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Dark has become Outworld, darker than predicted by the Emperor and his shadow priests so long ago. Their magic is no longer enough to hold the realm together, as famine and poverty give rise to voices unheard before. Nobody dares question the Emperor's rule freely, but behind closed doors, gatherings are taking place...freedom fighters meet clandestinely, some dare speak the unspeakable...what if? The God-Emperor sits in his palace, unseen for many years. Is he still alive? many wonder. But their wonder doesn't last. Of course he is alive. He is the One True God, Slayer of the Elders, Bringer of Truth. Ever since the conquering of Edenia, 6.000 years ago, Shao Kahn has been the God-Emperor, worshiped throughout the known realms. His holy texts have been written by scribes in all tongues known and preached beyond the borders of the Empire. An affront to the Elder Gods, but they not dare question him. Not since he slayed one of their own 6.000 years ago and they had to make a truce. The realms have been his domain ever since. All men trapped within them until their death. He has forged Outworld and Edenia into his own image. He has vowed to make them godlike in nature, with eternal life for their inhabitants and the richest crops to feed his people in the Universe, rivaling the Heavens themselves. All the forbidden fruits and all the joys were promised to his people under one condition: to accept his religion and bow to the strongest. The Kahn Codex says that only the most powerful may rule. And the Codex has given birth to monsters. Killings and rapes are common throughout the Empire. The powerful take what is due to them. But there always come one more powerful. Land owners are tyrants, having their subjects work tirelessly for their own benefit, taking wives as they please. But above them, Magisters (rulers of greater areas) make the law as they see fit, imposing punishments as cruel as one can imagine and getting richer and richer. Even more powerful, the Legionaires (powerful warrior demons gathered from all over the Universe) make up the elite of the Empire's Armada and travel throughout the Empire imposing Kahn's will. And his will is that of suffering of the weak, of their oppression until acceptance of their own evil nature. One cannot strive into this world unless he gives up any moral values, unless he becomes a beast, like the masters. Traveling throughout Outworld, the Legionaires kill at will and rape even the wives of Magisters, who are unable to stop them. Above the hordes of tarkata and demons are the Generals, Supreme Leaders of the Army, commanding battalions of the conquered worlds in the name of their deity, the Kahn. Among them, the Edenian legend Jade of the Morning Empire, the greatest warrior woman the world had ever seen, ruling with an iron fist over the undefeatable Edenian squadrons of the old world. Under her watch, Legionaires don't even dare step foot into Edenia, the last place where order and kindness are still respected within the Empire. And above the Generals is the Pantheon of Gods, named by the God-Emperor himself:
Kitana, his daughter and Goddess of Edenia and Beauty, most beautiful woman to ever walk the realms, but at the same time, deadly warrior, loved dearly by the Kahn despite her objections to his rule. She alone dares oppose the Emperor in strategic and governing decisions;
Baraka, the blessed tarkata, most loyal subject of Shao Kahn and God of the Tarkata and War, ancestral wielder of the Silat blades, the most sacred relic of the tarkata race. They alone have the power to strike down 100 opponents in battle from one sling;
Ermac, God of Death and Magic, the mysterious warlord in Kahn's Empire forged by the Emperor himself who goes wherever needed fixing things in the name of the Emperor, never failing at what he does;
Gorbak, God of the Shokans and Ruler of Kuatan, the richest region in Outworld. He has been promoted to godlike status by the Emperor after proving his loyalty and tactical knowledge in battles. He had before been King of the shokan;
Motaro, God of the Beasts and Rape, vicious centaur known for crimes against humanity and carnal sacrificial ceremonies;
Rain, God of Edenia and Deceit, always covering his face though those who have seen it have say he is the most beautiful man who ever existed and his mere sight makes one, be it man or woman, fall in love and do anything for him. Though not physically intimidating, the God Rain is known to always win through cunningness and lies, using his power over the sacred element of water.
