the ONLY thing i hate about MK9


New member
Just in the krypt now and out of nowhere, this f*ckin goblin thing just popped up infront of the screen and made a loud shreiking noise.. happened twice in 5 mins
just happened now, still shaking lol

goddamn it, now i'm gonna be ultra paranoid whenever i go to buy stuff..
man they should at least have a way to turn that off or at least give out a warning to people with heart conditions or something... i can't stand those things!
man they should at least have a way to turn that off or at least give out a warning to people with heart conditions or something... i can't stand those things!

You have a warning, read the small letters in the back of your game box.
That thing popped up around midnight after watching a horror movie. I was paranoid the rest of the day
Only happened to me once, and it didn't jump from it. Mainly because I wasn't exactly paying attention to the screen.

Anyway, if you're scared:

1. Press Triangle/Y, Press X/A, and open the Krypt it lands on. Repeat until entire Krypt is unlocked.

It's sort of faster this way AND I didn't run in to any Goblins. I started using that method after about only 10% unlocked (I only went for the costumes to begin with).
I got used with the SOB .... in fact, everytime I open every new casket or tombstone in Krypt, I already expect this mother****er to pop up in the screen, hehe .....
1. Press Triangle/Y, Press X/A, and open the Krypt it lands on. Repeat until entire Krypt is unlocked.

It's sort of faster this way AND I didn't run in to any Goblins. I started using that method after about only 10% unlocked (I only went for the costumes to begin with).

I do this all the time so that I don't have to navigate around the whole Krypt, wondering what I did and didn't open.
i love the Goblin hqhq
I knew he was there but he didnt appear for like 2 hours when I left the krypt on while I was doing something on PC.
Then he appeard out of nowhere like 6 times scaring me when I was unlocking stuff XD (not really scaring but u jump a bit when he appears)
The only time I ran into this little guy was when I was looking at an online guide to for the Krypt and it didn't scare me, never seen him since.
A friend of mine has his little brother, nieces, and little cousins open up his krypt.. its extremely entertaining
Are you serious? That's the best part of the Krypt.

The worst thing, BY FAR, is that you cannot skip, pause or exit the cut-scenes in Story Mode. I accidentally clicked on Story Mode and it was easier to go back to the dashboard than wait for the into scene. :rolleyes:
man they should at least have a way to turn that off or at least give out a warning to people with heart conditions or something... i can't stand those things!

ok NUMBER 1 they have a warning...if u listen close you hear footsteps and chuckling...then WAHBLAMO...NUMBER poped up ffor the 1st time after opening someones had a baby baraka LOL