RE Fan-Fic: Raccoon City Relations

Shirayuki Mizore

New member
“September 28, 1998. The city has been overrun by monsters.

Somehow…I’m still alive.”

Jill Valentine exited her apartment, rolling away from the fiery blaze that triggered an explosion. Flaming creatures of the undead flew out of the front doors, landing next to her, some still alive while others were slowly burnt to a crisp. Jill Valentine had no time to mourn over her former neighbors as they stood up from the ground, reaching their hands out to her. She quickly performed a one-eighty degree turn, running to the nearby dumpster, hurdling over it as she pressed on, assault rifle in hand. She huffed and puffed as her boots made a clacking sound as they hit the pavement beneath her. As she pressed on along the quiet street, corpses began to arise from the ground, targeting her as their next kill. The formers S.T.A.R.S operative picking up the pace in anxiety, adrenaline kicking in as she ran as fast as she could, noticing that the local bar still had power. She held her assault rifle tightly as she paced forward, much beyond her normal speed. She closed her eyes and cringed as she pushed her shoulder out, running into and smashing through the double doors as the undead lurked behind her.

Jill looked around quickly, searching for something to barricade the door. Her instincts kicked in as she noticed a nearby vending machine, pushing again the side of it to have it slide against the floor, letting out a creaking sound as she used it to barricade the entrance. After she had completed the task, she wiped the sweat off her forehead when suddenly she heard something like the clicking of a pen behind her. Jill turned around quickly, noticing someone at the bar. She was a clad in red dress, with a pen in her mouth as she clicked the end on and off, staring over at Jill nonchalantly without a word. The woman was clearly of Asian decently and short-haired just like Jill but black instead of brown. Her figure was elegant and clean, showing signs of fickleness.
Jill gulped silently, getting a little uncomfortable as the woman continued to stare her down, not uttering a word. The room was completely silent except for the faint moans of the undead and of course, that clicking sound protruding from the mechanics of the pen. Not knowing how long she could keep this up, Jill decided to speak first.


The woman took the pen out of her mouth, setting it on the table neatly before pulling out a make-up kit from under the counter. She flipped it open and gussied herself up like Jill wasn’t even there.

“Excuse me! I’m talking to you here!”

The woman just sighed, finishing up and closing the make-up kit. “What? What do you want?”

“What do you mean what do you want? Have you seen what it’s like outside?! There are monsters everywhere! The whole town went to hell!”

The woman just cracked a small smile and uttered a light chuckle. “I know.”

Jill was extremely confused by her attitude. While she was in a living nightmare, this woman didn’t seem to care at all. “Aren’t you scared? Nervous? Anything?”


Jill gave her a look of extreme confusion, deciding to be more direct. “Well, I was a S.T.A.R.S member of the Raccoon City Police Department so I feel that it’s my duty to protect you, maam. Come with me. You’ll be safe, I promise.”

“I rather not.”

Jill then started to become a little annoyed, feeling disrespected by this mysterious woman. “Can I at least ask for your name?”



“Go ahead, ask.”

“Alright maam, what’s your name?”

“I’m not telling you.”

Jill took a deep breath, slapping her own fact with her palm in frustration. Was this woman just playing games with her? “This isn’t funny. Seriously, what’s your name?”

“Jill Valentine.”

“What?! That’s my name!”

The woman chuckled, letting out a satisfied smile. “Yes, I know.”

“How do you know my name?!”

“I’m not telling you that either.”

“Look, please, this is getting repetitive, and annoying. Can you please cooperate with me here?”


“…I need a definite answer please.”

“…Fine. I guess I can play by your rules, until I get tired of them.”

“What did you just say?”

“You heard me. I don’t like repeating myself.”

Jill took another deep breath, just deciding to contain her anger. She needed all the help she could get, even if the help was as stubborn as this.

“Okay, can you tell me your name now?”

“Ada. Ada Wong.”

“Alright, nice name. That’s a start.”

“Yeah, it’s sure of a lot better than yours. Jill Valentine? Seriously? Who comes up with that?”

“My parents…thank you very much.”

“My condolences.”

