Pokemon Go


Well-known member
Anyone playing this app?

Looks fun and is downloading in my phone now. I also might play my Pokemon Silver again. Lol

Also, my top 6 Pokemon so far are...

1. Lugia
2. Mew
3. Mewtwo
4. Lapras
5. Steelix
6. Meganium
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I actually just got done re-playing Red a month ago or so.. I'm gonna download this app later, thanks for bringing it to my attention. I just know it's gonna murder my phone battery, but oh well ;p
Yes, and I can't stop laughing at what are the gyms in my town.

My town has a very shitty post office and it's a gym. No one likes this place. It's slow moving, the employees there are rude, the mail carriers are just idiots... And it's a gym. Granted that there's nothing about it affects my game, still... The post office.

I'm gonna go crazy when I find a Cubone and a Meowth. Those two are some of my favorites.
Servers are very buggy today, I guess that's to be expected though. I like the concept a lot, just dunno if I'll be able to go to all of these areas. I don't live in the most, uhh..friendly city lol

I really do want a Haunter..that's one of my favorite Pokemon. Oh and a Gloom.
All I caught so far was a Bulbasaur in my front yard. I don't know when I'm gonna be leaving my house again, seeing how I don't work anywhere right now and my car is down. Kinda reminds me of 12 years ago when they had those Megaman Battle Network Electronics that forced you to travel to fight Virus and scan items at the stores to get power chips. Or even like the Monster Scanners.

I hope all of the good Pokemon aren't in the hood or at some club because I wanted a Haunter, Mankey (Primeape), Growlithe (Arcanine), Vulpix (Ninetales), Gyarados, Abra, and Butterfree.
I went to my club and caught a female Nidoran, Machop, and Meowth. Plus a Bulbasaur and I started the game in the bar I'm at. Lol
All I caught so far was a Bulbasaur in my front yard. I don't know when I'm gonna be leaving my house again, seeing how I don't work anywhere right now and my car is down. Kinda reminds me of 12 years ago when they had those Megaman Battle Network Electronics that forced you to travel to fight Virus and scan items at the stores to get power chips. Or even like the Monster Scanners.

I hope all of the good Pokemon aren't in the hood or at some club because I wanted a Haunter, Mankey (Primeape), Growlithe (Arcanine), Vulpix (Ninetales), Gyarados, Abra, and Butterfree.

Ninetales is my favorite fire type! I actually caught Doduo, Bulbasaur and Eevee in my house; you might get lucky.

I'm enjoying this way too much lol squealing like a child when I catch something.
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Ninetales is my favorite fire type! I actually caught Doduo, Bulbasaur and Eevee in my house; you might get lucky.

I'm enjoying this way too much lol squealing like a child when I catch something.

I'm just hoping they eventually fixed these servers soon. I, and maybe Nintendo as well, wasn't really expecting much of anyone to be playing this game after the leaked gameplay footage. I haven't caught anything since I caught Bulbasaur yesterday because of these server issues, lol.

Also, is it possible to catch anything at night? Because I couldn't find any Pokemon last night.
I'm just hoping they eventually fixed these servers soon. I, and maybe Nintendo as well, wasn't really expecting much of anyone to be playing this game after the leaked gameplay footage. I haven't caught anything since I caught Bulbasaur yesterday because of these server issues, lol.

Also, is it possible to catch anything at night? Because I couldn't find any Pokemon last night.

Usually, it'd be in the restaurants and diners. When at home, nothing really shows up for me.
I'm just hoping they eventually fixed these servers soon. I, and maybe Nintendo as well, wasn't really expecting much of anyone to be playing this game after the leaked gameplay footage. I haven't caught anything since I caught Bulbasaur yesterday because of these server issues, lol.

Also, is it possible to catch anything at night? Because I couldn't find any Pokemon last night.

Yeah, server is down again for me.. I wanted to see what pokemon are near my workplace before I leave to go home. oh well.

And yes, from what I've read, different pokemon appear at night than daytime. I was going to sleep last night and Eevee was in my bedroom lol. I wanted to snuggle it :P
Oh cool. Also, this is crazy:

I can only imagine what Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing are gonna be like when they come to the mobile phones.
Can someone explain to me how this game works?! I was so into Pokemon when it was in its first season. Arbok, Ekans, Arcanine and Haunter were my favorites.
You just have to keep collecting the same kind over and over to get "candies". Once you reach a certain number of candies, you can evolve them.

You can also give your Pokemon to the Professor to get candy as well.
I love throwing curve balls at them for more XP.

That and um...


I kid you not, five of them popped out while I was in this hospital bed. It was hysterical. Then my phone died.
I seriously wish I was bullshitting here, but a girl managed to find a dead body while playing Pokemon Go. For details, I turn it over to AlphaOmegaSin.

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