The Importance of Being Nice on this Forum

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J. Valjean

Greetings, forum dwellers.

I am a long time member of TRMK (around 3-4 years now) and have noticed some disregard for decency expressed on this forum. It is imperative that we maintain basic human respect for one another while posting as it reflects on how this forum is run, the nature of video gamers, and also reflects on who you are as a person. The latter reason can be illustrated as follows. For example, everyone here knows how much of a douchebag Back,Back,Back,Low Punch is. It isn't uncommon for him to post some off-vibed sarcastic or nasty remark to other posters here in light of their statements, though this usually fades with time and how much he gets to know the other person. Perhaps it is his rough, horrific upbringing in the ghetto which instills in him this deep distrust and fear of others that leads to him being nasty to people at first, but this type of behavior defines who he is as a person, and people say "Oh, there's BBBLP again, that grumpy old sack" whenever he delivers one of his fantastic and insightful comments. People, it says much about self-respect when one of us starts acting like him and making this forum a dreadful place for others. So please bear in mind that it is of utmost importance to be mindful of each other's human rights to post and be respected on this forum. Thank you.

What's your excuse?

First response, I'm guessing Mr. LP either does a search for his username whenever he logs in or has a cadre of e-henchmen informing him of each post with his name that appears on this forum. He is on it like white on rice. Since the latter theory is unlikely, the former probably applies. This is highly indicative of internet obsession, which indicates that Mr. LP not only is problematic, but is mentally unstable as well, perhaps afflicted with Borderline Personality Disorder.
You're overanalyzing everything.
I know you, the uptight kind. Hard working go-getter that feeds his ego with goal after goal but never satisfying the hunger. A hunger that no promotion, no raise, no trophy wife can quell. The hunger, for the almighty black gangster dick. You know it isn't right, you were raised with the idea that such desire was tabboo. But what does anyone know, right?

You can't have it through conventional means, no, that puts everything meaningless thing you've worked for at risk. So you poke and you prod at urban gods who ooze alpha. Trying to get a reaction out of them, a spark, a scare. Anything to get your blood pumping. In more ways than one.

You do not have to lie to kick it, Craig. Accept your shadow and we can escape the other world together.
You're overanalyzing everything.
I know you, the uptight kind. Hard working go-getter that feeds his ego with goal after goal but never satisfying the hunger. A hunger that no promotion, no raise, no trophy wife can quell. The hunger, for the almighty black gangster dick. You know it isn't right, you were raised with the idea that such desire was tabboo. But what does anyone know, right?

You can't have it through conventional means, no, that puts everything meaningless thing you've worked for at risk. So you poke and you prod at urban gods who ooze alpha. Trying to get a reaction out of them, a spark, a scare. Anything to get your blood pumping. In more ways than one.

You do not have to lie to kick it, Craig. Accept your shadow and we can escape the other world together.

In search for a means to desperately repair his online image, LP the diagnoses egomaniac types a multiparagraphed response, explaining himself and launching an accusatory tirade against his presumed nemesis, Craig. This presumed for must have injured his narcissistic bubble do much that the emotional scars of butthurt still resonate. A truly exemplary instance of the douchebaggery that we, as a forum, must avoid if we seek to transcend.
Keep it down, kids. Warning Jean and BBBLP not to instigate any more fighting. Any problem with that, send it to the mods via PM, we'll act accoringly.

Minor side note: wrong thread to place this, anyway. :-P
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