The most messed up, wrong KAK I've seen online! : O


New member
I know, pretty messed up....I actually chuckled at the fact that how demented people are to create characters like that online....

I didn't tape the match unfortunately but the guy at one point posted on MKO within the past month or so I saw this and since this is the KAK forum figured I'd post it to hear your thoughts, he had kreated a KKK guy hoody and all. He did a good job as far as accuracy have to admit but obviously that's messed up.

He was all white, hoody, robes etc....

His GT name was WhiteKnight
His Kharacter name was KKKForeva
His First style (and I swear he got away with this how I don't know) was N1GGAK1LA
His Weapon Style was WHITE POWER
And his winning line was HAIL KKK or some shit I can't remember exactly...but along the lines of that, I beat him up pretty badly but then he left. I was actually so shocked at the fact that how racist this dude was :-o

This was on Xbox live btw, some other players had reported him and complained from other sites I browse.

I did however manage (before it was removed by mods of the site) he posted on MKO his "userbox" avy and sig. I saw it and taped it with my little recorder to prove to my other friends who this guy was....the guy is obviously some extremist against everyone supporting or claiming to be KKK. BTW, if you guys want to see the pic that I managed to tape proving how racist this guy is I have to upload it onto my PC from my USB cam recorder and post the pic....

Isn't that messed up? I've seen some funny, weird or gay flat out KAK's but this one tops em all in terms of "shock factor"
I was actually so shocked at the fact that how racist this dude was :-o

This was on Xbox live btw,

That just about sums it up.
XBox Live is populated by some of the most racist, homophobic 10 year-olds I've ever met. Hence why I'm not in any hurry to renew my Gold account. I made a thread a while ago about a Saints Row clan of racists, and my thread got deleted, so lets see how this goes. More people need to speak out about racism in online gaming, or any kind of prejudice for that matter. My best friend is a girl gamer and she gets laughed at and jeered so hard every time she tries to play Perfect Dark Zero or TF2 that she just flat out doesn't want to anymore.

Speaking of which, we share an internet connection. Can she sign up here even though it's the same IP?
I don't know ^ about your last part, I mean you can do that(it is possible) but as far as this site's rules are concerned I don't know. MKO for example is very anal about it and against say you have a brother and a sister wanting to post, that site wouldn't allow it. Why I don't know but other sites I've been to or browsed allows it so far as I know.

Maybe is says in the rules of this site? Your best shot would probably to IM a mod : )

But yeah, as for the topic you're right there's tons of psychos out there, in fact these losers that are obsessed with me quoted this site in a retarded vid they made so I have to speak to a mod about something concerning copyright and not to mention they broke youtubes privacy and copyright rules....asswipes they are. I think I told you about that though when I thought you were a mod lol. : P so yeah..some crazy, psychotic people out there.
Why does everyone have a problem with my KAF?

Just kidding.

There are a lot of stupid people on XBL. It gets really annoying.
some things will never change........ I know that there are things in the constitutions, amendments,and whatever that allows things such as freedom of speech and expression and blah blah blah... but there should be a limitation as to how far a person can go even if it contradicts certain freedoms.
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Speaking of which, we share an internet connection. Can she sign up here even though it's the same IP?

That should be fine, as long as it's not actually you using two different accounts. You could double-check with Pat or Jeff if you want, but I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I think it depends a lot on what intention the creator had. If he's poking fun at the KKK, saying they look like video game characters, or something of that nature, then I think it's fine. Freedom of speech and all that. I personally don't like potatoes. But the vast majority of people do and some take offense to me not liking potatoes. If we didn't have free speech I couldn't say I don't like potatoes and I'd be eating potatoes right now and hating them.

You have to put up with the guys with outrageous views so I can continue not eating potatoes. Don't you see?
Still, not liking potatoes isn't exactly expressing a desire for genocide. If I was to poke fun at the KKK I'd make the character black, dressed in black robes or something. Having a fighting style called N1GGAK1LA isn't exactly light hearted sattire.
Yea I know. But we put people in jail for doing bad things, not thinking them. At least I hope we do...or else I'd be in some trouble. It's a deep philosophical concept and I think a discussion of the matter would be lost on a small forum of MK fans.
@SWAT, yeah my friend when I showed him the KAK and post I was referring to he was laughing his ass off in disbelief and shock more then anything.

