TRMK 'How To' Thread


Well-known member
Hi peeps!

Just a quick 'how to' thread for you all. Feel free to ask about anything I have missed and I will add it.


There is already a thread for this so have a look!


Adding a sig is very easy =)

The most popular hosting site to use is It is FREE to use, you just have to sign up.

1. Get a picture you want to use as your sig from yahoo, google, etc. (save it to your computer)

2. Log into your photobucket account.

3. Upload the picture.


4. Make sure the picture is resized to fit the forum max (500 x 200). You have to click 'edit' on your picture in photobucket and you have the option to resize. If you click the arrow that is next to edit, resize will be right in that list. If you click right on the word EDIT, it will show up on the next screen.

Edit Button:


5. There will be a URL either under or beside your picture in photobucket (very bottom link). Copy that URL (photobucket allows you to just simply click on it and it will say 'copied')

If you are on the home page with all your pics, it will be here:

If you click on your picture, it will be here:

6. Go into your TRMK settings (top right of the page, between 'My Profile' and 'Log Out'):


Scroll down the left side to 'Edit Signature':


Then, simply paste your URL (right click your mouse, paste), save it (save is located right under the sig box) and you have your sig =)


You wont have to add in the IMG tags because the photobucket link you copy and paste already has it. If you are simply taking a picture from google/yahoo/etc., you will NOT have to get a host (just make sure the picture is no more than 500 x 200), you will just copy the url of the picture and you WILL have to add the IMG tags for the picture to work.


Copy the link in your browser:

Then, go to your signature settings, add [IMG*][/IMG*] (but take out the *, I just have to add it so you can see the tags), and paste that URL between the tags, save, and you have your sig.


1. You may use photobucket (or another hosting site) for your picture, the URL from the picture from google/yahoo/etc., OR upload a picture that is already saved on your computer.

2. Go to your settings (located at top right of your screen between My Profile and Log Out) and click 'Edit Avatar' from your settings list on the left.


3. Make sure you click on CUSTOM AVATAR. The first line is for you to post the URL of the picture you want to use, from either a host site (ie. Photobucket) or the URL of the picture directly from the site you found it on.

The second line is for you to upload a picture that you have SAVED on your computer. Simply click CHOOSE FILE, find the picture you want to use, click the picture (usually double click), and then SAVE. Your avatar will then be uploaded.


If you just want to post a picture (for example, in the Post your Picture thread), you can follow the same steps as how to add a sig (though obviously skip the parts about going to your sig settings) and just copy and paste the photobucket URL in your post or the url from the page on google/yahoo/etc. between the IMG tags. You will not have to resize a picture that isn't your sig, as there is no size limit for random pictures posted, and TRMK will resize them to a reasonable size, anyways, so, even if your picture is gigantic, you still do not have to worry about resizing, as TRMK will do it automatically for you.


There are 2 ways. First way:

1. Go to youtube.

2. Search for the video you want to post.

3. Copy the following part of the video link:


This comes after the v= part. Some links are longer than that so just get the small code after the = sign and there is usually an & after that small code so don't worry about that, just copy from the first letter after the = sign to the letter before the &.

4. In your post, put the youtube tags: [youtube*][/youtube*] (again, take out the *s)

5. Paste that code between the tags and you get this:

Second way:

1. Go to youtube.

2. Copy the ENTIRE URL of the video.

3. Click the video icon in your post (it looks like a reel of film) and you will get a pop up in which you paste your link:


4. Click 'ok' and post.

How Do I Make a Poll?



2. Add your thread title and your post.


3. Scroll down to POST A POLL, click the box so the check mark appears, and add how many poll choices you want (maximum is 10):




5. You will then get a message that you will be taken to your poll. This is where you add your choices:


- # of poll options is how many choices you want to have people choose from.
- Options will be the number of choices you choose (again, max is 10)
-Poll Timeout just means how long do you want the poll to stay open. If you want it to stay open forever, leave this box BLANK. I put 3 in my example so in 3 days at the exact time I posted the poll, it will close (example: I post the poll at 6:30pm on Sunday, it will close Wednesday at 6:30pm)
-You may choose to have the choices multiple choice and/or public. Just click on what you want. Leave the bottom option, it will already be checked. If you do not check multiple choice or public, it will not be whatever you chose not to check mark.

Finally, click SUBMIT NEW POLL and your poll will be posted =)

To the rest of the members, when someone is working on a poll, it will post the thread before the poll part of the thread is done so give the person making the poll a moment or two to add the poll options and they will show up for you.

