Another thing I want to add... sometimes people... WHO CAN GIVE YOU A GOOD GAME... they will give you a good game. But that's only if you are good yourself.
For example... I was playing online and me and my friend took turns. He fought this really good stryker, But since my friend is not as skilled as me nor the stryker. The stryker resorted to simple Zoning tactics (which looks like spam.) because my friend is not that great, and kept eating the gunshots and the grenades and the occasional roll.
I took over the controller after like 2-3 retrys. The Stryker and me had really close games and alot of the fighting was up close. minimal zoning. My friend commentated "Why does he play like a fag vs me and not you?"
Well that's because I gave him reason to think/change his gameplan. My friend loses to it, so the good player will obviously just continue to use what counters you until you change it up.
So I get alot of GG's and that's because i'm smart enough to force them to play more advanced.
Also that stryker kept crouch blocking everything and my friend found it hard to break his defense with lui kang. Cuz he only knows B3,1,2 lol
I made the stryker mix up his blocking... because I used Lui kangs F3 to condition him to stand block after specific moves. I FORCED MY OPPONENT TO PLAY A GOOD GAME.
If someone spams, and your losing. alot of times it's your own fault they are spamming.
one guy NEVER EVER crouch blocked. So I spammed F4(With Ermac), like 6 times and beat him. He told me I'm a ****** for spamming the same move. I told him he did it to himself by not learning how to block low. You think i'm going to change my routine when the only way for me to break a standing block is Grab or a Sweep or a F4? And F4 leads to more pressure? Hell no...
Its not that Im bad, my skill level is higher thn most of these players I play against, but I cant get around spamming. Now having played this game since it first came out youd think Id be able to but I just cant. It also doesnt help that Im always trying new characters.
Tell me what you are having problems with and who is your main and against what character?