Jill stomped the floor one time before regaining her composure. “Alright, so is there a way out of here? We certainly can’t move that vending machine and go back that way since those zombies have to be hoarding in front of the door. And I forgot the way I came so I don’t want to risk going back.”

“Yeah. Everything was fine and calm until you showed up.”

“Well I’m sorry okay?! Sorry for wanting to live!”

“Forgiven. There’s a back door here behind the counter but it’s locked. I think it leads to the back alleyway.”

“Locked?” Jill smiled wide triumphantly as she walked towards the door. “Leave it to the master of lock picking.” Jill kept her smile, kneeling down in front of the lock on one knee, inspecting it. “…Damn.”

“What’s the problem?”

“I haven’t seen one of these types of locks in years. I completely forgot how to crack these things.”

“You forget a lot of things, huh?”

“..Shut up.”

Jill grabbed her lock pick from the back pocket of her skirt, going to work as Ada crossed her arms, watching impatiently.
“This may be a while, can you give me some spa---WOAH!”

Ada ran at the door, jumping in the air and delivering an elegant spinning back kick to the door, knocking it right off its hinges before crashing to the ground, emitting a small cloud of dust.

“Or…you could you know…just do that.” Jill frowned, lock pick still in hand as Ada gave her shoulder a shove.

“C’mon. We’re wasting time.”

The two women proceeded down the alleyway, Ada having her pistol ready while Jill had her assault rifle prepped. They listened closely as time passed by, walking cautiously around the pavement.

“Do you know where we are, Jill?”

“I’m not sure. I haven’t been back here in forever. I think the last time I was here was at the celebration of Chris winning that stupid marksman reward. I was sooooo drunk. I think I even made out with that new rookie, Rebecca.”

“…That’s nice to know. So I take it as a no then?”

“Sorry, I forgot my way around here.”

“You forget a lot of things!”

“Oh yeah?! Well! You---…forget it.”

“What?! Say it!”


Ada cringed, hating when someone said “nevermind” to her, dropping a conversation or argument. There was no time to argue though as they suddenly heard the sound of metal being tossed around.
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“Stay alert,” Ada said, tensing up but professionally as Jill took a deep breath, getting focused again. The two proceeded farther when they suddenly heard a grunt above them. They looked up to see a huge figure jump off the roof of the building above them, landing in front of them with a huge THUD, almost shattering the concrete below it.

“W—W---What the hell is that?!” Jill cried.

Ada looked up nonchalantly, seeing the disgusting creature towering over her in a large trench coat. It looked like modern-day Frankenstein as it breathed heavily. It’s skin look near decaying and Ada noticed the numerous staples in its head, clearly being man-made. The creature then opened its mouth and said in a low, growly, yet intimidating voice, “S.T.A.R.S….”

“Hmm, I think it wants you, Jill. I think your fat ass attracted a little too much attention.”


The creature then lifted up its arm, as sounds of gurgling and sliminess protruded from it. The skin on the monsters palm began to open up as a purple, moist tentacle erupted from it, wriggling around in anticipation.

Jill’s heart immediately dropped as she scurried quickly, hiding behind Ada. “Eww! Eww! Eww! I hate tentacles! Get it away from me, Ada.”

Ada kept her composure, just shrugging her shoulders. “Men, I’ve seen worse. Jill…no need to be so close….”

Jill blushed in embarrassment, getting off her body but still holding onto her shoulders in a cowardly manner. “J---J---Just get it away from me! D---D---Don’t let that tentacle grab me!!!”

Ada just rolled her eyes, reaching into one of the pockets on her combat gear, pulling out a incendiary grenade. The monster bent over, roaring loudly in her face. “STAAAAAAAAAAAA---!!” It was quickly cut off after Ada had pulled the pin off the grenade, shoving it into its mouth. She then grabbed Jill tightly, jumping to the side and taking her along with her as the fiery explosion erupted, the monster groaning in immense pain before falling to the ground.

Jill’s head was pounding, she opened her eyes to see that she was on top of Ada who didn’t have a good look on her face. “Ada?! You did it! What’s wrong!”


