Updates Thread

Re: Update 9/21/08

Ah Li Mei, she was my favorite new introduction in MKDA, followed by Frost, then Mavado. But put on a scale of "do I like these characters as much as the originals" Havik is the only last-gen character I can say I truly put on par with those guys. Unless you count Kenshi, who I put on par with Stryker.
Re: Update 9/21/08

Re: Update 9/21/08

Wow... That's stange but kool!

There's a scrambled message at the bottom of when unscrambled reads: "cooL video coming soon...."

lol, i didnt see that last night (this morning;))

"Looc divoe micong noso...." Silly Ed.:secret:
Re: Update 9/21/08

Kinda makes you wonder what will be used for now that the games is released. Will boon use it for secrets about the next game? To show the best kombos and stuff from MK Vs DCU? Or will he just let it rot away and be forgotten about? Surly there would be no point in continuing to post up pics of their adverts on subways.
Re: Update 9/21/08

Kinda makes you wonder what will be used for now that the games is released. Will boon use it for secrets about the next game? To show the best kombos and stuff from MK Vs DCU? Or will he just let it rot away and be forgotten about? Surly there would be no point in continuing to post up pics of their adverts on subways.

Most likely hints, secrets or whatever else is going on in Ed's world. :)
Re: Update 9/21/08

Love the billboard, quite cool.

As far as the website, previous years he has let it go to the wayside until he starts to tease what is coming up next. Actually for years it was empty.
Been to lately?

have you been to lately? if so then you saw the pics of london and NY and that secret message that was jumbled up. but i figured it out and it said "cool videos coming soon..." does anybody have any ideas of what this video might be?
Re: Been to lately?

I remember MKvsDCU bill boards. But I don't remember any jumbled words.

Ah.. Here you go.
Looc divoe micong noso....
I'm guessing it will be about DLC.
Re: Been to lately?

I could swear there was a thread about this already...but on subject, I have no idea. Maybe videos for DLC or the next BIG IDEA? My money's on DLC.
Re: Been to lately?

Yeah, wasn't that a reference to the story mode trailer? I think he forgot to update the text.
Re: Been to lately?

London and NY was probably there to represent the release in the two major territories for MK. If it gets a JP release, Tokyo might appear. I doubt it will though.
Why the hell is Ken fighting Scorpion!? I swear to Zod, if they are making MK vs Street Fighter next, I'm going to throw a serious tantrum!
Ed is teasing you just to get that reaction. But I know IF the prospect of MK vs SF came up, it WOULD be the NEXT game made. Knowing their passion to get this made, I know that would happen.