Substitute Zero
New member
I created this thread because I was interested in hearing your thoughts on what you think is the greatest HBO show ever is (as we all know they have a great reputation of broadcasting top quality programmes).
-Game Of Thrones
-The Sopranos
-The Wire
-Curb Your Enthusiasm
-Boardwalk Empire
-Six Feet Under
-True Blood
-Other (please state)
I myself am undecided as I have not seen them all yet (so could you please avoid giving away spoilers) but I have to say the one I have enjoyed the most so far is Curb Your Enthusiasm. That show has me laughing so much my stomach hurts every time (funniest show ever for me) and I love how well the show is structured, Larry David is an absolute genious. I'm also enjoying Game Of Thrones which I am miles behind on and The Wire which I have also not finished yet.
-Game Of Thrones
-The Sopranos
-The Wire
-Curb Your Enthusiasm
-Boardwalk Empire
-Six Feet Under
-True Blood
-Other (please state)
I myself am undecided as I have not seen them all yet (so could you please avoid giving away spoilers) but I have to say the one I have enjoyed the most so far is Curb Your Enthusiasm. That show has me laughing so much my stomach hurts every time (funniest show ever for me) and I love how well the show is structured, Larry David is an absolute genious. I'm also enjoying Game Of Thrones which I am miles behind on and The Wire which I have also not finished yet.