Chapter 16
The map showed the museum's location all the way on the other side of town. Scorpion's troubles had driven him far off track. But now that he was equipped with this map and a shitty PT Cruiser, he finally had what he needed to make it there. He wasted no time, speeding down the road faster than it takes a young hentai fan to spermulate his pants upon viewing naughty art of transsexual policemen.
Speaking of policemen, an officer was hot on Scorpion's trail as he was going 60 in a 55. Needless to say, he wasn't pulling over any time soon. So he summoned his inner badassery and took out his spear. He put his car on cruise control then slung it into the cop car's grill. Then, like a boss, he jerked the car to the side with ferocious force, pulling it directly into the path of an oncoming 18 wheeler.
He pulled his spear back as the cop car was crushed by the big rig in an intensely awesome manner. Slow motion would certainly be used if this was a movie.
Scorpion pulled off onto a highway, leading him straight onto The Bridge. He weaved in and out of lanes, hitting death-defying speeds of 62 miles an hour in his PT Cruiser. He was about halfway over the bridge when a series of bombs and missiles fell from the sky, hitting multiple cars and blowing the bridge apart. The shockwaves tossed Scorpion's shitty car into the air, landing upside-down on its roof.
Terror and confusion took over the area as bombs continued to damage the bridge, destroying any vehicle nearby. Scorpion peeked his head out from his wreckage to see nothing but cars exploding and pieces of the bridge crumbling off. He stayed under the wrecked Cruiser until the bombs stopped dropping.
Once the barrage was over with, Scorpion crawled out to assess the chaos. He looked up to see two robotic figures flying down into the destruction. They appeared to be checking for survivors to kill. One was colored red, the other yellow. They were none other than the dynamic duo of Sexor and Cyrash.
Cyrax turned around to notice Scorpion, still alive and standing. His chest compartment opened as a bomb shot out into Scorpion's direction. With quick reflexes, Scorpion jumped out of the way. The bomb exploded, blowing the shitty PT Cruiser into pieces.
"Dammit Cyrax, can't you do better than that? One measly human and you miss him," Sektor said. He shot a missle to Scorpion but it also missed its target.
"Well look who's talking," Cyrax retorted.
The smoke cleared as Scorpion emerged, walking towards the cyborgs. "So what are you doing here? What's all these bombs for? I'm having a horrible day already, I really don't need this shit," he said.
"We're exterminating the pests. Once they're all gone, we'll use what's left for the Tekunin. As of right now, we're getting rid of this bridge to close off this island," Sektor told Scorpion.
Scorpion looked at the two and began to notice that they were members of the Lin Kuei. He was originally going to bargain with them to let him by and avoid confrontation, but he wouldn't ever let Lin Kuei scum out of his sights alive. "Well I'm sorry, but you won't be doing that. Now if you would please just let me kill you now, we won't have to go through such trouble," he said.
"It won't be that easy!" Cyrax shouted as he took out his saw blade-hand thing dashed over to Scorpion. He swung at Scorpion's neck but Scorpion ducked and hit him with a strong uppercut. He hit Cyrax with a roundhouse to the face, knocking him over as Sektor teleported and then came up at Scorpion with his own uppercut. Scorpion fell back as Sektor jumped into the air and onto his chest. He pointed his flamethrowers at Scorpion and shot them into Scorpion's face. But to his surprise, it had no effect. Scorpion began to laugh as he grabbed Sektor's arms and tossed him aside. He got up as Cyrax ran over and threw a bomb at him. Scorpion caught the bomb and quickly threw it back at Cyrax as it detonated. Cyrax suffered severe damage as the bomb blew off a part of his head and a chunk of his chest.
Sektor came back at Scorpion and hit him with an elbow to the head. He then flew up into the air and unleashed dozens of missiles at him. But before they reached him, Scorpion teleported out of the way. A massive cloud of smoke and dust formed in the air, making it hard to see anything. Sektor flew back down to look for Scorpion. As the dust began to vanish, Sektor was stuck in the back of the head by Scorpion's spear. Scorpion reeled him in and began to wrap the spear's chain around Sektor's neck. He started pulling and tugging, crushing Sektor's cybernetic throat. Sektor struggled to free himself, hitting Scorpion with his elbow. The chain tightened, squeezing the power out of Sektor's CPU connection. Scorpion gripped Sektor's head and shouted loudly as he ripped it from his body. Sektor's corpse fell to the pavement with gallons of oil pouring out, like blood in Skarlet's period.
Scorpion tossed Sektor's head to the ground and then stomped on it, crushing it like a metallic pancake. He then set his sights to Cyrax, who was still on the ground crying about his face. He grabbed Cyrax by the dreads and lifted him up. Cyrax had no time for last words as Scorpion punched his fist into his chest and let out a burst of flame. The bombs inside of Cyrax went off as he exploded into a massive ball of fire and body parts.
Scorpion, lit on fire from the explosion, walked off as he planned his way onto the other side of the crumbled bridge.