Unused Mortal Kombat (2011) Concept Designs

Jason Shearer

Artists will often display their concept art on their websites after a game is completed as part of their résumé, which can offer a glimpse into an alternate version of the game, or feature stuff that was never put to use for various reasons. In the latest example, <B>Daanish Syed</B>, an artist at <a href="http://netherrealm.com">NetherRealm Studios</a>, has posted some unused concept designs from various Mortal Kombat projects <a href="http://daanishsyed.com">over on his website</a>. The posts appear to be a few months old, but too good not to share with the community.

One of the most interesting concepts comes from the <B>PlayStation Vita</B> port of <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9/">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a>, which demonstrates an impressive Interactive Main Menu using the touch-screen. Unfortunately, this didn't make the game, likely due to time constraints.

<center><!--<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/36314677?title=0&byline=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>-->

Here's an original proof of concept for <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9/">Mortal Kombat (2011)'s</a> <B>King of the Hill</B> mode, complete with MK trivia and a humorous cell phone warning from everyone's favorite ninja specter.

<center><!--<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/36317452?title=0&byline=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>-->

Last but not least, here's some avatar themes from a would-be Xbox 360 dashboard theme. While Xbox users got Mortal Kombat themed avatar costumes, no dashboard theme was ever offered. The theme sections appear to be styled after some of the arenas from the game.

<center><a href="http://www.trmk.org/images/mk9/mkunseen_xbox_theme_1.jpg"><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/mk9/mkunseen_xbox_theme_1_t.jpg" alt="Mortal Kombat Xbox Avatar Theme" class="newslink" /></a> <a href="http://www.trmk.org/images/mk9/mkunseen_xbox_theme_2.jpg"><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/mk9/mkunseen_xbox_theme_2_t.jpg" alt="Mortal Kombat Xbox Avatar Theme" class="newslink" /></a><br/><a href="http://www.trmk.org/images/mk9/mkunseen_xbox_theme_3.jpg"><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/mk9/mkunseen_xbox_theme_3_t.jpg" alt="Mortal Kombat Xbox Avatar Theme" class="newslink"/></a></center>

Other concepts he has posted include some <a href="http://daanishsyed.tumblr.com/post/17182983421/mortal-kombat-legacy-2011-title-sequence">title sequences for Mortal Kombat Legacy</a>, the <B>Test Your Slice</B> title animation for <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9/">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a> on the <B>PlayStation Vita</B>, and a variant of the <a href="http://daanishsyed.tumblr.com/post/17118209269/arkham-city-lockdown-2011-logo-animation-for"> NetherRealm Studios logo animation</a> used on Arkham City Lockdown.
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These are some pretty cool concepts.
It's a shame that the MK trivia didn't make it into KOTH.
It would have been a nice little 20 year nod to the MK franchise. :)
aw man, doing mk trivia in between koth matches would have been awesome. maybe next game they'll have time to incorporate that.
What a shame the Vita menu didn't make it. It would've been much better than the regular menu... giving the Vita version a personality of its own. Hope they add it later or something, but that's just wishful thinking.
Jason Shearer said:

If this had happened I would have definitely used it as my dashboard back when I had a 360.

great find
MK Trivia really would've been a treat.
And judging from the KOTH video, a replay theater is another missing concept that would've been a great feature in MK9. I like how you may have had the ability rotate the camera. I would watch MK replays all day, if it were included.

Awesome post. I hope most of these concepts make it into future MK titles.
MK Trivia really would've been a treat.
And judging from the KOTH video, a replay theater is another missing concept that would've been a great feature in MK9. I like how you may have had the ability rotate the camera. I would watch MK replays all day, if it were included.

Awesome post. I hope most of these concepts make it into future MK titles.

Where do you see replay functionality with the ability to rotate? I want to see that!