Reiko, God of Pain and Damnation and Commander of the Combined Empire Armada, as well as Leader of the shadow priest, he alone knows ancient mysteries of the Universe and the Underworld. When Shao Kahn loses too many warriors, God Reiko is powerful enough to lead offensives into the realm of the dead (the Netherrealm) to bring them back;
Nitara, Goddess of Vaeternus and Lust, she commands legions of hungry vampires ready to do what their Goddess commands. She is known to breed with strong males and then eviscerate them after they have served their purpose;
Tanya, Goddess of Black Arts and Fantasies, she toys with the minds of mortals entering their dreams and showing them images of desired outcomes, making them act according to her goals, usually leading to their own demise or insanity;
Sheeva, Goddess of Deformity and the Shokan, completely obedient to the Emperor and savage in nature;
Quan Chi, awarded his status by the God-Emperor as a tribute, Quan Chi is the God of Hell and Death, not really part of the Council of Gods of the Empire. He travels the realms but is the God of the Netherrealm, the realm of the dead, the one place where the most evil souls go to when they are killed to suffer endless torture.
As the God-Emperor has forged the realms, they seem to be themselves a part of the Netherrealm. Many have tried to kill the Gods of the Pantheon, thinking themselves worthy of taking their positions, but they have all failed. After the Edenian Conquest, 6.000 years ago, many have even tried to assassinate the Emperor. Needless to say, he cannot be killed. Their fates are best left unsaid...tortured for years in the deepest dungeons until they forgot their own names and who they were and became nothing more than blood thirsty animals, like the God-Emperor himself. This is what he wanted to create all along: a society where everyone has to fight for what they want, where everyone discovers the inner beasts inside them, just like he did. The Codex speaks about everyone being evil at heart, even if some men are hypocrite and don't admit it. When faced with the atrocities of Hell or the torture dungeons, they all reveal their nature. Could the Emperor be right, could all men be evil at heart? His religion proclaims the greatest state of being is the one where fear does not exist. That is the state in which the Emperor exists. And he asks the question: “If there were no one to stop you, no one to fear, would you still not do the things that are forbidden?”. The answer to this question still intrigues. Some do not dare to kill or rape or take what is not theirs because of fear: fear of the law or fear of people who could get revenge. Some used to be moral because of the promise of eternal life in Heavens, with the Elder Gods. But when 6.000 years ago the Elder Gods tried to stop Shao Kahn only for one of them to be slain by the God-Emperor the people realized one thing: the Elder Gods are not eternal. The Netherrealm holds no more power over Shao Kahn. He can brake the chains and reclaim the souls of his warriors, the ones who die. That is why his soldiers know almost no fear. They fight and kill and take what they want, all trying to become the most powerful. Soldiers answers to Land Owners, Land Owners answer to Magister who subject them to harsh tortures and humiliation. But they themselves are humiliated by Legionaire Creatures who are thousand of years old and nearly undefeatable. They fear only the Generals above. The Generals of the Armada answer directly to the Gods of the Pantheon. They exist in mythos, rarely a mortal meeting one of them. But they are real, exiting their palaces from time to time to travel the Empire and doing the God-Emperor's will. Their statues and Temples are places of worship, mortals praying to them in times of need or making human sacrifices to gain favours. The Gods answer directly to the Emperor. And he has disappeared with time. At first, he would appear to the masses to encourage them and speak directly into the hearts of his followers from his high balconies, as millions of people gathered below to listen to his thunderous voice and cheer for the liberator. Then, when his promise of making the worlds a richer and more prosperous place through his religion failed, he started appearing less. Through numerous conquests he was able to feed his people and enlarge his Empire beyond imagining, but the corruption of the greedy Land Owners who ruled without intelligence lead to putrefaction inside the Empire itself. And the decay spread from the core out. The Empire's residents are starving, killing themselves over food. The Armada's morale is weak. The Emperor has not been seen in 20 years. The lands are dry, they give no more food. Irrigation has seized because of the drought. He dwells inside his palace walls, always awake as the few servants who have set foot in his palace and lived to speak have claimed. His soldiers bring him fresh girls every week for him to rape and torment. Even boys are on the menu. When he gets tired of playing with their bodies, he eats their flesh and torments their souls which become a part of him. Fathers attempt to flee with their young children from the regions where he relocates, but the Emperor's Guard catches most of them. Where could they go to hide? Everything belongs to the Emperor. They could kill themselves and their children, but thus only choosing a similar fate in the Netherrealm, for suicide is punished by the Elder Gods. They can only fight. Fighting which turns them in exactly what the God-Emperor wants: evil. Few are those who stay righteous throughout life and ascend to the Heavens after death. Even the Elder Gods fear receiving them. They have been wary of Shao Kahn ever since they tried to terminate his existence and his body refused to follow the Universe's rules and die. Shao Kahn's rage and determination had proved too much even for the physical rule of mortality. His will alone gave him the edge in the battle with the Elder Gods, which ended in his annexation of Edenia and the non-aggression pact as long as the rules of Mortal Kombat in conquering other realms are respected.
