Kuei to develop a new artform known as Ninjutsu. Instead of relying on supernatural abilities, ninjas use magics and skills that can be mastered by any ordinary human with enough practice. The ninja did not exist as one big clan, but as a loosely-connected spy network consisting of many different clans. One of those clans was the Shirai Ryu, which was founded by Takeda himself. Since their founder was a deserter of the Lin Kuei, the Shirai Ryu as a whole, and Takeda in particular, was marked for death by the Lin Kuei. Takeda evaded his former clan for many years, until his elder years, when he died not in kombat, but in his sleep, the victim of poison slipped into his tea. It has never been made clear who was responsible for Takeda's death, but given the Lin Kuei's obvious stance on desertion, and the time and resources they spent on trying to take him out, it is speculated that the Lin Kuei was behind it.

The war between clans continued for centuries, until the vile Netherrealm sorcerer Quan Chi, with ulterior motives, sent members of both clans to a Shaolin temple to steal an ancient map. Representing the Lin Kuei was Bi-Han, code-named "Sub-Zero", who was a 5th generation member of the Lin Kuei who had mastered the arts of cryomancy, a skill hereditarily passed to him by his ancestors. Representing the Shirai Ryu was a ninja of at least the second generation named Hanzo Hasashi, code-named "Scorpion", who by this time mastered the use of the kunai and shurikens. While Bi-Han and his younger brother were chosen by their father to join the Lin Kuei, Hasashi was forbidden by his father from joining the Shirai Ryu. Apparently, the elder Hasashi must have experienced enough bloodshed and treachery to know that he did not want his son to live this same life. Nevertheless, Hanzo was tempted to join his father's clan to provide a better life for his wife and child, and joined the clan anyway. As Quan Chi anticipated, the two rivals engaged in a heated battle where Bi-Han slew Hasashi and completed the mission on behalf of the Lin Kuei. During that time, Quan Chi slaughtered every last remnant of the Shirai Ryu, even going as far as eliminating the surviving families of each member (as evidenced by the fact that Scorpion's wife and child were killed). However, the sorcerer had an ace in the hole. He framed Bi-Han and his brother Kuai Liang (the latter of whom was at the time code-named "Tundra"), in the event that he was betrayed by either of them, or by the Lin Kuei as a whole. Additionally, he resurrected Scorpion as an undead specter to unleash his vengeance should it come to that. As it turned out, Bi-Han DID betray Quan Chi, as Raiden guilt-tripped Bi-Han into taking back Shinnok's amulet from the sorcerer. After the amulet was brought back to Earthrealm (although this later proved to be a ruse as Quan Chi made a fake while keeping the original in an act of conning Raiden, and possibly double-crossing Shinnok), he used Bi-Han's framed role in the Shirai Ryu Massacre against him by sending Scorpion to the Mortal Kombat tournament.

During the tournament, Scorpion got his revenge and slew Bi-Han, who was later resurrected by Quan Chi as the undead wraith Noob Saibot, but Scorpion did not know that Sub-Zero left behind a younger brother. Kuai Liang, sensing something wasn't right after his brother failed to return from the tournament, went into Outworld to attempt to finish his brother's mission of assassinating Shang Tsung, but also had intentions of investigating his brother's disappearance, and to honor his brother's memory, Kuai Liang ceased to be known as Tundra and adopted his brother's code-name. Well, Scorpion somehow found out about Sub-Zero's return, and sought answers as to how someone he killed with his own hands and saw die with his own eyes could be back...both were oblivious to the circumstances until they crossed paths. Sub-Zero had learned of his brother's fate from Earthrealm witnesses, while Scorpion witnessed Sub-Zero spare the life of a defeated enemy, which cast doubts as to his identity in his mind, later finding out that this Sub-Zero was in fact the younger brother. Aware that his own family was taken from him and that he had done the same to someone else, Scorpion is believed to have become Sub-Zero's guardian in atonement for killing his older brother. This newfound loyalty would be tested when he was recruited by Shao Kahn to take part in the invasion of Earthrealm, only to find out later that Sub-Zero was among the Earthrealm warriors chosen by Raiden to defend the realm from Kahn's treachery, and therefore a target for death by Kahn's extermination squads (it is unclear if Scorpion knew that Sub-Zero had deserted the Lin Kuei and as a result was marked for death by that clan as well, as was the case with his own clan's founder). Scorpion stayed true to his oath towards Sub-Zero and betrayed the emperor without regard for the consequences, but Scorpion's loyalty to Sub-Zero would be short-lived. Quan Chi masterminded another attempt at getting Shinnok out of the Netherrealm and waging a war against the Elder Gods who banished Shinnok. Hoping to recruit Scorpion and finish his revenge on Sub-Zero, Quan Chi used Kuai Liang's framed role in the Shirai Ryu Massacre to turn Scorpion against Sub-Zero. The ruse worked, and Scorpion defeated Sub-Zero, but as he was about to finish off the former Lin Kuei assassin, Quan Chi made the mistake of revealing his treachery to Scorpion. Needless to say, Scorpion was PISSED that he had been lied to the entire time, as he not only took his frustrations on two people who were completely innocent of such a heinous massacre, but that the TRUE killer of his clan, wife and child was the same one he had been serving in the first place. Scorpion restored his oath never to harm Sub-Zero, and this time, it was permanent...the target of his wrath was now Quan Chi.

Scorpion spent the next ten years tormenting Quan Chi in the 5th plane of the Netherrealm, where Scorpion's power grew stronger and Quan Chi's got weaker. However, Quan Chi would soon discover that the amulet he had stolen would soon get him out of a world of shit. He opened a portal into Outworld, and masterminded a plot to take over Outworld, as well as other realms (the process of which involved forming an alliance with Shang Tsung and the assassinations of both Shao Kahn and Liu Kang). Scorpion didn't give a shit what Quan Chi was up to, only as long as he got his revenge. Scorpion found himself thrown into Shang Tsung's soulnado, and was nearly ripped apart by the purity of the heavens, but Scorpion escaped and found himself standing before the Elder Gods themselves, who transformed him into their champion to stop any threats to the stability of the Realms. As it turns out, Onaga, the former emperor of Outworld who was known as the Dragon King in his prime, had been reborn at around this time and sought to finish what he started thousands of years before; merge the realms and destroy the Elder Gods. Scorpion played a role in Onaga's defeat, and as repayment for his services, the Elder Gods resurrected his clan and family...the catch being that they would be just as alive as him. This enraged Scorpion, so he betrayed the Elder Gods and sought to destroy ANY forces of light...including Taven, who was on a quest to stop Armageddon.

where did you find that first part about the shirai-ryu being formed by a renegade lin kuei??? I've never heard that before. source please.
where did you find that first part about the shirai-ryu being formed by a renegade lin kuei??? I've never heard that before. source please.

I have also heard that before but I did not want to mention it without being 100% sure, I also heard they chose yellow as their color because it was a sign of disrespect towards the Lin Kuei or something of that nature