Ruin your favorite Kharacter!


New member
Name a konfirmed kharacter that you're really excited about... and how they might fail to live up to your expectations.

Name a konfirmed kharacter you wouldn't mind seeing X'd from the roster... and what trick up NRS's sleeves could make you change your mind.

I'll start.

+ Kano. But if he sides with Quan Chi during the NRW, I'll be very disappointed. Kano shouldn't be Evil with a capital 'E.' Less Ramsay Bolton, more Roose Bolton.

- Reptile, wouldn't mind him gone. If he gets his own lair and becomes renowned throughout Outworld as a fearsome bounty hunter who has a penchant for eating his targets after he finds them, and then regurgitating their skulls to whoever hired him, as proof, however... that could easily change.
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Really cool thread idea, kudos to you.

One confirmed character I'm really excited about:
+ Reptile is the first one that comes to mind. NRS would break my heart if he reprises his classic grunt and or servant role, rather than exploring his Saurian roots or at least working on his own accord to restore Zaterra to it's former glory by locating and mating with Khameleon. I don't mind if she's not a playable character but Reptile interacting with her finally would push him closer to his goal.

- Kung Lao is one I would not mind seeing cut from the roster. NRS could sway my opinion, though, by having him be the Great Kung Lao and not just the one that got snapped up by Shao Kahn. They'd have to go all out, though, and have another costume that looks completely different from the one we've seen already, preferably one that shows off notable differences between him and the more known Kung Lao. Aged looks is not enough. I need to see him with some sort of scar or birthmark, along with attire that has not traditionally been associated with the character. This means no tan pants and no blue ones, either!
Haha, well... this is gonna be interesting. Let me think...
First I'm just gonna say, I try never to raise my expectations, because in that way, I'm not going to get disappointed. So, this is a bit difficult for me, but I'll try my best.

+ Kitana: I really hope she won't just be an avatar of vengeance, like Scorpion is. Of course she will hate Quan Chi for what he's done to her and the other souls of those who died in MK9, but I really do not hope that will be her main focus. I hope she will eventually free Edenia and such, as NRS completely threw that storyline down the drain in MK9. I hope they will rectify it in MKX.

A (dis)honourable mention is D'vorah... I really hoped she wouldn't just be a minion character, but sadly that seems to be the case. :/

- Scorpion: STOP MAKING HIM BE ALL ABOUT REVENGE!!! It really does seem to be everything his fans and NRS wants him to be about! The story in the comics gave me a glimmer of hope that it would change, but then when we see him in the game (and also what the comic seems to lead up to), he's just going to change back into being the same old boring character with the same old boring goal of vengeance... If only he could find peace and be something else! I loved how he started building up his clan again, why couldn't they let him continue that?! That would at least be SOMETHING new!
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Okay this seems like fun!

Scorpion has so much promise, as seen from the Comics, but I have this huge feeling NRS is gonna mess up his "regained" humanity and he's gonna be a revenge seeking madman again.

I was going to say I wouldn't mind Kano axed from the roster, but given his connection with Kotal Kahn and the Kamidogu, he's kinda vital. I'd say Kitana is unnecessary at this point, unless she's used as a plot device that has something to do with Liu Kang.
Characters I am excited:

- Scorpion: Make him become a vengeful being without a cause or by motives that even a 3 years old child would notice that are not ture. And about the without a cause, giving him a cause to be vengeful AND MAKE HIM GO AFTER THAT. In the end Scorpion kills everybody he thinks that needs to die, thinks vengeance will solve something in the world and then disappears in "peace" and never comes back on any MK game. WORST. ENDING. EVER.

- Kotal Kahn: be jus like Shao Kahn, a merging realm pervert, be as imbecile as Shao Kahn, and be less powerful than Shao Kahn, politically or on battle. We discover Kotal Kahn is a fake and he was MOKAP dressed as aztec.

- Raiden: be too much passive, go mad above what he needs (and will) to go, be thinking that Armageddon = Shao Kahn.

- Sub-Zero: if he would be a new guy (*whispers but he is not!)

Character I dislike/neutral and changes that could change my mind:

-Mileena: less idiotic, less envy, more backstory, more personality, less cheap moves, more MK:D Mileena. Dies in the end anyway. :P

-Repitle: no imbecile submission, fighting for his race, being allied with someone that can make his dream come true, NO FOOLISH BETRAYALS, and more words to speak. Happy ending, finding a place to live in peace.

Kombat details:

[...]an avatar of vengeance, like Scorpion is.

Like Scorpion was! :aetsch:

It really does seem to be everything his fans and NRS wants him to be about!!

No, we don't!!! :stickpoke:
- Scorpion: STOP MAKING HIM BE ALL ABOUT REVENGE!!! It really does seem to be everything his fans and NRS wants him to be about!

Another Scorpion fan reporting in, can't wait for the dude to get over the Shirai Ryu. It's been ten games, man. Just let it go.
Kano, by not giving him at least a motivation other than "making money, I know that's the root of his character but it'd be nice to see him make more power plays even if he fails

Kitana, by making her not a boring stone face for once
Ruining part
Sub-Zero: this is not Kuai Liang nor Bi Han, it's his hipster cousin, former codename: Snowflake, who's only goal is to win the mortal kombat and earn the power to save the Arctic from oil companies and the polar bear from extinction.