In the Golden Desert Outworld city of Marrakan, a Royal delegation is greeted by the local Magister who is more scared than excited by the coming of the God of Death and Magic. The carriage that floats by itself above the ground without any slave carrying it is in the middle of a long convoy bringing soldiers on horses and carriages filled with food supplies. Other slaves are walking barefoot alongside the carriages as the journey did not take them too long, the transportation portal that brought them to the Golden Desert lying just a few miles away from Marrakan. Reaching the city, the convoy is welcomed with olive leafs by the citizens. They all sing in chorus and bow at the passing of their God. From within the carriage a wrinkled hand moves the curtains which prevent anyone seeing inside. Someone from inside watches the people without letting his face seen. He notices that the joy is apparent and probably a result of the Magister's orders. People towards the back don't even sing and on everyone's face there is an obvious grimace of despair. The people are thiner and weaker than he would have imagined. The convoy stops at the Magister's palace. Magister Zeffeero is an overweight man. He clumsily approaches the Royal carriage trying to maintain a smile. From within, Ermac steps out, looking at the greatness of the palace and the gardens surrounding it in this desert oasis.
“Your Majesty, Lord Ermac, we welcome you to our city. We are honoured by your visit” a menial Zeffeero says making the most humble bow ever seen. “We...we are your humble servants”
Ermac stops him with a hand gesture. “Your Council?”
“Yes, yes, my Lord. They have been called. I have set the gathering for tomorrow morning. I...I thought you would be tired from the trip...I have arranged something...”
Ermac fixates him with his eyes and raises his hand, also raising the Magister from his humpback position to as straight as a man can get and only leaving him touching the ground with his toes “We need no rest. Send for them now.”
“Yes...yes, my Lord” says Zeffeero almost pissing himself. “But they are too far away. They needed time to obtain all the information your Lord required. They need to check in the territory. They will only be here tomorrow morning.”
“Hmm..”Ermac releases his grip letting Zeffeero to the ground, barely keeping his balance. “Very well then. Where is our quarters?”
“We have prepared the best chambers for our Lord and his delegation.” As Magister Zeffeero slaps his hands, handmaidens and servants carry Ermac's personal items towards the palace. ” Are you sure we can't offer you the best gifts from our region? I...I have arranged a ceremonial dinner...”
“No. I have no need for your food. I have brought more food for the people. My people will make sure they all receive it. The God-Emperor wants his soldiers fed and ready.” At his signal, his delegation carries the resources to the city center.
“Of course, my Lord. You are our salvation. Without you, I don't know what we would have done with this famine. We have all been making the greatest efforts not to starve” the Magister recounts wiping the sweat from his forehead.
Ermac measures him from head to toes “You don't look like you have.” The Magister freezes with fear. “I wish to address the people” the God of Magic continues.
The Magister leads him on an alley of Socotran Dragon Blood trees leading atop the palace hillside from where they enter a chapel made of gray marble, emerging on the other side of the mountain. Ermac steps forward onto an open platform with nothing beneath it but the city and with a view of the desert until the horizon meets the earth. Down below, at the sight of Ermac, this faceless creature, God of Death, the masses of people talking are perplexed and there is total absolute silence.
