New MK9 Trailer for PS VITA

OMG, Kenshi's alternate costume is so bad azz!!! He looks like Wesker/Dante from UMVC3. Rain is wearing his UMK3 costume. Nice post!
Kenshi looks like a BAMF in that altenrate costume

Oh, and I'm linkin' the UMK3 Rain outfit along with all of the other new stuff. WANT
That Kenshi outfit is HOT! That mode where Jax was being mutilated looks cool to. An I have to give it up for "Test Your Balane" :-) But the PS Vita may be too much now. Hopefully before the end of this year, I'll have enough money (especially after graduation and hopefully after my boards).
I suppose, classic new costumes etc... will be released to all consoles after the VITA launch. But i don't think other extras will be released too, because it should be exclusive for VITA to be attractive :)

Do you have any idea for 32. second of the trailer?
That Kenshi outfit is HOT! That mode where Jax was being mutilated looks cool to. An I have to give it up for "Test Your Balane" :-) But the PS Vita may be too much now. Hopefully before the end of this year, I'll have enough money (especially after graduation and hopefully after my boards).

Lol :D that would be amazing :ftw:
I suppose, classic new costumes etc... will be released to all consoles after the VITA launch. But i don't think other extras will be released too, because it should be exclusive for VITA to be attractive :)

Do you have any idea for 32. second of the trailer?
Probably a Challenge Tower mission
That's lame, I know they're trying to increase sales for the vita version but what's wrong with trying to make a little extra off the console fans? I would love to spend 800 MS points on Mileena's MKII and some other Ninja MK3 outfit..

Yea, I'm mad..
Is that Kira?
