random X-RAY


New member
i always wonder why X-RAY are repetitive 1 move, why they didnt make it as RANDOM X-RAY HIT.
for example: when your meter complete you can activate it and then any move you do will be X-RAY view, it will be more fun i am sure.
yeah coz if its one thing the mk team hate its work....thats painfully obvious.... and has been since mk3, and is obvious in mk9's fatalities
yeah coz if its one thing the mk team hate its work....thats painfully obvious.... and has been since mk3, and is obvious in mk9's fatalities

lol..... righttt

No but i think they just did it to give each character an ultra type move; that showed off moves that the character cant normally do with their normal/special attacks just adds some more uniqueness to the character...

if everytime you activated xray, and you just did there normal attacks or specials with internal view it wouldnt be as fun :-D
or interactive x-rays !

No thanks. This was done in MKvsDCU and it sucked.

Each of the X-Rays are essentially mini-cut scenes and the broken bones and innard destruction for each character is a lot of work alone. Factor in that we're gonna be getting even more characters (via DLC), and it's even more work... but we'll have more variety, too.
Random factors hinder solid gameplay.

We've been seeing the same special moves thousands of times over the years, so what's the big deal?
i always wonder why X-RAY are repetitive 1 move, why they didnt make it as RANDOM X-RAY HIT.
for example: when your meter complete you can activate it and then any move you do will be X-RAY view, it will be more fun i am sure.

you couldn't do it.. x rays are predetermined camera angles and animations..

You could not possibly have every move every character can do and make it a quality xray we have now...
And they would not be unique.. e.g.. uppercut=xray move.. every character has an uppercut so what you gonna do? Have the same xray attack for every character when they do an uppercut xray or do 28 completly different xray attacks for each character when they do an uppercut xray???


keep them unique as they are now