Who do I have to talk to in order to close this account?


New member
First off, this in not "the_pathfinder", this is his brother. My brother Alan is no longer with us so he obviously couldn't use the internet, he left me his computer among other things and I just finally got the courage to fire it up today to save some of our old pictures and close some old accounts he had including his facebook and twitter accounts.

I wasn't surprised that he had an account on a Mortal Kombat fansite, Alan really loved Mortal Kombat. Some of my fondest memories were of playing against him back when the games came out years ago and he was really good to the point that nobody that played with him could beat him, he was really into the story and the characters and once you got him talking about Mortal Kombat he would not shut up.

It's been a rough few months for me, the rest of my family and all the friends he left behind, but it's time to move on and remember the good things, so I think it's time for this account to be closed down, Take Care.
Really sorry for your loss man. You got my condolences as well

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Sorry for your loss. I cant begin to tell you how sorry I am. My brother had committed suicide earlier this year... I feel your pain. Know that he is in a better place now though my friend.

Take care and God bless.
I don't understand, I checked his previous posts. None of them indicate that he was suicidal, but only one stood out.

the_pathfinder said:
nothing to see here, move along.

I guess that was the final straw. My condolences to your family, the real victims are the ones he left behind.
Unless Pat has changed things, people never had the option to have their accounts deleted. Just create a new account. As long as people explain the matching IP addresses, it's fine. No one person is allowed to have more than one account. Otherwise, brothers, sisters, etc. is understandable. Some might get questioned for proof, though, if anything suspicious arises. In your case, should be just fine.
Wow, he was a great poster on this site. He will be missed. My condolences. I see you messaged Pat so he'll take care of it.

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