Jill gasped and blushed again before rolling of her partner while she got up from the ground, brushing off her dress.

“You saved me Ad---.”
“Shut up.”

Jill rolled her eyes and smirked. “What’s the matter broke a nail? Hehe.”

Ada didn’t say a word, just shaking her head and rolling her eyes before turning around and beginning to walk away.

“Hey! Where are you going?!”

“Leaving. I need to take care of some things.”

“You’re not going to even say goodbye?” Jill frowned heavily, her arms hanging loose at her sides. She began to slightly tear, getting Ada’s attention by letting out a sniffle. Ada just sighed, turning back and walking up to her, picking her chin up before handing her a piece of paper.

“Here’s my number. I don’t know. Call me and we can hang out or something. Whatever. Look, I have to go.”

Jill smiled wide, embracing Ada in a tight hug. “Yes! I made a new friend! It’s hard finding good people like you. Most of my friends like Chris are annoying. Always just praising themselves and gloating, but never paying attention to me.”

Ada struggled to break free from the strong hug, but couldn't. “Yeah…yeah…okay let me go.”

Jill did so, putting Ada’s number in her pocket. “Never thought I’d meet someone awesome in a situation like this. Weird huh?”

“Yeah…I guess you could say so.” Ada put her hand on Jill’s shoulder. “Just be safe, okay? Don’t do anything stupid.”

“…I know, Ada. I’m not dumb.”

Ada just chuckled, smirking at her. “Yes you are.”

“Hush.” Jill looked at the woman as she ran away, back into the darkness of Raccoon City, a whole adventure ahead of her. She then looked back at the monster on the ground, shivering at the sight. “Yuck….I hate tentacles.” Jill grabbed her assault rifle and left as well, heading in the opposite direction of Ada. After she left, the monster’s hand suddenly let out a small twitch….

No, it's over lol before you ask "When is the next chapter going to be?" there is none. This was such a small fan-fic gift for iVagina.

There's something special about this fan-fic though. I wrote this to see if he could point it out.
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Mannn.. This is sooo easy.

Jill and the "Nevermind" Part because I do that all the time, and the "Hush" Quote at the end.

You just turned Jill into me.. Kinda..

Am I right? :D
Mannn.. This is sooo easy.

Jill and the "Nevermind" Part because I do that all the time, and the "Hush" Quote at the end.

You just turned Jill into me.. Kinda..

Am I right? :D

Yup, lol and I'm supposed to be Ada.

And Chris is you know who lmao.

I was going to make myself Leon but since you only like Jill, if I made you Jill that would be weird :laugh:

So I just figured make it Ada and Jill, since you don't praise any male RE characters
Yup, lol and I'm supposed to be Ada.

And Chris is you know who lmao.

I was going to make myself Leon but since you only like Jill, if I made you Jill that would be weird :laugh:

So I just figured make it Ada and Jill, since you don't praise any male RE characters

Premo Redfield :rofl:

You were on point with the Tentacle hate, they're so lame.
“I’m not sure. I haven’t been back here in forever. I think the last time I was here was at the celebration of Chris winning that stupid marksman reward. I was sooooo drunk. I think I even made out with that new rookie, Rebecca.”

“…That’s nice to know. So I take it as a no then?”

“Sorry, I forgot my way around here.”

“You forget a lot of things!”

“Oh yeah?! Well! You---…forget it.”

“What?! Say it!”


Ada cringed, hating when someone said “nevermind” to her, dropping a conversation or argument. There was no time to argue though as they suddenly heard the sound of metal being tossed around.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Best part of the entire Fan Fic, and I told you.. If it's not Match up knowledge, it's not worth remembering at all :rolleyes:
Yea, they changed the color from Black to a dark Brown color and you can hardly tell the difference. :|

Sherry costume 1 and 2 :yumyum:

Can't tell the difference?

Dude, lol the color is like a mix of poop brown and piss yellow. It's horrid.

Definitely the last costume color I'm going to unlock.

So awesome. And omg omg omg omg... Ada's in this <3

Ada makes everything better, doesn't she? :proud:

Yung's just jealous. Glad we still have some fan-fic writers with taste around here :mullet: