PS3 Mortal Kombat Krews


New member
Date: January 21st
Time: 5p.m. CST til finish

First off I'd like to get an entrants list so please post if you're atleast 90% sure you can be there to play. this will be a large 2 team battle between members. and it will be a draft.

How this will work: Assume we get 21 people, it's an odd number for teams so we would do 10people vs 11 people. The people who have 11, will have 1 guy that is benched. (Technically everyone is benched) but the team with 11 players will have 1 extra option/choice if they want it.

You will send in members to eliminate your opponents members one at a time. For example.
Me and tabb and BBBLP are on a team
Lets say Fatalityray, Aldo, Spine Ripper on a team

Lets say we send myself in first, and they send in Aldo first. I take Aldo out. He is now out of the game. Aldo's team may now counter pick me with a player of their choice. Whoever they believe will take me out to even the score. ect ect. this will go on until all players on a team have been eliminated.

I will "stream" this so we can watch our team players fight and things will be more orderly in live time. Watching and chatting about it together will create hype. It also gives teams a chance to read/study opponents players incase they need to counter pick. To try to choose a style that counters their opponents style.

This is a synopsis of how it will go down.

Choosing the teams

Once a list has been formulated (We will wait out a bit for more entrants). Then we will have a vote on who should be the 2 captains. you can vote for anyone but yourself. The two captains will get a 50/50 coin flip, and the winner will get to choose members for their team "first." Then the loser chooses second. this is where choosing your captain is important. You're gonna either want your captain to be an extremely good player, or a good strategist. The choosing of players will continue until the last player is chosen. Do not be offended if you are picked near last.
(Note: the choosing of teammates will take place on these boards, at the time of the event. That way no shows won't affect team numbers)

Team Captains also have the final say if the team is torn on choosing who to send in next. Even if everyone on the captains team is against his decision. Captains decision is final. But he is allowed to ask for advice from his team.

Captains are allowed to get advice for choices from members who are already selected on his/her team.

Once everyone is in a team. Everyone must decide amongst their team what characters each player is using because you are going to be "binded" to that character. Once you have decided for everyone each captain will send it to a third party member who is not a part of this event. They will post both of our choices in one post so we can both see what your opponents have chosen as characters. Please note that on this message, you'll also put down your "starter" the character/player you choose first, so the first pick is blind.


Now that we are ready to play here is how the rules work.
Every fight you must use the tournament mode Code. 1-1-1.
Why? because every player is going to have 3 lives. And we don't want first hit meter advantage to play a huge role in the game, because we are only doing Round 1's for your lives. 1/1.

Once you lose a life it's gone forever. Even if you beat your opponent.

So in earlier scenario if I fight Aldo and Aldo takes 1of my lives and I take all 3. They send in Fatalityray and he'll have 3 lives while I have only 2(Because aldo killed it). It stays gone forever. I take 1 life off fatalityray, he takes my remaining 2. Then we get to counter pick ray. Continue said scenario until both teams lost all members all lives.

Since I'm not sure if you can set online matches to best of 1. If we have to play best of 3's. We will play 1 round. Then both players need to quit their match, to restart round 1, where both players are nuetral level, and no positional advantage.

why lose positional advantage? Well because it's an impossible system to keep up when you have to send in a new member, the positions HAVE to be reset. So it's optimal for balance that we reset to nuetral standing each life.

Why are we using lives?

Because lives are a more accurate representation of TEAM skill. If you need an example. Lets say your team has one professional player, and 4 newbs who don't know how to play at all. The other team has 5 seasoned players who know big combos and know how to outpoke ect ect decently well but they are no match still for the professional. If you are able to assign a number value to skill. Professional player is 10. 4 newbs = 1. Team skill value is 14. The seasoned players are all 6. so 6x5 is 30. Seasoned players team skill total is higher. so they should have the advantage. but in a system where we play best of 3 to eliminate someone. Pro player will reset with "full life" aka get to start fresh as if nothing ever happened. All those mistakes he made against seasoned player #1 are gone. Thus resulting in a clean sweep win for the team with less skill value points.

