New member
General Changes/Fixes
DLC Characters now in Archives – DLC Characters are now available in the Character Viewer located in the Archives.
Offline Restart Match - From the pause menu of an offline versus match, you can now instantly restart the match.
Online Instant Rematch Option - You now have the option to rematch instantly or to rematch and select new characters/background after an online player match.
Interactive Object Sound Cues – You now have the option to turn on sound cues that will notify the players when either is within range of an Interactive Object. This option can be found in the Gameplay Settings menu.
King of the Hill Challenges – There is now a default KOTH challenge assigned to you.
Arena Select – Starting Arena Level choice is now randomized as well when a 2nd player chooses to select a stage.
Building Meter - Slightly reduced the amount of meter gain on specials that can be canceled.
Meter Refill in Practice – The super meter is now set to REFILL in practice mode.
Wall Bounce Interactive Objects – Improved the hit box on 3d Wall Bounce Interactions so that they will hit within a combo regardless of stance switch.
Directional Hard Attacks
· Applying a Meter Burn to Directional Hard (Back + Hard or Forward + Hard) Attacks now inflicts 50% more damage.
· You now take 50% less damage when hit during the armored portion of a Meter Burned directional Hard Attack.
Meter Burning Interactive Objects – It now costs 2 bars of Meter to apply Meter Burn properties to Interactive Objects.
Transition Damage – Adjusted Transition Damage across all arenas so that they are consistent with each other.
Frame Data Corrections – Multiple Frame Data Corrections.
Throw Immunity – Completely removed throw immunity from all projectile attacks. You can now throw opponents while they are throwing projectiles, regardless of character.
Input Buffering in Advanced Controls - After Blocking in Advanced Controls, you can now buffer special moves without resetting to a neutral position on the controller.
Projectile Hit Pauses - Removed the hit pause/screenshake from several projectiles when they hit the walls of arenas.
Meter Burning Through Interactive Object Damage – Fixed an issue where some Interactive Objects were still inflicting splash damage after the opponent armored through them.
Resetting Metropolis APC Gunner in Practice – You can now properly reset the APC gunner in practice mode in the Metropolis Street.
Arena Changes
Metropolis – Rooftop – Flying WASPs respawn rate increased to 8-12 seconds (previously 4-6 seconds)
Insurgency – Command Center - Slightly reduced velocity and collision sphere for splash damage when the overhead television monitors are thrown by power characters
Insurgency – Luthor’s Lab – Slightly reduced velocity and collision sphere for splash damage when the hanging lights are thrown by power characters
Insurgency – Luthor’s Lab – Slightly reduced velocity and collision sphere for splash damage when Braniac’s head is thrown by power characters
Fortress of Solitude – Laboratory – The Ship swing no longer has invulnerable frames for some power characters.
(Carried on in next post)
General Changes/Fixes
DLC Characters now in Archives – DLC Characters are now available in the Character Viewer located in the Archives.
Offline Restart Match - From the pause menu of an offline versus match, you can now instantly restart the match.
Online Instant Rematch Option - You now have the option to rematch instantly or to rematch and select new characters/background after an online player match.
Interactive Object Sound Cues – You now have the option to turn on sound cues that will notify the players when either is within range of an Interactive Object. This option can be found in the Gameplay Settings menu.
King of the Hill Challenges – There is now a default KOTH challenge assigned to you.
Arena Select – Starting Arena Level choice is now randomized as well when a 2nd player chooses to select a stage.
Building Meter - Slightly reduced the amount of meter gain on specials that can be canceled.
Meter Refill in Practice – The super meter is now set to REFILL in practice mode.
Wall Bounce Interactive Objects – Improved the hit box on 3d Wall Bounce Interactions so that they will hit within a combo regardless of stance switch.
Directional Hard Attacks
· Applying a Meter Burn to Directional Hard (Back + Hard or Forward + Hard) Attacks now inflicts 50% more damage.
· You now take 50% less damage when hit during the armored portion of a Meter Burned directional Hard Attack.
Meter Burning Interactive Objects – It now costs 2 bars of Meter to apply Meter Burn properties to Interactive Objects.
Transition Damage – Adjusted Transition Damage across all arenas so that they are consistent with each other.
Frame Data Corrections – Multiple Frame Data Corrections.
Throw Immunity – Completely removed throw immunity from all projectile attacks. You can now throw opponents while they are throwing projectiles, regardless of character.
Input Buffering in Advanced Controls - After Blocking in Advanced Controls, you can now buffer special moves without resetting to a neutral position on the controller.
Projectile Hit Pauses - Removed the hit pause/screenshake from several projectiles when they hit the walls of arenas.
Meter Burning Through Interactive Object Damage – Fixed an issue where some Interactive Objects were still inflicting splash damage after the opponent armored through them.
Resetting Metropolis APC Gunner in Practice – You can now properly reset the APC gunner in practice mode in the Metropolis Street.
Arena Changes
Metropolis – Rooftop – Flying WASPs respawn rate increased to 8-12 seconds (previously 4-6 seconds)
Insurgency – Command Center - Slightly reduced velocity and collision sphere for splash damage when the overhead television monitors are thrown by power characters
Insurgency – Luthor’s Lab – Slightly reduced velocity and collision sphere for splash damage when the hanging lights are thrown by power characters
Insurgency – Luthor’s Lab – Slightly reduced velocity and collision sphere for splash damage when Braniac’s head is thrown by power characters
Fortress of Solitude – Laboratory – The Ship swing no longer has invulnerable frames for some power characters.
(Carried on in next post)
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