Uncaring, Ermac speaks as his voice echoes without any means of echoing “We have come to help you. The God Emperor has sent us to bring you everything you need. Your prayers have reached Him. Long ago, thousands of years ago, we have come to this place when it was not a desert and your crops were enough to feed the entire Outworld. From this day one, you shall have no more worries, no more fear. All valid men and women will accompany me to Z'unkahrah where the Emperor's armies are in need of more soldiers. We have come to bring you a message of courage and of destiny. Your Emperor wants you to know- your destiny is great.”
Ermac raises his hand and from the ground spheres rise up into the sky magnifying themselves until they create a thunderous black portal. From within, a gigantic hand exits and the voice of Shao Kahn is heard. “My people, I will never forsake you. Fight for me, fight for our world and win the prizes you deserve. I am your God until the end of times.”
The crowd cheers as the hand dissipates into bread falling on the sand and the spheres disappear. Among the people, a young girl does not move, instead being mesmerized by the sight of the God she had just seen up the platform. She knows this is the day she meets him.
Cheenyia, the young murrajah (or desert people) had been assigned by the Magister's men to see to the God's well being on his stay. The reasons for this were her youth and innocent beauty, features the Council of Marrakan had hoped would soften the God's heart.
Kitana, his daughter and Goddess of Edenia and Beauty, most beautiful woman to ever walk the realms, but at the same time, deadly warrior, loved dearly by the Kahn despite her objections to his rule. She alone dares oppose the Emperor in strategic and governing decisions;
Baraka, the blessed tarkata, most loyal subject of Shao Kahn and God of the Tarkata and War, ancestral wielder of the Silat blades, the most sacred relic of the tarkata race. They alone have the power to strike down 100 opponents in battle from one sling;
Ermac, God of Death and Magic, the mysterious warlord in Kahn's Empire forged by the Emperor himself who goes wherever needed fixing things in the name of the Emperor, never failing at what he does;
Gorbak, God of the Shokans and Ruler of Kuatan, the richest region in Outworld. He has been promoted to godlike status by the Emperor after proving his loyalty and tactical knowledge in battles. He had before been King of the shokan;
Motaro, God of the Beasts and Rape, vicious centaur known for crimes against humanity and carnal sacrificial ceremonies;
Rain, God of Edenia and Deceit, always covering his face though those who have seen it have say he is the most beautiful man who ever existed and his mere sight makes one, be it man or woman, fall in love and do anything for him. Though not physically intimidating, the God Rain is known to always win through cunningness and lies, using his power over the sacred element of water.
Reiko, God of Pain and Damnation and Commander of the Combined Empire Armada, as well as Leader of the shadow priest, he alone knows ancient mysteries of the Universe and the Underworld. When Shao Kahn loses too many warriors, God Reiko is powerful enough to lead offensives into the realm of the dead (the Netherrealm) to bring them back;
Nitara, Goddess of Vaeternus and Lust, she commands legions of hungry vampires ready to do what their Goddess commands. She is known to breed with strong males and then eviscerate them after they have served their purpose;
Tanya, Goddess of Black Arts and Fantasies, she toys with the minds of mortals entering their dreams and showing them images of desired outcomes, making them act according to her goals, usually leading to their own demise or insanity;
Sheeva, Goddess of Deformity and the Shokan, completely obedient to the Emperor and savage in nature;
Quan Chi, awarded his status by the God-Emperor as a tribute, Quan Chi is the God of Hell and Death, not really part of the Council of Gods of the Empire. He travels the realms but is the God of the Netherrealm, the realm of the dead, the one place where the most evil souls go to when they are killed to suffer endless torture.