How Do I Use the Search Button?

Take a look at this thread!

How Do I Use Spoiler Tags?

Very simple =)

Just like how you insert a picture, just use [spoiler*][/spoiler*], but take out the *s, and copy and paste your spoiler between the tags. It will look like this after:

I smell awesome

Any questions, please ask, and if you want a 'how to' on anything else, let me know. These are the most common questions I get.

How Do I Do 'Cryptic Linking'?

(courtesy of DCR =) )

[ url=http://whatever.dumb/bullshit ]Hey, look here, it's some stupid bullshit thing you should click![ /url ]

Take out the spaces and voila:

Hey, look here, it's some stupid bullshit thing you should click!

*waits for someone to click on that link despite knowing it's not a real URL*

How Do I Use Strike Tags?

(courtesy of Eks =) )

Something that might not have a very common use, but the strike tabs can be fun:
[s ]Strike this part out.[/ s] becomes Strike this part out. when you don't use any spaces within the brackets.
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as you have experienced already Jade. Some people don't know how to look for the pixelxpixel on their program.

Paint is common I dunno what other programs people use these days, manga studio 4 or so.

but pointing out where people can find the pixelxpixel on popular programs might help.

*cough exemery's GIANT SONYA SIG*
as you have experienced already Jade. Some people don't know how to look for the pixelxpixel on their program.

Paint is common I dunno what other programs people use these days, manga studio 4 or so.

but pointing out where people can find the pixelxpixel on popular programs might help.

*cough exemery's GIANT SONYA SIG*

Thanks, going to add that when I get home from work.
What about adding an avatar and just posting a picture, instead of just a sig?
You know, for the people that don't know how ;)
Took me forever to find out how to post a picture :laugh:
Also, tiny pic hosts for free too; and you can re-size there, as well.
What about adding an avatar and just posting a picture, instead of just a sig?
You know, for the people that don't know how ;)
Took me forever to find out how to post a picture :laugh:
Also, tiny pic hosts for free too; and you can re-size there, as well.

I already had the avatar tutorial pop in my head but wasn't sure if people needed it but I will add it since you mentioned it and I included how to add a pic at the end of the sig 'how to' but was thinking of doing it seperate so I will do that as well when I get home.

Great stuff, peeps, keep 'em coming =)
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For Youtube videos you can copy the whole link, click the video button on the quick post bar, and then just paste the link there. Much easier. You can do the same with images.

Copy link, click the button showing a picture, and paste the link in there.
^ Yep, most people don't know what that is for so I went for the common one, but I will add that as well to that section.

Gonna update this soon so thanks again to everyone for your input!

EDIT: Updated, will work on the MSPaint resize part tomorrow.
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Thanks for the suggestion, gonna do it now =)

Check the first post for an edit in the next few minutes.
How to use cryptic links. I think I worded it wrong but for example, in Shira's thread it says "The Golden Ken Masters" once you click on it its a link to video or some other webpage. That should be included for Yungins who don't know how to do it :D
How to use cryptic links. I think I worded it wrong but for example, in Shira's thread it says "The Golden Ken Masters" once you click on it its a link to video or some other webpage. That should be included for Yungins who don't know how to do it :D

[ url=http://whatever.dumb/bullshit ]Hey, look here, it's some stupid bullshit thing you should click![ /url ]

Take out the spaces and voila:

Hey, look here, it's some stupid bullshit thing you should click!

*waits for someone to click on that link despite knowing it's not a real URL*
How did DCR get around the censor tag with bullshit? Or is it no longer censored? :o

Something that might not have a very common use, but the strike tabs can be fun:
[s ]Strike this part out.[/ s] becomes Strike this part out. when you don't use any spaces within the brackets.
How did DCR get around the censor tag with bullshit? Or is it no longer censored? :o

Something that might not have a very common use, but the strike tabs can be fun:
[s ]Strike this part out.[/ s] becomes Strike this part out. when you don't use any spaces within the brackets.

Shit was never censored, lol.

Thanks, guys, going to add these to the OP later, just in the middle of some Arkham City right now <3
Now that I think about it, a link to the BBCode guide on the site would save the time and effort of writing up a bunch of individual guides on how to use that stuff. For some reason it's pretty much impossible to find through traditional means (I had to dig for a post I remembered making a couple years ago that had the link in it).

I'll let Jade edit that in so I don't screw up her nifty formatting.

Shit was never censored, lol.

The preferred answer would have been "super moderators can do and say whatever the hell they please." :(