My Resident Evil Movie Script


Well-known member
So, as I said in the fanfic thread, I stopped by my old Resident Evil forum today and found some stuff I had posted over there. This is going all the way back to 2004, lol, so I would probably have put in more details and such in this day and age.

Anyways, I was so mad at how garbage the RE movie was (I wrote this July 4th, 2004, so the second movie wasn't out yet, it was due September of that year, and I was still mad 2 years later about the first movie, lol) so one night during summer vacation, I was pulling the usual all nighter and decided to start my own script, which is very similar to the actual game, which the movie was NOTHING like, thus, it sucked.

I never did finish it, but I remember picturing it so well in my head that I think the way it plays out in my mind translates way better than the script I wrote, lol.

This may be easier to visualize for those who have played the games and understand what is going on and what mo disks are but other people who have never played it can probably still follow along without getting confused at things.

I started off with a small disclaimer:

A few weeks back I started my own version of the RE movie and how I would like to see it done. I didn't include every camera effect or too many details with the characters exact movements, I only included certain camera effects and certain characters movements like "Chris holds up gun" and things like that. I haven't figured out what actors I would like to take on the roles and I stress that it isn't exactly like the game, although many lines/events are taken straight from the game. I also added some events so the story can move on smoothly because instead of doing Jill's storyline or Chris' storyline I molded the two storylines together. Think of it like RE2. When Jill is doing something, Chris is doing something at the same time, just elsewhere. Here is the first bit.

Resident Evil: Movie Script

***SPOILER*** Chris and Wesker hear a noise in one of the halls when they are waiting for Barry and Jill to return from the dining room so Wesker tells Chris to investigate the other side of the house, starting upstairs, and when Chris is out of sight, Wesker runs off. This eliminates the need to include the entire mo disk scenario and allows both Jill and Chris' storylines to be followed at the same time.

*High shot of Raccoon City*

Chris as narrator: Raccoon City. Special Tactics and Rescue Service, or STARS for short, get a frantic radio call from our teammates on the Bravo Team. They went to investigate bizarre murder cases that had recently occurred. We didn't expect what happened next....

*Black screen, sound of radio call in by Bravo team, static*

Enrico: Something wrong....engine....going down....Arklay Mountains...Raccoon Forest...

*Black screen, July 1998 types across screen*

*STARS office, Alpha Team gathering gear to fly in to help Bravo Team*

Wesker: Come on, let's move! Let's go, let's move people!

*Alpha Team runs out to helicopter and hops in, helicopter takes off*

Jill: Enrico said something about the engine.

Wesker: We're gonna do a sweep of Raccoon Forest. Keep your eyes open everyone.

*Helicopter flies over Raccoon Forest as Alpha Team looks out the windows for Bravo Team's helicopter*

Jill: Look Chris!

Chris: Brad, over there!

Wesker: This doesn't look good.

*Brad lands helicopter in a field near Bravo Team's crashed helicopter*

Chris: There's nobody in it but all their equipment is still here.

Wesker: Alright, Joseph, you take the east side of the field, Jill and Chris take the west, Barry and I will go North. See what you can find.

*Alpha searches for clues*

Joseph: Hey! Over here! I found something!

*Joseph picks up severed hand still holding a gun*

Joseph: What the...

*Dogs attack, Joseph fires shots, other members look over to see what's going on, Joseph is mauled to death*

Jill: Joseph!

Chris: Shit! What the **** is that!

Barry: Watch out, there's more of them!

Jill: They're everywhere!

Wesker: Let's get back to the helicopter! Run!

*Brad takes off*

Chris: No! Brad, don't go! What are you doing?!

Barry: Shit!!

Jill: They're coming!

Wesker: Everyone run and shoot, don't stop just keep running! Go!

*Team shoots dogs as they run*

Chris: Run for that mansion!

*Chris kicks door open, all members run inside, Chris slams door and locks it*

Barry: What the hell were those things...

Jill: Joseph...

Wesker: Wow look at this place...We'd better split up and see what we can find. It's a sure thing Bravo ran into the same things we just did. Jill, Barry, you two search while Chris and I stand guard just incase Bravo Team shows. Report back if you find anything.

Jill: Alright Captain.

Chris: Jill, take care.

*Barry and Jill walk into dining room*

Jill: This place is incredible. I wonder why it's here. Doesn't look like anyone's home.

Barry: Jill, take a look at this. Blood. Looks fresh too. We'd better report it to Wesker.

*Doorknob starts turning, zombie walks in, Jill and Barry stare, stunned*

Barry: Jesus Christ! What the hell is that?!

Jill: Barry shoot it!

*Barry blows zombie's head off*

Barry: You've gotta be kidding me....

Jill: Come on Barry, we have to tell Wesker.

*Jill and Barry enter main hall, Wesker and Chris are gone*

Barry: Chris? Wesker?

Jill: Hello?

*Camera scans empty hall*

Barry: I don't what the hell is going on but we have to find them. Take this lockpick and be careful Jill. I'm going to search past the dining room, you go through those doors and meet me in that upstairs hall.

Jill: Barry...

Barry: Please Jill, just do it. We aren't leaving until we find them and any surviving members of Bravo Team. I'm sure there are more of those creatures hanging around and I wouldn't be surprised if there's anything else hiding in here. Just do as I say.

Jill: Ok. Be careful Barry.

Barry: I'll see you up there Jill.

*Barry runs back through Dining Room, Jill slowly opens blue doors and walks in, looking around for monsters, turns knob but the door is locked, uses lockpick*

Jill: Chris? Wesker? Are you in here?

*Dogs break through windows, Jill runs through door slamming it behind her*

Jill: Chris! Wesker! Where are you?! Shit.

