Trophies/Achievements You Wish Did And Did Not Exist


New member
What Trophies/Achievements would you have liked to see (and see removed) from Mortal Kombat 2011? Would it be Bronze, Silver, or Gold?

Personally I would've liked to see a Bronze Trophy given when you encounter The Screamer in The Krypt. The name would be "Holler Back" XD

Yeah cool and you'd have to push select as soon as you see it. I wish they would remove the My Kung Fu Is Stronger trophy because I cannot fathom the idea of trying to master Sheeva or Sindel...
Did Not Exist: My Kung Fu is Stronger, only a cheater or a weirdo with no life can get it lol
Did Exist: The Screamer Finding trophy like 13th said.

I dont even master one char yet :P I need 10 hours more to master SZ as my first char.
Did Not Exist: My Kung Fu is Stronger, only a cheater or a weirdo with no life can get it lol
Did Exist: The Screamer Finding trophy like 13th said.

I dont even master one char yet :P I need 10 hours more to master SZ as my first char.

Same here dudes. It's gonna take me a while with that one. I have even "mastered" my main (Smoke) yet! -_-
Did not exist: My Kung Fu is stronger.

Wish they did exist:

-Unlock secret character #3 Rain *silver
-Defeat secret Noob/Reptile/Smoke/Jade to unlock their classic costumes(on the disk already so why not?) *silver
-Unlock classic Scorpion/Sub Zero/Kitana by beating the challenge tower(same as above) *Gold
I don't mind any of the current trophy requirements. Even though "my Kung Fu is stronger" is a crazy trophy/achievement- it's soooooo MK. However.... I wish we could have seen the return of combo challenge trophies for each character(bronze) like in MK vs DC. And maybe a trophy for performing all the stage fatalities with all characters(bronze). Off topic but... I miss free fall combat! They could have done something with that trophy wise. Imagine a free fall combat x ray! Nice thread/good topic.
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