New Revision 3.0 Fatalities Found

Jeff Greeson

Staff member
<B>MKX</B>, by the way of <B>Dungeon Master</B>, have discovered two new fatalities for Sub-Zero and Tanya. <B>kn0wledge</B>, our Chicago correspondent, has confirmed these movements to work. Sub-Zero's is an new rendition of his MK2 freeze and shatter fatality. Tanya's is a derivation of her neck twist "breaker" move that twists her opponents neck 360 degrees. As soon as Revision 3 hit the Texas area, we'll have exclusive screenshots, and if all goes well, a couple of movies of the new fatalities. Here are the movements.</UL><CENTER><FONT FACE="Arial"><B>Sub-Zero's Shattering Uppercut: B - B - D - B+HP (outside sweep)<BR>Tanya's Neck Twist: D - F - D - F - HK (close)</FONT></B></CENTER><UL