Offical Street Fighter Legacy kickstarter campaign


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Offical Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist discussion thread

Since I’m humbly asking for your pledges, the least you deserve is a ‘no bull-shit’ transparent account of events leading to this point. So here we go!

'Street Fighter: Legacy' was always just a proof of concept, a taster of what Street Fighter, in live action, could and should be. To prove to Capcom and the fanbase that it was possible to do a faithful rendition of Street Fighter, it’s characters, martial arts styles, special moves and music. A means to an end to do something bigger...'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist'.

It has been a crazy journey of ups and downs to get to this stage. 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist' has literally consumed my life, and the life of my core team, for almost 3 years now!

Last year, our brilliant Producer, Jacqueline Quella successfully purchased the option from Capcom, along with their blessing, to produce 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist'.

It was always my intention to raise finance for this modest budget series via independent investment. Asking you, the fans, for money was never my initial intention. But in this tough economic recession, and in the limited time since acquiring the option, we have managed to secure some, but not all of our production budget.

If we are unable to raise the remaining finance required pretty quickly, we are in jeopardy of losing what finance we do have, which would delay us going into production possibly until next year...which nobody wants!

We have had other offers of significant finance from the 'movie industry' but this has come with ‘strings attached’ which would compromise the creative vision I have for 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist': to give YOU the fans the Street Fighter movie you've always wanted. That’s not how I, or any of my team, roll!

If we secure the production budget we need, 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist' is going to be the definitive, live action, Street Fighter experience that you have deserved and been waiting for, since the games’ inception 25 years ago.

We know the Street Fighter fan base is mighty and strong! For argument’s sake, let’s assume there are at least 1 million fans who are as fanatical as me, and half of that number pledged an amount of money however large or small...we’d be on fire, and we'd get 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist' made!

With something like this, if you are a fan, loved ‘Street Fighter: Legacy’ and are as excited to see 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist' as we are to make it, then please step up and contribute! Don’t assume others will so you can sit back and chill. It took me, a fan, to get off my ass invest my own money, time, blood and sweat to make 'Street Fighter: Legacy' possible, which has now made 'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist' a real possibility. All I ask is you guys do the same on a much smaller scale and everyone wins.

So not only are you in a position to help us by donating, but we have come up with some great ways to get you involved in the series.

And what of the future?

Christian Howard, Ken in 'Legacy' and 'Assassin's Fist', and myself have spent the last 3 years writing. We began with a script treatment for the ‘World Warrior’ story line around Street Fighter II, which would span a prologue series and then a feature film finale. After the success of 'Street Fighter: Legacy', we decided that we would put the ‘World Warrior’ scripts on the shelf, to be used down the line as a bigger-budget sequel, and instead work on the origin story of the Ansatsuken characters: Ryu, Ken, Gōken, Gōki/Akuma and Gōtetsu. It is this Japanese-centric storyline that really grabs me the most. It is a true warrior’s tale; a coming of age story for Ryu and Ken as boys become men; told in parallel with the dark tale of the generation that came before them, filled with tragedy, loss and heartbreak.

This story really contains all the elements of universal, classic, conflict based story telling; father vs. son; brother vs. brother; a love triangle; betrayal; revenge; and the ultimate question: ‘Can a man change his destiny? Or will the inevitable catch up with him?'.

Having had the benefit of 3 years to sculpt, redraft and refine the screenplays, we have created an extremely detailed layered world and mythology, which delves into the very science behind ‘Hado’.

We have also kept true to the Japanese roots of this mythology and as a result, the series will be bi-lingual with dialogue in both English and Japanese, maintaining cultural authenticity to the setting and story. Street Fighter is after all an international franchise, boasting fighters from all over the world. If our franchise progresses, we want to pay service to each fighter’s culture and language.

('Assassin's Fist' will form the foundation of our vision for Street Fighter. From there we plan to make the 'World Warrior' storyline across a series and a movie and continue to develop this narratively rich and action-packed franchise. This all hinges on getting the first series started as soon as possible).
'Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist' is ready to shoot!

The screenplays are complete and have been redrafted multiple times to a very refined state.
We have been casting for the last year and have attached all of our principal cast.
Physical and dialect/language training has been on going for some time.
CGI and VFX tests on Hado have been undertaken
International location scout and selection of perfect shooting locations has taken place.
Many of the crew and Heads of Department (HoDs) are attached and are excited to begin production.

