Which trophy/achievement gave you the most trouble?


New member
So out of all trophies you got so far, which one was the hardest, most frustrating or time-consuming to get? :twisted:

I have two on my mind, first is "I might be the strongest". The last two Test your might challenges were the only two I skipped in the Challenge Tower. I simply couldn't do it and just gave up because my fingers were completely numb. Yesterday, I decided to try again after watching some Test your might vids on YT and I was shocked that I actually did both of them!

Second was "You found me", definately my most nerve-wracking experience on MK9... So before I tried to get to classic Jade, I found a trophy guide which had "slightly" wrong conditions for getting to Jade...Therefore when I did beat Shang with double flawless and fatality, the ladder continued to Kintaro and I was like WTF!! @##$#@!
Enraged, I tried again, got like eight flawless victories and 7 fatalities on my way to Shang, murdered the old geezer with double flawless and fatality...and finally got to that...lady... :bs:

Seriously, I wasn't far from fataliting my controller

So what is your experience?
i think i speak for most players when i say "My Kung Fu Is Stronger" will be the hardest achievement to get... its the last achievement left until i get the 1000gs for this game. its going to be heaps time consuming, but in terms of DIFFICULTY, the only one that gave me trouble was Ladder Master. besides that, the rest were pretty easy (including online ones).
i think i speak for most players when i say "My Kung Fu Is Stronger" will be the hardest achievement to get... its the last achievement left until i get the 1000gs for this game. its going to be heaps time consuming, but in terms of DIFFICULTY, the only one that gave me trouble was Ladder Master. besides that, the rest were pretty easy (including online ones).

This thread is about achievements you already got, I doubt anyone here has "My kung fu is stronger" yet...
Besides the grindy as hell "My Kung Fu Is Stronger", the most frustrating achievement was "You found me". Like Shao above me, i had managed to get a couple of times double flawless on Shang, but i would end up fighting Kintaro. And there were also a few times, that i spammed Apollo's Bow more than needed, resulting in killing him before i have the chance to do a fatality.

Frustrating times, indeed.
The only trophy/achievement giving me a hard time is the "you found me". I cannot get a double flawless on Shang! I'd like to know which character your using to do this. Also what is the actual requirements for fighting her?
The only trophy/achievement giving me a hard time is the "you found me". I cannot get a double flawless on Shang! I'd like to know which character your using to do this. Also what is the actual requirements for fighting her?

I used Scorpion, the key point for my strategy is the beginning of the match. I jumped towards Shang and then teleported in air, then I hit him with 1,1,spear to land a 39% combo. After the combo do the spear again while he is getting up, repeat the air combo and then the whole process again. Worked on my third try. As for the conditions, I do not know them for sure, since I failed for the first time, but I recommend you to do fatalities on all of your opponents and tried to get as many flawless victories as you can before reaching Shang Tsung.
Good luck!
The one that is giving me the most trouble is one that I still don't have (and I refuse to do it with the life regeneration). I'm working on "Best...Alternate...Ever!". I'm actually beating Mileena most of the time now, but I just don't ever have enough life left to beat Shao Kahn.
I have every offline trophy, except for "My Kung Fu is Stronger", and i think the hardest trophy for me was "Ladder Master". Took me about 10 tries but i finally got it. Every other trophy was just time-consuming, but not really difficult.