Liking a bit part
Kano: he returns to MK this time only to suffer such a horrible death he could never return to another MK ever again. I'd justify his presence in the game that way.
mine are unkonfirmed but whatevs

Baraka: id be exited for him to be in the game... but they might give him a really crappy combo system like MK9, although still one of my mains in MK9 i dont mind him playing the same for one variation but would like to also see a variation where he is less powerful but can link more moves together giving the player more creative freedom. (side note) i can combo with baraka in MK9 its just not very satisfying and very limited compared to other characters.

Sindel: id be exited for her to be in the game... but they might make her constantly float like they did with ermac and i cant stand that awkward animation. she could have a variation where she can perform a lot of flying but theres no need for constant hovering it spoils the look and flow of the game

Mileena: id be exited for her to be in the game: but they might make her act like a cartoony cackling witch psychopath with bad hair again like MK9.
hopefully this time theyll make her more cunning and intelligent and not a joke
Reptile was ruined for me 14 years in a row when Midway butchered his special moves (and normals in armageddon). Therefore I can't think of a worse way they could have ruined him. Especially since his reveal showed off the return of all his classic moves. I'll be disappointed with a plain old henchman role but he wouldn't be ruined as a result.
Everything points to him being it still. As said, it seemed to be changed in the comics, but then it changed back...
I'm glad to hear there's at least one of his fans who wants him to change, at least. ^^

Nah, now he is not revenge at all! I'm completely astonished by his intros :laugh:
You haven't read the comics, have you?

Of course I did...are you mentioning his travel to find Raiden?

But I mention him losing his second family. He didn't went on rage because of that. Even Takeda noticed it when he put his hand on Kenshi's son shoulder.

He is a warrior. He needs to settle this with Raiden, and if any other character suffered that, he would do it and nobody would say a word...

it will depend on the approach. He will probably battle Raiden (judging by the cover), but it's a completely different thing seeking this retribution and being a senseless wraith who believes in any story and just goes making a line of people who he will seek revenge, and none are guilty.

Himmerick/NRS decided to kill his second clan, right? We can't expect him to be a vegetable looking to the sky. He needs to honor those people, but the secret is how to honor them.

I don't think his feud with Raiden will endure like Sub-Zero's. Raiden have an explanation and if he doesn't...who knows what he has done and how much he is guilty.
Scorpion such a mishandled character. How could NRS be so bored with the most popular and well-known character from the franchise? He spent pre-reboot doing the same thing over and over again and having no real importance to the story besides killing Sub-Zero, and like, getting beaten up by Boon's two least favorite characters, only to reboot and be just as seemingly irrelevant. If he is still after Sub-Zero, as the intros suggest, I think NRS has just gave up with him.
Quan Chi- Becomes a jobber for all the good guys. (Baraka mk9)

Reptile- Someone mentioned if he became a assassin, that would be cool, just don't make him a jobber and I might be more interested in him
theincubuslord said:
You haven't read the comics, have you?
Of course I did...are you mentioning his travel to find Raiden?

But I mention him losing his second family. He didn't went on rage because of that. Even Takeda noticed it when he put his hand on Kenshi's son shoulder.

He is a warrior. He needs to settle this with Raiden, and if any other character suffered that, he would do it and nobody would say a word...

Judging by the comics I was pretty sure Scorpion wouldn't seek revenge this time but his intro dialogue with Sub-Zero says otherwise, he blames him for the Shirai Ryu's annihilation and Sub-Zero says something like being tired of claiming his innocence.

So I'm really confused...:bird:
Judging by the comics I was pretty sure Scorpion wouldn't seek revenge this time but his intro dialogue with Sub-Zero says otherwise, he blames him for the Shirai Ryu's annihilation and Sub-Zero says something like being tired of claiming his innocence.

So I'm really confused...:bird:

During Netherrealm War, Scorpion certainly fought alongside Shinnok, following MK4. That dialogue may be a nod to that time.

Notice that only his dialogues with THAT Sub-Zero are agressive. Not even with Quan Chi is that kind of rage.

As the game is set on many years, the intros are confusing, because they do not follow the same pattern.

Anyway, most of the intros are just to ambient a fight. Though the context is real, some of them may never happen.
Nice Game

Favorite up to now:
Kung Lao
How I can ruin him? Easy, make him the "Great Kung Lao" of the past. By doing so, you will shit on 20 something years of MK history, creating huge retcon, shitting on the ending of Kung Lao in MK9, destroying continuity and making even all the previous entries seem hollow and stupid.

Uninteresting character:
I think that the former Reptile was as uninteresting as staring at a wall. Just some mook which fights and loses all the time. I think the best way to handle him, is replace him entirely. Make a different Reptile from some other "Realm" and have him search for the former Reptile here. Or prepare for some Reptilians Invasion. The former Reptile was useless. I want to replace him with useful one with his own goals.
Kano- What would piss me off is if he is once again just a lackey pawn! He needs to show his ruthless side, why he is the Most Wanted man in Earthrealm. He might take Orders but he don't take shit!

Kitana- She has grown more and more dull to me over the yrs. While they always might make he look stunning, i think she has failed to live up to how she is perceived.