As the God-Emperor has forged the realms, they seem to be themselves a part of the Netherrealm. Many have tried to kill the Gods of the Pantheon, thinking themselves worthy of taking their positions, but they have all failed. After the Edenian Conquest, 6.000 years ago, many have even tried to assassinate the Emperor. Needless to say, he cannot be killed. Their fates are best left unsaid...tortured for years in the deepest dungeons until they forgot their own names and who they were and became nothing more than blood thirsty animals, like the God-Emperor himself. This is what he wanted to create all along: a society where everyone has to fight for what they want, where everyone discovers the inner beasts inside them, just like he did. The Codex speaks about everyone being evil at heart, even if some men are hypocrite and don't admit it. When faced with the atrocities of Hell or the torture dungeons, they all reveal their nature. Could the Emperor be right, could all men be evil at heart? His religion proclaims the greatest state of being is the one where fear does not exist. That is the state in which the Emperor exists. And he asks the question: “If there were no one to stop you, no one to fear, would you still not do the things that are forbidden?”. The answer to this question still intrigues. Some do not dare to kill or rape or take what is not theirs because of fear: fear of the law or fear of people who could get revenge. Some used to be moral because of the promise of eternal life in Heavens, with the Elder Gods. But when 6.000 years ago the Elder Gods tried to stop Shao Kahn only for one of them to be slain by the God-Emperor the people realized one thing: the Elder Gods are not eternal. The Netherrealm holds no more power over Shao Kahn. He can brake the chains and reclaim the souls of his warriors, the ones who die. That is why his soldiers know almost no fear. They fight and kill and take what they want, all trying to become the most powerful. Soldiers answers to Land Owners, Land Owners answer to Magister who subject them to harsh tortures and humiliation. But they themselves are humiliated by Legionaire Creatures who are thousand of years old and nearly undefeatable. They fear only the Generals above. The Generals of the Armada answer directly to the Gods of the Pantheon. They exist in mythos, rarely a mortal meeting one of them. But they are real, exiting their palaces from time to time to travel the Empire and doing the God-Emperor's will. Their statues and Temples are places of worship, mortals praying to them in times of need or making human sacrifices to gain favours. The Gods answer directly to the Emperor. And he has disappeared with time. At first, he would appear to the masses to encourage them and speak directly into the hearts of his followers from his high balconies, as millions of people gathered below to listen to his thunderous voice and cheer for the liberator. Then, when his promise of making the worlds a richer and more prosperous place through his religion failed, he started appearing less. Through numerous conquests he was able to feed his people and enlarge his Empire beyond imagining, but the corruption of the greedy Land Owners who ruled without intelligence lead to putrefaction inside the Empire itself. And the decay spread from the core out. The Empire's residents are starving, killing themselves over food. The Armada's morale is weak. The Emperor has not been seen in 20 years. The lands are dry, they give no more food. Irrigation has seized because of the drought. He dwells inside his palace walls, always awake as the few servants who have set foot in his palace and lived to speak have claimed. His soldiers bring him fresh girls every week for him to rape and torment. Even boys are on the menu. When he gets tired of playing with their bodies, he eats their flesh and torments their souls which become a part of him. Fathers attempt to flee with their young children from the regions where he relocates, but the Emperor's Guard catches most of them. Where could they go to hide? Everything belongs to the Emperor. They could kill themselves and their children, but thus only choosing a similar fate in the Netherrealm, for suicide is punished by the Elder Gods. They can only fight. Fighting which turns them in exactly what the God-Emperor wants: evil. Few are those who stay righteous throughout life and ascend to the Heavens after death. Even the Elder Gods fear receiving them. They have been wary of Shao Kahn ever since they tried to terminate his existence and his body refused to follow the Universe's rules and die. Shao Kahn's rage and determination had proved too much even for the physical rule of mortality. His will alone gave him the edge in the battle with the Elder Gods, which ended in his annexation of Edenia and the non-aggression pact as long as the rules of Mortal Kombat in conquering other realms are respected.
