Robot Rock
20:46 Hours
December 16th
We are the Lin Kuei
Prestigious warriors who's infamy has brought fear into the hearts of millions. Thousands of years my dynasty has lead this clan. It was my birthright to rule over these assassins, my assassins. My brothers.
My father, the man foolish enough to stand between me and destiny. He knew the day would come when he would have to face me in Mortal Kombat. For the medallion, for the Lin Kuei. It was no easy task, but I slew him. Killed Killed Killed my father for my brothers, and for myself. He warned me of the medallion's power, of its cost. But it was of no We are the Lin Kuei matter to me, I had no choice in whether or not I took it. For it hadadad already taken me.
I led them, my brothers, as best as I could. Made them machines, forrrrrrrrced them to lose their emotions emotions. Sometimes I wish I lost mine as well. We made a new name for ourselves. Assassins of honor no more, but instead ruthless bandits of greed. This is when things got bad.
I could no longer rest. My logistics systems went haywire. I could no longerger tell what was real, and what was We are the fake. As my circuits recharged, my thoughts, no longer contained by the logistics system, ran rampant. My father, his father, every father that held the reigns of the Lin Kuei haunted me. Rest was no longer an option. Since I was the only one left with emotions, my brothers We are blindly followed my incoherent babbling.
I finally set my fearfears aside and and and went to rest. I braced for the hellish nightmares, but waas met with silence. All of them, they just stared at me. Blank faces, as if anticipating me to do something. All I could do was stare back, hopeless. My mind my mind, the one thing I once yearned for, is now the bane of my existence. Braindead cyborgs follow my every step. I am trapped in an endless loop, void of all humanity. Just me and my thoughts.
These machines follow me, they ignore my every command. It is as if they aren't machines anymoremoremore, they are ghosts. They haunt me, they want me to pay. I don't know why they don't just We kill me now.
I begin to crave We are the human company. I embark out to find the the only human I know, Smoke, I think his naenaenaename was? It takes what feels like a lifetime, but I finally find him. My old friend, my only We are friend. He is startled by my presence and anticipates a battle. I assure him that I come in peace. It is a, funny, word, assurance. To assume everything will be all right. I should have known better.
They swarmed him. Tore him limb from limb. I could not help, but We watch. His eyes. I tried every day since to erase my memory banks of his eyes. Filled with confusion, terror & betrayal. Eyes that were focused on me.
When they were done. They stared at me again, in We are the silence. I could only stare back. I have emotions, but I have no way to show them. This robotic prison cannot convey the pain I feel. I was never religious, I even killed a few missionaries, but this is truly We are the Lin Kuei HellHellHell. We go back to the temple. I rest one more time, hopes that the ghosts of the fathers are no longer there. They aren't, but Smoke is. He just stares at me, the same look in his eyes. We are the Lin Kuei.
No longer. This is not the life fit for a warrior. I waited till I was fully rested. Then I went into my father's chambers, took his katana from the mantle and rid the world, my world of those foul We are machines. I sometimes wondered if this is what my father warned about. The isolation. We We We. I place his old celebratory robes on my cold metalmetal skin. I bow before our dragon statue, I allow the blade through We are We are Weare my midsection.
I record these events with hopes that oneone man see the We are error of my ways and rebuild the Lin Kuei to its former glory. Before the machinesmachines, before the deceit before
SYSTEMS FAILING..................................................................
BACKUP SYSTEMS INITIATING...............................................................
BACKUP SYSTEMS FAILING........................................................
The Lin
FATAL SYSTEMS ERROR......................................................
101011000111010101001010101010010110............................................ .........................................010100101010011001010101010100101010101 0101
1010110001110101010010101010100101100101001010100110010......................... ................................................................................ .....101010101001010101010101
1010110001110101010010101010100101100........................................... ............................101001010100110010101010101001010101010101
1010110001110101010010101010100101100101001010100110010101010101001010101010101. .............................................................
