Metal Overlord
Well-known member
This is a prequel to the previous Li Mei fanfic I wrote detailing the struggles of Fei Yen's life and the significant moments in her life. Hope you all enjoy it!
Some music to enhance the mood
Prologue: The Story of Fei Yen's Origins
Some music to enhance the mood
Prologue: The Story of Fei Yen's Origins
During the heyday of Onaga's empire, a secret society of holy priests had existed for millions of years to combat the dominance of The Dragon King and his holy men. These priests had immense spiritual power that rivaled that of deities; as a result of the sheer power, once they mastered their abilities, they became immortal and stopped aging. Unfortunately, one of Onaga's most trusted advisors, Shao Kahn, had found about out the existence and location of these priests, and informed his master about them. Onaga sent Shao Kahn and his army to ambush and slay the unsuspecting priests, with only one of them remaining. The priest had fought valiantly against them, but was overwhelmed by the sheer number of soldiers that were present there, and died on the battlefield. The fact that Shao Kahn was able to quickly take out one of the empire's biggest threats elated him, and spawned a lust for power that soon resulted in major events to come in the distant future, such as the assassination of the Dragon King and the new rule of Shao Kahn.
The male priest had left behind a wife and a child before he died. The child, Fei Yen, was a direct descendant of these priests, and unknowingly inherited their powers. Before Fei Yen could even grow to be an adolescent, her mother had died of sickness, leaving Fei Yen by herself at a very young age. She became a pickpocket in order to support herself, stealing food from various Outworlders and other items to forge makeshift weapons, which she used to defend herself during her years of adolescence. Her pickpocketing days had come to a brutal end however when she was caught pickpocketing the sword of an enforcer of Onaga's rule patrolling the area at the time. The man had kidnapped her, and when she tried to fight back and escape from him, she was beaten by him to the brink of death. The man had left her body for dead in the sunlight while taking back his sword. The smell of her blood attracted a few nearby carnivorous Outworld canines, who were preparing to feast upon her body. Fei Yen, tired of living alone and struggling to defend herself daily, smiled and closed her eyes, and never looked back...
One day, Fei Yen woke to find herself in someone else's care, with a young boy slightly younger than her and another older man at her side. She noticed that all of her wounds had been completely healed. Confused and scared, she suddenly jumped up and asked the two who they were, where she was. As they motioned towards her in order to comfort her, she warned them to stay back, not trusting the two of them. She asserted that she was supposed to be dead right now. The boy came towards her and embraced her tightly; she tried to escape her grip but found herself soothed by the warmth of the boy's body, and shared the embrace with him. The boy ensured her not to worry, and that they were not going to hurt or take advantage of her. As they let go of each other, the boy introduced his name as Han, told her that the man with him was his father, Hong-Li, and told her that she was in the village of Sun Do. He explained to her that while traveling back home with his father, he noticed the Outworld beasts near Fei Yen's body, and rushed over there to scare them away from her. They carried her back home and tended to her wounds, but Han pointed out that surprisingly, all of her wounds had healed not only completely, but very quickly on their own. It hadn't even been a full day yet when she healed!
Surprised by everything she had heard, she was extremely grateful, but she told them that she was going to leave. When the boy tried to stop her from leaving, she reasoned that she has to leave for their sake because she is a criminal who was attacked because she tried to steal from them, and that housing and caring for the enemy the way they did for Fei Yen could result in them getting in trouble with the empire if discovered. Hong-li then spoke, telling her that as a martial arts mentor, he could at least teach her to defend herself better from the Outworld menace before leaving. The boy agreed, eager to see Fei Yen stay. It took some time, but she then smiled, finally giving in and deciding to stay with them for a while.
Over the years, under the guidance of Hong-Li, she had transformed into a very powerful warrior, tapped into her hidden spiritual powers and learned about the history of Outworld, including the existence of the-then secret race of warrior priests slayed by Shao Kahn that Fei Yen was a descendant of. Hong-Li revealed to her that he himself is a distant descendant of these priests, proving it by giving her a powerful holy sword named the Kunlun Dao to slay her foes with. When she had reached the age equivalent to 25 in Outworld years, she fully mastered her abilities, and had stopped aging then. Realizing this, she decided to use her newfound powers and combat abilities to continue the legacy of the extinct warrior priests.
In the meantime, she and Han had fallen in love with each other and had a son together named Cheng. Around the time Cheng had grown out of his early childhood, Shao Kahn had taken the realm of Outworld from his master Onaga. He had planned to use the Dragon King's army to conquer the neighboring small realms and merge Outworld, when the estranged former ruler of the Netherrealm, Lucifer, invaded the realm by surprise and sprung his attack. Lucifer had planned to return for power ever since Shinnok overthrew his rule in the hellish realm, and was going to start by teaming up with the forces of chaos from Chaosrealm conquering Outworld. The weaker Shao Kahn was unprepared for this new threat, having just taken control of Outworld, and was overwhelmed (the Dragon King's army had also been killed as a result when Shao Kahn sent them to defeat the enemy). Before Lucifer could set his eyes on killing Shao Kahn, however, Fei Yen intervened. She had left Sun Do to fight off the invasion force and test her abilities. Lucifer sent the forces of chaos to kill her, but Fei Yen easily slayed them all. The two then did battle, Fei Yen becoming the victor. To finish him off, she planted the Kunlun Dao within Lucifer's heart, resulting in his body disintergrating.
She then returned back home to discover Hong-Li dead and Han mortally wounded. Some of the Chaosrealm invaders had strayed off to terrorize the Outworld citizens, including the villagers of Sun Do. Hong-Li and Han successfully held them off, protecting the citizens, but they were severely wounded in the process. Fei Yen tearfully rushed to his side in an effort to heal his wounds. It was too late however as he was already two steps away from death's door. Han could only struggle to tell Fei Yen about the first time he saw her, and how he was amazed by the pleasant smile painted on her face. This was what ultimately led him to urge her to stay with him so many years ago, unbeknownst to Fei Yen. He did not regret a moment of the time spent with Fei Yen since then, and urges her to look after and protect their son Cheng before passing away. Fei Yen, sobbing, bid him a final farewell.
Fei Yen now works for Shao Kahn as his top enforcer and right-hand woman. As she vividly remembers, Shao Kahn kidnapped her son immediately afterwards and forced her to join him in his quest for dominance. The guilt that she felt for siding with the enemy increasingly eats away at Fei Yen's conscience, as well as her ultimate desire to reunite with her son, who had been separated from her and imprisoned in a location deliberately kept secret from her. During this time, Kahn had conquered several small realms and was now about to conquer Edenia as the 10th Edenian Mortal Kombat tournament was about to take place. Fei Yen, having been fed up with serving him and anxious to see her son again, had then attacked and forced a couple of Shao Kahn's minions to reveal the whereabouts of her son Cheng, threatening to kill them if they didn't. They then revealed that her son was imprisoned and in chains deep with Kahn's many dungeons. Fei Yen then immediately runs off to the dungeons, wanting to hurry and escape with her son to Edenia before Shao Kahn found out about her betrayal...
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