Official Complaints Thread


New member
All right, I don't know if I'm allowed to do this but I think its time to be done. I'm tired of the numerous amounts of threads with complaints. So I think we should put them all here instead of making a thread for it.

Umad cause there's no new characters?
Umad cause their head size is off in your opinion?
Umad cause online didn't end up being perfect on day one?
Umad cause Rain, Tanya, Hsu Hao, or any other useless character didn't make an appearance in a game based off of games they weren't a part of?
Umad cause people keep complaining?

Post below and stop the cancer from overtaking every new topic on this board.
I do not like when it says "FIGHT!" there is a little lag time before you actually strike. I wish it was instant, for instance once the fight banner flashes, it is go time.
I don't like that in Nekropolis, all the male characters do this generic male pose, and all the females do this generic female pose. This could have been a good place to put more personality in the characters. Same thing with the Test Your Skills.
I kind of wish the X-Ray moves didn't happen so often and were a little faster... it breaks up the gameplay too much. I love the effect though.
i disagree with all the above ^^ except the fight thing u really never know when the fight actually begins .
- The Krypt is tedious to navigate. The camera is atrocious.
- When characters are more than half distance from each other and someone teleports, they literally disappear from the screen with no exit animation whatsoever. Even more infuriating, the camera takes too long to swing back and center on the two characters again. Chief offenders are Sheeva, Scorpion, Ermac and Smoke.
- Sektor's teleport is really really way too fast, there's barely any startup time and any warning whatsoever.
- for all the talk about having a great training mode, it's really barebones. Needs to be at least up to Super Street Fighter 4 with ability to record attack patterns from enemies so you can practice reactions.
- the weird setup for picking the last row of unlocked characters in the select screen is absolutely retarded and needs to be changed.
- You need the ability to access the control scheme from anywhere in game.
- Bring back Mileena's dashing uppercut combos. Why remove it from her but let everyone else keep it (Ermac has it for Pete's sake).
- Sub Zero... sorry but needs to be changed a bit. Ground ice is so useless NOBODY even bothers to use it in a game, even in mixups. Regular freeze needs to be sped up a bit. He's supposed to be the Ryu to Scorpion's Ken, not this hippopotamus swimming in molasses they gave us.
- for all the talk about having a great training mode, it's really barebones. Needs to be at least up to Super Street Fighter 4 with ability to record attack patterns from enemies so you can practice reactions.
I completely agree with you on this. Not that I necessarily disagree with the rest, but that's pretty much the only thing that really bothers me (besides online lag of course).

I was really hyped for a lot of things because they kept saying how amazing the training mode, challenge tower, story mode and online was going to be. In the end it all turned out to be half truths. Training mode is shit compared to SSF4 like you said. I'd also like the ability to record and set a dummy to test certain scenarios and set ups. It's quite unfortunate they didn't include that. Plus SSF4's Trials are a million times better than that training for noobs thing they made. Press up to jump and press block to block. Duh.

Also, the Challenge Tower turned out to be a bit repetitive and not really that awesome. I do hope they upgrade it along with the Krypt in future DLCs.
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no complaints from me except the AI to be honest and the fact that the chalenge tower should have been called the frustration tower, its not challenging its just bollox hard a shit stuff that you win buy the off chance
Now that I found out you can choose where you land when teleporting with Sheeva and Quan Chi by pushing left or right, the slow camera centering is even more annoying. Move away from the opponent, teleport and push towards them to land on the other side. Now you're offscreen for a second and your opponent can't see you at all.
I completely agree with you on this. Not that I necessarily disagree with the rest, but that's pretty much the only thing that really bothers me (besides online lag of course).

I was really hyped for a lot of things because they kept saying how amazing the training mode, challenge tower, story mode and online was going to be. In the end it all turned out to be half truths. Training mode is shit compared to SSF4 like you said. I'd also like the ability to record and set a dummy to test certain scenarios and set ups. It's quite unfortunate they didn't include that. Plus SSF4's Trials are a million times better than that training for noobs thing they made. Press up to jump and press block to block. Duh.

Also, the Challenge Tower turned out to be a bit repetitive and not really that awesome. I do hope they upgrade it along with the Krypt in future DLCs.
Yeah I was one of those who really thought it would have surpassed SF4's training mode and it's just as lame as ever.

And the online, besides the avatar stuff is nothing to write about, with regard to quantity OR quality.
I chose to still be made about the Xbox exclusive content that will make us happy.

Online lags so much that the slow motion missions look fast. It's a must fix. only played online 5 times and it took 10 mins to find a fight WTF?
All right, I don't know if I'm allowed to do this but I think its time to be done. I'm tired of the numerous amounts of threads with complaints.

Umad cause online didn't end up being perfect on day one?
Umad cause Rain, Tanya, Hsu Hao, or any other useless character didn't make an appearance in a game based off of games they weren't a part of?
Umad cause people keep complaining?

Post below and stop the cancer from overtaking every new topic on this board.

I'm happy someone felt the same way and I'll share my opinion a few points.

I think alot of you don't appreciate what we already have: Great gameplay & roster, 4 to 5 different finishers, entertaining story mode (really surprising for a fighter), nice extras like the alternates, tag mode, challenge tower & more which we're free from day 1.

The one thing that's been annoying me probably the most is the constant complaints on the day 1 roster with prime example being Rain. He was a broken uninspired nightmare of a character that came out of the port and I really don't see why he's so praised... Why would we need these worthless characters from post-UMK3 (Tanya and Quan Chi being an exception to the rule) like Bo-Rai Cho (seriously?!). Oh yeah let's not forget the Kratos & stage exclusive. Get over it... 360 gets a ton of exclusives over the PS3 and one won't kill you.

The netplay wasn't good from what I've heard and seen as I haven't tested it out with PSN being down and I've been enjoying the game with my buddies. Although I really wasn't expecting amazing netcode it doesn't really affect me as I tend to avoid online unless it's for some casuals.

I'll agree that training mode isn't ideal but it's there and as for the trials just practice your combos with auto-block on as it's the same thing minus the fancy Success popping up...

The krypt could've contained some behind the scenes sure but I was more than happy unlocking alternates, 2nd fatalities and the kombat kodes. I also want DLC guys but come on the game just came out and there's a lot to enjoy...
Why does the hottest chick in Mortal Kombat have to be the one with the ****ed up monster face? just saying...
Reptile does not remove the mask on characters that have them, when he does his Acid Yak fatality.
why does mileena,kitana,jade and sindel have way too similar fight stance, i know they're related but wtf lol and get rid of the heels too. nah i love this game, theres alot of things i would change but is minor stuff just like alot of games.
I never really played with Kabal before, but did he always have pigtails? It's like playing with baby spice in a mask!

When I first saw him in story mode I thought I can't wait until he turns into the regular Kabal so I can stop looking at that ridiculous pony tail, but then they gave him pigtails. It's terrible, but hilarious. At least you can't really tell during the regular game, only in story mode.