The more we raise, the more bad-ass we can make the visual effects. Currently the production schedule gives us 6 weeks to shoot an ambitious amount of content. This is the bare minimum time we need to achieve what we have scripted. That's why we are setting a 'stretch goal' of £975,000 (c. $1,475,000). Any extra money raised above and beyond the barebones minimum we need to make this baby will allow us to extend the shoot schedule and make the production bigger and better all round.
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Yeah, at nearly 1 million USD, the ceiling is really high. Nevertheless you may be surprised how the funds can spike up at the last minute.
We've got some very exciting news to announce. Although the KickStarter campaign has built a little slowly, it has brought a couple of supporters to us who really love what we are trying to do. In fact they love it so much they are going to back us with the money we need to get started. So we are pleased to announce that we look like we are good to go, and our vision of a Street Fighter series made by fans for fans will happen.

So we'd like to thank everyone who has pledged. Your support has been amazingly encouraging, and we really feel that without you we'd not be where we are. So we've taken the decision not to delay getting on with things, by letting the campaign run, and we are going to withdraw the project.

It also means that you, our friends, will not have to dig into your own pockets to help us out, much as we know you were happy to do so. Your pledges will be cancelled. Most of the rewards we've published will be available later through commercial channels, so DVDs, t-shirts and books will still be available to you at some point.

We really want you to keep in touch so please check out our Facebook page, and website regularly. We'll have some more cast announcements shortly which we think you'll love and of course even more news as we start filming. Thanks again you've been brilliant supporters and in a very real way have made it all happen.

Love, hugs and Shoryukens to you all!
Here's a behind the scenes report:

Here's info on the series' runtime:

Here's the tentative release date:

Here's the cast list:

For updates and pics of the characters go here: and you can go on the Street Fighter:Assassin's Fist official facebook page where they keep you all updated.

Alternatively, you can use this site:
Here's some pics

Akira Koeiyama as Gouken :




Togo Igawa as Goutetsu:




Hyunri as Sayaka(first seen in SF Alpha:Generations OVA):



Shogen as Young Gouken:


Gaku Space as Teen/Early Adult Akuma
(as an FYI, Joey Ansah will be playing the traditional Akuma just like he did in his "Legacy" short film from two summers ago):


Wait this isn't? sure as hell looks a lot like it.
In the future that would be an interesting choice but wasn't Cammy like a teenager when she was introduced in Street Fighter 2?

I think so. But in the first street fighter movie, my favorite singer, Kylie Minogue, played as her. I wonder if she was a teen too during that time. I don't think so though.

A sexy blonde in her twenties to thirties with an English, British, or American accent can probably play as Cammy.
Street Fighter Assassin's Fist to be shown at the American Film Festival along with distribution news:

Content has sold worldwide online rights for Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist to a major global online channel for a short first window. Other key territories snapped up for subsequent rights and windows include: UK, Australia, US, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Scandinavia (Funimation); German-speaking Europe and Benelux (Polyband); Central & Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey, Middle East (Daro); Thailand (IPA Asia); Portugal (Lusomundo), and South Korea (Sonamu).

Content is handling worldwide sales on the film for all media, which marks fight choreographer Joey Ansah 's directorial debut. Joey Ansah (Snow White and the Huntsman) stars alongside Togo Igawa, Mike Moh, Christian Howard, Akira Koieyama, Gaku Space., Shôgen Hwang, Hyunri, Hal Yamanouchi, and Mark Killeen.

The faithful Japanese and English script, co-written by Joey Ansah and Christian Howard, is based on Capcom's worldwide blockbuster video game franchise Street Fighter. The martial arts live-action film follows the formative years of iconic characters Ryu and Ken, the last practitioners of the ancient fighting style known as 'Ansatsuken' (Assassin's Fist), living a traditional warrior's life in secluded Japan.

Producer, Jacqueline Quella said,

"Millions of fans of the game have been calling out for a true-to-the-game telling of the Street Fighter story. Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist gives them just that. We're already experiencing enormous interest from the fan-base."

Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist is produced by Assassin's Fist Limited (UK) in association with Lonely Rock Productions, Gloucester Place Films, Evropa Film and Capcom USA, Inc.

The film is currently in post production. Content will screen exclusive footage at the upcoming American Film Market next week.

Content's Jamie Carmichael said,

"We're tremendously excited to present this extraordinarily valuable property to our worldwide clients. Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist is breaking new ground with its aggressive distribution plan, and we've been thrilled to see that distributors have been fighting to get on board."
Interesting Tidbits from the SF:AF team on their FB page:

"It's a multi format series. It will make it's debut online, then will subsequently be VOD and on TV as commercial half hour shows. a full running feature cut may be made as well. This 'series' was shot with full theatrical production value, look and presentation in mind. So think of it as a chapterized epic movie."

And when asked about whether we'll see the AFM footage:

The footage is for buyers/distributors at the film market. Although it won't be too long till a teaser is released. In the meantime we'll try and keep the photo releases regular

So overall,

1. The series might get released to Blu-Ray/DVD as a threatical cut

2. A trailer should be coming in the near future

3. The show will also appear on TV at some point.