In the Golden Desert Outworld city of Marrakan, a Royal delegation is greeted by the local Magister who is more scared than excited by the coming of the God of Death and Magic. The carriage that floats by itself above the ground without any slave carrying it is in the middle of a long convoy bringing soldiers on horses and carriages filled with food supplies. Other slaves are walking barefoot alongside the carriages as the journey did not take them too long, the transportation portal that brought them to the Golden Desert lying just a few miles away from Marrakan. Reaching the city, the convoy is welcomed with olive leafs by the citizens. They all sing in chorus and bow at the passing of their God. From within the carriage a wrinkled hand moves the curtains which prevent anyone seeing inside. Someone from inside watches the people without letting his face seen. He notices that the joy is apparent and probably a result of the Magister's orders. People towards the back don't even sing and on everyone's face there is an obvious grimace of despair. The people are thiner and weaker than he would have imagined. The convoy stops at the Magister's palace. Magister Zeffeero is an overweight man. He clumsily approaches the Royal carriage trying to maintain a smile. From within, Ermac steps out, looking at the greatness of the palace and the gardens surrounding it in this desert oasis.
“Your Majesty, Lord Ermac, we welcome you to our city. We are honoured by your visit” a menial Zeffeero says making the most humble bow ever seen. “We...we are your humble servants”
Ermac stops him with a hand gesture. “Your Council?”
“Yes, yes, my Lord. They have been called. I have set the gathering for tomorrow morning. I...I thought you would be tired from the trip...I have arranged something...”
Ermac fixates him with his eyes and raises his hand, also raising the Magister from his humpback position to as straight as a man can get and only leaving him touching the ground with his toes “We need no rest. Send for them now.”
“Yes...yes, my Lord” says Zeffeero almost pissing himself. “But they are too far away. They needed time to obtain all the information your Lord required. They need to check in the territory. They will only be here tomorrow morning.”
“Hmm..”Ermac releases his grip letting Zeffeero to the ground, barely keeping his balance. “Very well then. Where is our quarters?”
“We have prepared the best chambers for our Lord and his delegation.” As Magister Zeffeero slaps his hands, handmaidens and servants carry Ermac's personal items towards the palace. ” Are you sure we can't offer you the best gifts from our region? I...I have arranged a ceremonial dinner...”
“No. I have no need for your food. I have brought more food for the people. My people will make sure they all receive it. The God-Emperor wants his soldiers fed and ready.” At his signal, his delegation carries the resources to the city center.
“Of course, my Lord. You are our salvation. Without you, I don't know what we would have done with this famine. We have all been making the greatest efforts not to starve” the Magister recounts wiping the sweat from his forehead.
Ermac measures him from head to toes “You don't look like you have.” The Magister freezes with fear. “I wish to address the people” the God of Magic continues.
The Magister leads him on an alley of Socotran Dragon Blood trees leading atop the palace hillside from where they enter a chapel made of gray marble, emerging on the other side of the mountain. Ermac steps forward onto an open platform with nothing beneath it but the city and with a view of the desert until the horizon meets the earth. Down below, at the sight of Ermac, this faceless creature, God of Death, the masses of people talking are perplexed and there is total absolute silence.
Uncaring, Ermac speaks as his voice echoes without any means of echoing “We have come to help you. The God Emperor has sent us to bring you everything you need. Your prayers have reached Him. Long ago, thousands of years ago, we have come to this place when it was not a desert and your crops were enough to feed the entire Outworld. From this day one, you shall have no more worries, no more fear. All valid men and women will accompany me to Z'unkahrah where the Emperor's armies are in need of more soldiers. We have come to bring you a message of courage and of destiny. Your Emperor wants you to know- your destiny is great.”
Ermac raises his hand and from the ground spheres rise up into the sky magnifying themselves until they create a thunderous black portal. From within, a gigantic hand exits and the voice of Shao Kahn is heard. “My people, I will never forsake you. Fight for me, fight for our world and win the prizes you deserve. I am your God until the end of times.”
The crowd cheers as the hand dissipates into bread falling on the sand and the spheres disappear. Among the people, a young girl does not move, instead being mesmerized by the sight of the God she had just seen up the platform. She knows this is the day she meets him.
Cheenyia, the young murrajah (or desert people) had been assigned by the Magister's men to see to the God's well being on his stay. The reasons for this were her youth and innocent beauty, features the Council of Marrakan had hoped would soften the God's heart.