I think it depends a lot on what intention the creator had. If he's poking fun at the KKK, saying they look like video game characters, or something of that nature, then I think it's fine. Freedom of speech and all that. I personally don't like potatoes. But the vast majority of people do and some take offense to me not liking potatoes. If we didn't have free speech I couldn't say I don't like potatoes and I'd be eating potatoes right now and hating them.

You have to put up with the guys with outrageous views so I can continue not eating potatoes. Don't you see?

Ohh this dude was definitely NOT poking fun at the KKK like Goraka said, "style named N1GGAK1LA I'd say is pretty much a prime example of relentless hatred if you ask me.

I do like Goraka's Idea though mocking the KKK KAK with a black one, there is another radical group I believe called "Black Panthers" who hate white people.....also a pretty messed up clan.
Well there is always the option that he's a troll. You know, somebody who purposefully does what most people would react to in a negative manner just to prove he can...or b/c he thinks it's fun somehow. And if that was indeed his intention then he's completely accomplished his goal here.

I try whenever I can to not be offended at pretty much anything. It's like a bully, you have to find out WHY he's doing it then deprive him of whatever pleasure you're giving him. No reaction = no more behavior of that nature...of course then he might go on to do something else outrageous.
I think the official stance from Microsoft is that you should report any player that appears to be causing trouble, including being offensive. You can use the Xbox Live interface itself to report abuse, and they'll look into it. For something like this, I would definitely say it's worth reporting.
People like that don't generally offend me, it's the actual existance of them that... well, it worries me.
It's such a basic and neanderthal way of thinking, I find it hard accepting that someone would actually think that way.
I've reported feedback with people that have cursed tons, acted like asswipes or said racist things....I gotta tell ya it's utterly useless. The only way something will be done about people like this is if MASS amounts of people complain, otherwise M$ is making money what do they care...

Speaking from experience since I play a few competitively played Xbox games online such as Burnout games, Halo and MK games....I've reported "modders or cheaters" yet I still see the same names online here and there....well the modders are taken care of because of M$ detection system but cheaters or pullers? Another story...and are a lot more difficult to get banned...
Then why did they give the banhammer to Richard Gaywood? His gamertag RichardGaywood was reported for being "offensive" and M$ forced him to change it because even though it was his ACTUAL NAME it could be "misconstrued". How can a name be misconstrued unless the person viewing already knew and understood the alternative meaning behind the word "gay" or the inuendo with "gay wood" or "dick" being short for Richard? The M$ representative said "what if a child saw that and his mother had to explain it?" Well unless the child already KNEW what it meant, then there wouldn't have to be explaining now would there?

Oh my...I got off on a rant.
An obvious, stupid GT name like that will attract TONS of attention...but I'm speaking any joe-blow with a normal name that says racist things, makes racist characters or pull(that means if you're in an online match, they set their stuff for stand by cause delay and disconnect, thus avoiding loses, thus is cheating.....

Those are the people that aren't banned but should be, the guy you refer to was just asking to get banned since day one with a name like that. That's like making a name called "N1GG3R K1LLA" you'll get banned or be forced to alter your name for sure....but they should also focus on cheaters as well, which they tend to ignore I've noticed.
Dude, did you not get that his name actually IS Richard Gaywood? As in his GIVEN NAME. He didn't "make" his name anything.

What I was trying to say in a roundabout way is that people like Dick here shouldn't be picked on when there are so many unruly f*ckers out there that deserve a repremand, suspension of service, or SOMETHING detrimental that will make them not be dicks in the future. And no, I don't mean to stop people from ACTUALLY being a Dick. Like Dick Gaywood...haha...god who names their kid that?
I got it dude lol, that's my whole point on why he got have to be DUMB to make names like that lol