Well-known member
So, as I said in the fanfic thread, I stopped by my old Resident Evil forum today and found some stuff I had posted over there. This is going all the way back to 2004, lol, so I would probably have put in more details and such in this day and age.
Anyways, I was so mad at how garbage the RE movie was (I wrote this July 4th, 2004, so the second movie wasn't out yet, it was due September of that year, and I was still mad 2 years later about the first movie, lol) so one night during summer vacation, I was pulling the usual all nighter and decided to start my own script, which is very similar to the actual game, which the movie was NOTHING like, thus, it sucked.
I never did finish it, but I remember picturing it so well in my head that I think the way it plays out in my mind translates way better than the script I wrote, lol.
This may be easier to visualize for those who have played the games and understand what is going on and what mo disks are but other people who have never played it can probably still follow along without getting confused at things.
I started off with a small disclaimer:
***SPOILER*** Chris and Wesker hear a noise in one of the halls when they are waiting for Barry and Jill to return from the dining room so Wesker tells Chris to investigate the other side of the house, starting upstairs, and when Chris is out of sight, Wesker runs off. This eliminates the need to include the entire mo disk scenario and allows both Jill and Chris' storylines to be followed at the same time.
*High shot of Raccoon City*
Chris as narrator: Raccoon City. Special Tactics and Rescue Service, or STARS for short, get a frantic radio call from our teammates on the Bravo Team. They went to investigate bizarre murder cases that had recently occurred. We didn't expect what happened next....
*Black screen, sound of radio call in by Bravo team, static*
Enrico: Something wrong....engine....going down....Arklay Mountains...Raccoon Forest...
*Black screen, July 1998 types across screen*
*STARS office, Alpha Team gathering gear to fly in to help Bravo Team*
Wesker: Come on, let's move! Let's go, let's move people!
*Alpha Team runs out to helicopter and hops in, helicopter takes off*
Jill: Enrico said something about the engine.
Wesker: We're gonna do a sweep of Raccoon Forest. Keep your eyes open everyone.
*Helicopter flies over Raccoon Forest as Alpha Team looks out the windows for Bravo Team's helicopter*
Jill: Look Chris!
Chris: Brad, over there!
Wesker: This doesn't look good.
*Brad lands helicopter in a field near Bravo Team's crashed helicopter*
Chris: There's nobody in it but all their equipment is still here.
Wesker: Alright, Joseph, you take the east side of the field, Jill and Chris take the west, Barry and I will go North. See what you can find.
*Alpha searches for clues*
Joseph: Hey! Over here! I found something!
*Joseph picks up severed hand still holding a gun*
Joseph: What the...
*Dogs attack, Joseph fires shots, other members look over to see what's going on, Joseph is mauled to death*
Jill: Joseph!
Chris: Shit! What the **** is that!
Barry: Watch out, there's more of them!
Jill: They're everywhere!
Wesker: Let's get back to the helicopter! Run!
*Brad takes off*
Chris: No! Brad, don't go! What are you doing?!
Barry: Shit!!
Jill: They're coming!
Wesker: Everyone run and shoot, don't stop just keep running! Go!
*Team shoots dogs as they run*
Chris: Run for that mansion!
*Chris kicks door open, all members run inside, Chris slams door and locks it*
Barry: What the hell were those things...
Jill: Joseph...
Wesker: Wow look at this place...We'd better split up and see what we can find. It's a sure thing Bravo ran into the same things we just did. Jill, Barry, you two search while Chris and I stand guard just incase Bravo Team shows. Report back if you find anything.
Jill: Alright Captain.
Chris: Jill, take care.
*Barry and Jill walk into dining room*
Jill: This place is incredible. I wonder why it's here. Doesn't look like anyone's home.
Barry: Jill, take a look at this. Blood. Looks fresh too. We'd better report it to Wesker.
*Doorknob starts turning, zombie walks in, Jill and Barry stare, stunned*
Barry: Jesus Christ! What the hell is that?!
Jill: Barry shoot it!
*Barry blows zombie's head off*
Barry: You've gotta be kidding me....
Jill: Come on Barry, we have to tell Wesker.
*Jill and Barry enter main hall, Wesker and Chris are gone*
Barry: Chris? Wesker?
Jill: Hello?