Sorry for the cheesey music, but I had to have something
Prestigious warriors who's infamy has brought fear into the hearts of millions. Thousands of years my dynasty has lead this clan. It was my birthright to rule over these assassins, my assassins. My brothers.
My father, the man foolish enough to stand between me and destiny. He knew the day would come when he would have to face me in Mortal Kombat. For the medallion, for the Lin Kuei. It was no easy task, but I slew him. Killed Killed Killed my father for my brothers, and for myself. He warned me of the medallion's power, of its cost. But it was of no We are the Lin Kuei matter to me, I had no choice in whether or not I took it. For it hadadad already taken me.
I led them, my brothers, as best as I could. Made them machines, forrrrrrrrced them to lose their emotions emotions. Sometimes I wish I lost mine as well. We made a new name for ourselves. Assassins of honor no more, but instead ruthless bandits of greed. This is when things got bad.
I could no longer rest. My logistics systems went haywire. I could no longerger tell what was real, and what was We are the fake. As my circuits recharged, my thoughts, no longer contained by the logistics system, ran rampant. My father, his father, every father that held the reigns of the Lin Kuei haunted me. Rest was no longer an option. Since I was the only one left with emotions, my brothers We are blindly followed my incoherent babbling.
I finally set my fearfears aside and and and went to rest. I braced for the hellish nightmares, but waas met with silence. All of them, they just stared at me. Blank faces, as if anticipating me to do something. All I could do was stare back, hopeless. My mind my mind, the one thing I once yearned for, is now the bane of my existence. Braindead cyborgs follow my every step. I am trapped in an endless loop, void of all humanity. Just me and my thoughts.
These machines follow me, they ignore my every command. It is as if they aren't machines anymoremoremore, they are ghosts. They haunt me, they want me to pay. I don't know why they don't just We kill me now.
I begin to crave We are the human company. I embark out to find the the only human I know, Smoke, I think his naenaenaename was? It takes what feels like a lifetime, but I finally find him. My old friend, my only We are friend. He is startled by my presence and anticipates a battle. I assure him that I come in peace. It is a, funny, word, assurance. To assume everything will be all right. I should have known better.
They swarmed him. Tore him limb from limb. I could not help, but We watch. His eyes. I tried every day since to erase my memory banks of his eyes. Filled with confusion, terror & betrayal. Eyes that were focused on me.
When they were done. They stared at me again, in We are the silence. I could only stare back. I have emotions, but I have no way to show them. This robotic prison cannot convey the pain I feel. I was never religious, I even killed a few missionaries, but this is truly We are the Lin Kuei HellHellHell. We go back to the temple. I rest one more time, hopes that the ghosts of the fathers are no longer there. They aren't, but Smoke is. He just stares at me, the same look in his eyes. We are the Lin Kuei.
No longer. This is not the life fit for a warrior. I waited till I was fully rested. Then I went into my father's chambers, took his katana from the mantle and rid the world, my world of those foul We are machines. I sometimes wondered if this is what my father warned about. The isolation. We We We. I place his old celebratory robes on my cold metalmetal skin. I bow before our dragon statue, I allow the blade through We are We are Weare my midsection.
I record these events with hopes that oneone man see the We are error of my ways and rebuild the Lin Kuei to its former glory. Before the machinesmachines, before the deceit before
SYSTEMS FAILING..................................................................
BACKUP SYSTEMS INITIATING...............................................................
BACKUP SYSTEMS FAILING........................................................
The Lin
FATAL SYSTEMS ERROR......................................................
101011000111010101001010101010010110............................................ .........................................010100101010011001010101010100101010101 0101
1010110001110101010010101010100101100101001010100110010......................... ................................................................................ .....101010101001010101010101
1010110001110101010010101010100101100........................................... ............................101001010100110010101010101001010101010101
1010110001110101010010101010100101100101001010100110010101010101001010101010101. .............................................................
Sorry for the cheesey music, but I had to have something

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