What criteria does it give you opponents based on when you're online in ranked?
I bought the game on release, but combination of MK poor net code and where I was living having not great net speed (8mb bb) meant that I could never play online, plus no offline scene where I was meant the only time I played was against the PC or training my partner (not a natural) for some 1v1. It grew old fast and I haven't played for months. Now I've temporarily moved back to my parents and have great net speed and can finally get online.
So my rank is as low as it can go, I've only fought about 15 matches online and most where against people with 200+ online fights and pretty hardcore skills, does it not try and match noobs like me with other noobs? I know you learn more from defeat (so they say), but being steamrolled match after match is not hugely fun. I don't mind losing, but I like to feel I could have won if I'd played a bit better. I've won 2 fights this week and both were against really crappy players, the rest have just been way out of my league.
I bought the game on release, but combination of MK poor net code and where I was living having not great net speed (8mb bb) meant that I could never play online, plus no offline scene where I was meant the only time I played was against the PC or training my partner (not a natural) for some 1v1. It grew old fast and I haven't played for months. Now I've temporarily moved back to my parents and have great net speed and can finally get online.
So my rank is as low as it can go, I've only fought about 15 matches online and most where against people with 200+ online fights and pretty hardcore skills, does it not try and match noobs like me with other noobs? I know you learn more from defeat (so they say), but being steamrolled match after match is not hugely fun. I don't mind losing, but I like to feel I could have won if I'd played a bit better. I've won 2 fights this week and both were against really crappy players, the rest have just been way out of my league.