*Camera scans empty hall*
Barry: I don't what the hell is going on but we have to find them. Take this lockpick and be careful Jill. I'm going to search past the dining room, you go through those doors and meet me in that upstairs hall.
Jill: Barry...
Barry: Please Jill, just do it. We aren't leaving until we find them and any surviving members of Bravo Team. I'm sure there are more of those creatures hanging around and I wouldn't be surprised if there's anything else hiding in here. Just do as I say.
Jill: Ok. Be careful Barry.
Barry: I'll see you up there Jill.
*Barry runs back through Dining Room, Jill slowly opens blue doors and walks in, looking around for monsters, turns knob but the door is locked, uses lockpick*
Jill: Chris? Wesker? Are you in here?
*Dogs break through windows, Jill runs through door slamming it behind her*
Jill: Chris! Wesker! Where are you?! Shit.
*Jill walks into room, finds shotgun on the wall, takes it, hooks go down, exits room, door locks behind her and ceiling begins to come down*
Jill: Come on, come on, open goddamn it! Help! Someone, the ceiling is falling!
*Barry walks into hall and hears Jill screaming*
Barry: Jill? Jill! Hold on I'm coming!
Jill: Barry! Hurry Barry! Open the door!
Barry: Jill it wont open, step back, I'm going to kick it down!
Jill: Hurry!!
*Barry kicks door 3 times and it opens, pulls Jill out by the arm as ceiling crashes down*
Barry: This place has traps too. Shit.
Jill: I couldn't find either of them.
Barry: Me either. We need to secure an escape route so that when we do find them, and anyone else, we can get the hell out of here. We certainly can't go back out the front. I'm going back this way. You continue on. Like I said, I'll meet you in that upstairs hall.
Jill: What were you doing in this hall?
Barry: I...just got a little worried. Good thing I came through here huh?
Jill: Yeah....
Barry: Well, the faster we work, the faster we can leave this place. Careful what you do, Jill. Next time you might not be so lucky.
Jill: Thanks. You too.
*Barry nods and disappears out of hall*
Anyways, I was so mad at how garbage the RE movie was (I wrote this July 4th, 2004, so the second movie wasn't out yet, it was due September of that year, and I was still mad 2 years later about the first movie, lol) so one night during summer vacation, I was pulling the usual all nighter and decided to start my own script, which is very similar to the actual game, which the movie was NOTHING like, thus, it sucked.
I never did finish it, but I remember picturing it so well in my head that I think the way it plays out in my mind translates way better than the script I wrote, lol.
This may be easier to visualize for those who have played the games and understand what is going on and what mo disks are but other people who have never played it can probably still follow along without getting confused at things.
I started off with a small disclaimer:
A few weeks back I started my own version of the RE movie and how I would like to see it done. I didn't include every camera effect or too many details with the characters exact movements, I only included certain camera effects and certain characters movements like "Chris holds up gun" and things like that. I haven't figured out what actors I would like to take on the roles and I stress that it isn't exactly like the game, although many lines/events are taken straight from the game. I also added some events so the story can move on smoothly because instead of doing Jill's storyline or Chris' storyline I molded the two storylines together. Think of it like RE2. When Jill is doing something, Chris is doing something at the same time, just elsewhere. Here is the first bit.
Resident Evil: Movie Script
***SPOILER*** Chris and Wesker hear a noise in one of the halls when they are waiting for Barry and Jill to return from the dining room so Wesker tells Chris to investigate the other side of the house, starting upstairs, and when Chris is out of sight, Wesker runs off. This eliminates the need to include the entire mo disk scenario and allows both Jill and Chris' storylines to be followed at the same time.
*High shot of Raccoon City*
Chris as narrator: Raccoon City. Special Tactics and Rescue Service, or STARS for short, get a frantic radio call from our teammates on the Bravo Team. They went to investigate bizarre murder cases that had recently occurred. We didn't expect what happened next....
*Black screen, sound of radio call in by Bravo team, static*
Enrico: Something wrong....engine....going down....Arklay Mountains...Raccoon Forest...
*Black screen, July 1998 types across screen*
*STARS office, Alpha Team gathering gear to fly in to help Bravo Team*
Wesker: Come on, let's move! Let's go, let's move people!
*Alpha Team runs out to helicopter and hops in, helicopter takes off*
Jill: Enrico said something about the engine.
Wesker: We're gonna do a sweep of Raccoon Forest. Keep your eyes open everyone.