However in a scenario where seasoned player can infact, take a round off. Good enough to have a chance at a round. But not a whole set. They can wittle the big player away. life by life. then crush his newbie teamates.

The team with greater skill should have the advantage, and not the team with the highest skilled player on said team.

I'd go as far as make people keep the HEALTH they lost if possible9but it's not). but the only way to do that is with 1/2 health code which will make it where first hit gets you a bar of meter and we can't do that.

That's it!

Have questions please ask.

I will post when it's ok to vote for captains.
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Attendance/Interested List:

Orange for confirmed
White for interested
Black for deconfirmed(Used when someone changes their mind and can't attend)

1.) Critical__Limit [Ermac/Jade/Skarlet/Kung Lao/Noob Saibot]
2.) Armon24 (anizzle1)
3.) VikingPoodle [Johnny Cage/Sektor/Kenshi/Lui Kang]
4.) Aldo Moreno (Asm_Liu_Kang_254) [Lui Kang]
5.) MajorLogan [Kitana/Mileena]
6.) Spine_Ripper [Subzero/Noob Saibot]
7.) Navi24 (MKhemis-7) [Noob Saibot]
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This was very thought out and sounds like fun. I'm a bit rusty in MK9, so put me in interested please. :)

Great idea Critical!
I mucked up the last tournament and didn't even know when I was up in it. Go ahead and count me in.

this isn't particularly a tournament but a side event often done in other games to test Region skills vs region skills.

But instead of doing regions we're doing a draft pick. It's gonna be fun, as I love team scenario based fighting events.
this isn't particularly a tournament but a side event often done in other games to test Region skills vs region skills.

But instead of doing regions we're doing a draft pick. It's gonna be fun, as I love team scenario based fighting events.

Well, either way, it sounds like a lot of fun and count me in. Good job with the rules and that by the way!
Well, either way, it sounds like a lot of fun and count me in. Good job with the rules and that by the way!

thanks man

Another plus on this is I'll be streaming it live, and recording it basically. So if people don't normally have access to recording matches. You can do so now to overview your matches and learn from them.
thanks man

Another plus on this is I'll be streaming it live, and recording it basically. So if people don't normally have access to recording matches. You can do so now to overview your matches and learn from them.

I'm in one stream. And I sucked. I was running on no sleep because of a family emergency the night before. I'm here at thirteen minutes. And then again at uh... Like 50 something. :

EDIT : I'm uhh. the guy with the bright blue shirt.
I'm in one stream. And I sucked. I was running on no sleep because of a family emergency the night before. I'm here at thirteen minutes. And then again at uh... Like 50 something. :

EDIT : I'm uhh. the guy with the bright blue shirt.

you did pretty good dude, I can tell you're a thinker, and I'm sure you know what you did wrong against subzero.

How often you've been to offline tournaments? I've only been to two MK9 ones. CEO and Impact Clash VI
hell I'll join. my connect is giving me problems though so i'll see if I can straighten it out and let you know.
you did pretty good dude, I can tell you're a thinker, and I'm sure you know what you did wrong against subzero.

How often you've been to offline tournaments? I've only been to two MK9 ones. CEO and Impact Clash VI

Thanks bud. And yep I sure do haha. Kept fallin for those damn clones. wasn't rushing right. Etc. Both of the guys I fought told me some strategies. The sub guy told me how to build meter from across the screen. yeah I like the whole mind games and mix up aspect of the game. To be honest I'd love to go to more tourneys, but I just don't research enough to know when and where they're gonna be. I want to though. I also would love to get involved in the Tekken scene. I'm lookin forward to playin with you, Crit. I find it hard to believe I haven't yet haha. Jade scares me haha. Dat range.