*Helicopter flies over Raccoon Forest as Alpha Team looks out the windows for Bravo Team's helicopter*
Jill: Look Chris!
Chris: Brad, over there!
Wesker: This doesn't look good.
*Brad lands helicopter in a field near Bravo Team's crashed helicopter*
Chris: There's nobody in it but all their equipment is still here.
Wesker: Alright, Joseph, you take the east side of the field, Jill and Chris take the west, Barry and I will go North. See what you can find.
*Alpha searches for clues*
Joseph: Hey! Over here! I found something!
*Joseph picks up severed hand still holding a gun*
Joseph: What the...
*Dogs attack, Joseph fires shots, other members look over to see what's going on, Joseph is mauled to death*
Jill: Joseph!
Chris: Shit! What the **** is that!
Barry: Watch out, there's more of them!
Jill: They're everywhere!
Wesker: Let's get back to the helicopter! Run!
*Brad takes off*
Chris: No! Brad, don't go! What are you doing?!
Barry: Shit!!
Jill: They're coming!
Wesker: Everyone run and shoot, don't stop just keep running! Go!
*Team shoots dogs as they run*
Chris: Run for that mansion!
*Chris kicks door open, all members run inside, Chris slams door and locks it*
Barry: What the hell were those things...
Jill: Joseph...
Wesker: Wow look at this place...We'd better split up and see what we can find. It's a sure thing Bravo ran into the same things we just did. Jill, Barry, you two search while Chris and I stand guard just incase Bravo Team shows. Report back if you find anything.
Jill: Alright Captain.
Chris: Jill, take care.
*Barry and Jill walk into dining room*
Jill: This place is incredible. I wonder why it's here. Doesn't look like anyone's home.
Barry: Jill, take a look at this. Blood. Looks fresh too. We'd better report it to Wesker.
*Doorknob starts turning, zombie walks in, Jill and Barry stare, stunned*
Barry: Jesus Christ! What the hell is that?!
Jill: Barry shoot it!
*Barry blows zombie's head off*
Barry: You've gotta be kidding me....
Jill: Come on Barry, we have to tell Wesker.
*Jill and Barry enter main hall, Wesker and Chris are gone*
Barry: Chris? Wesker?
Jill: Hello?
*Camera scans empty hall*
Barry: I don't what the hell is going on but we have to find them. Take this lockpick and be careful Jill. I'm going to search past the dining room, you go through those doors and meet me in that upstairs hall.
Jill: Barry...
Barry: Please Jill, just do it. We aren't leaving until we find them and any surviving members of Bravo Team. I'm sure there are more of those creatures hanging around and I wouldn't be surprised if there's anything else hiding in here. Just do as I say.
Jill: Ok. Be careful Barry.
Barry: I'll see you up there Jill.
*Barry runs back through Dining Room, Jill slowly opens blue doors and walks in, looking around for monsters, turns knob but the door is locked, uses lockpick*
Jill: Chris? Wesker? Are you in here?
*Dogs break through windows, Jill runs through door slamming it behind her*
Jill: Chris! Wesker! Where are you?! Shit.
*Jill walks into room, finds shotgun on the wall, takes it, hooks go down, exits room, door locks behind her and ceiling begins to come down*
Jill: Come on, come on, open goddamn it! Help! Someone, the ceiling is falling!
*Barry walks into hall and hears Jill screaming*
Barry: Jill? Jill! Hold on I'm coming!
Jill: Barry! Hurry Barry! Open the door!
Barry: Jill it wont open, step back, I'm going to kick it down!
Jill: Hurry!!
*Barry kicks door 3 times and it opens, pulls Jill out by the arm as ceiling crashes down*
Barry: This place has traps too. Shit.
Jill: I couldn't find either of them.
Barry: Me either. We need to secure an escape route so that when we do find them, and anyone else, we can get the hell out of here. We certainly can't go back out the front. I'm going back this way. You continue on. Like I said, I'll meet you in that upstairs hall.
Jill: What were you doing in this hall?
Barry: I...just got a little worried. Good thing I came through here huh?
Jill: Yeah....
Barry: Well, the faster we work, the faster we can leave this place. Careful what you do, Jill. Next time you might not be so lucky.
Jill: Thanks. You too.
*Barry nods and disappears out of hall*