*Jill walks into room, finds shotgun on the wall, takes it, hooks go down, exits room, door locks behind her and ceiling begins to come down*

Jill: Come on, come on, open goddamn it! Help! Someone, the ceiling is falling!

*Barry walks into hall and hears Jill screaming*

Barry: Jill? Jill! Hold on I'm coming!

Jill: Barry! Hurry Barry! Open the door!

Barry: Jill it wont open, step back, I'm going to kick it down!

Jill: Hurry!!

*Barry kicks door 3 times and it opens, pulls Jill out by the arm as ceiling crashes down*

Barry: This place has traps too. Shit.

Jill: I couldn't find either of them.

Barry: Me either. We need to secure an escape route so that when we do find them, and anyone else, we can get the hell out of here. We certainly can't go back out the front. I'm going back this way. You continue on. Like I said, I'll meet you in that upstairs hall.

Jill: What were you doing in this hall?

Barry: I...just got a little worried. Good thing I came through here huh?

Jill: Yeah....

Barry: Well, the faster we work, the faster we can leave this place. Careful what you do, Jill. Next time you might not be so lucky.

Jill: Thanks. You too.

*Barry nods and disappears out of hall*
*Dead zombies are shown laying in a pool of blood by the stairs going down to the basement, Chris is slowly going down the stairs, hears a noise from a room at the bottom of the stairs, opens door slowly and gets sprayed in the eyes, person closes the door behind Chris*

Chris: Shit!!

Rebecca: Who are you? You're not one of them are you?

Chris: No! Do I look like I am?

Rebecca: Sorry....You scared me. I thought you were a monster.

Chris: Gee, thanks...

Rebecca: Chris?

Chris: Rebecca. We came to rescue you guys. Where are the others?

Rebecca: I don't know. We got attacked and ran in to this mansion. Everyone just spread out. I ran down here and found this spray on the shelf over there just incase those things tried to come in here. You'll be okay, it's only temporary. I also found this key. It was laying on the bed over there. I don't know why someone would just leave a key laying out on a bed like that....

Chris: Look Rebecca. I don't know what the hell is going on but it's obviously dangerous. Jill, Barry and Wesker are somewhere in here too. We have to search for the other members and find a way out. I think you should stay in here. I have to go look for them. When I leave, close the door and move that chest across so no one can get in. I'll come back for you once I find everyone.

Rebecca: Okay.

Chris: Don't worry Rebecca. We'll get out out here alive.

*Rebecca nods, Chris holds up gun and exits, Rebecca pushes chest across door and then sits in the corner to wait*

*Chris heads down the hell, calling out to anyone*

Chris: Is anyone here? This is Chris Redfield from Bravo Team. I am here to help you.

*Chris opens a door and finds nothing in the room, opens next door and is attacked by two zombies*

Chris: ****!

*Chris fumbles for ammo, reloads gun and shoots the zombies multiple times until they are down*

*Rebecca hears gunshots from her hiding room, gunshots stop*

Rebecca: Chris....

*Chris runs down the hall into a room with small pool and a plant, Chris steps forwards and gets hit by the plant, knocking him into the door, holds back of his head*

Chris: Ahh....shit...

*He tries to pass it again but gets knocked back, Rebecca runs in*

Rebecca: Chris!

Chris: Rebecca! Get out of here! Hurry!

*Plant knocks Rebecca back*

Chris: Rebecca! Get out of here NOW!

Rebecca: Not without you Chris!

Chris: Shit!....

*Chris grabs Rebecca and shoves her out the door as the plant swings again, hitting the door just as Chris closes it*

Chris: Rebecca, what the hell are you doing?! You could have been killed!

Rebecca: I heard the gunshots and came to help you Chris.

Chris: I don't need your help. I told you to stay in that room. It's too dangerous for you out here. I didn't go through all this shit to see my teammates die.

Rebecca: I'm sorry Chris...

Chris: Please, Rebecca. Just stay in that room. Don't worry about me. I came to save you, remember.

Rebecca: Please don't die Chris...

Chris: If you would stay in that room then I wont.

*Rebecca stares at Chris then gets up and walks back to the room, stopping to take one last look at Chris before he disappears into a room*

*Jill opens door into upstairs hallway*

Jill: Barry.

Barry: Jill. You made it.

Jill: I think someone else might be running around here. I found some dead zombies. Maybe it was Chris or Wesker.

Barry: I found some kind of crest. Here.

*Jill takes the crest*

Jill: What is this for?

Barry: I haven't figured that out yet. I am guessing it's important. I had to solve a puzzle to get to it. Maybe there are more of them. Whoever built this house did a good job at hiding whatever it is they are hiding... Did you find anything?

Jill: No, nothing. I saw a door but didn't go in yet. I went through a door just before it and it let me up here.

Barry: Okay. Go check out that room you missed and I'll head back this way. I found a few doors myself but came here first. Didn't want you to think I wasn't going to make it.

Jill: Why can't we just search together?

Barry: It's faster this way Jill. Don't worry okay. You'll be fine. I'll be fine. I'm sure Chris and Wesker are fine. We have to complete our mission. Try to look for an exit while you're at it. If you find one, don't wait, I'll catch up.

*Barry turns and jogs through the double doors, Jill enters a door in the upstairs main hallway, examines blood on the carpet and wall, opens a door that goes out onto a balcony, crows can be heard in the distance*

Jill: Oh God...Forest.....

*Jill bends down and grabs Forest's Grenade Launcher, crows start to fly after her, Jill runs into the hall before they attack her, holds back vomit, sits against wall, camera fades to black*

*Chris is examining Kenneth's body. After searching and finding ammo, Chris is holding a blue jewel and runs into a room with a tiger statue.*

Chris: Red eye...

*Chris inserts the blue jewel and gets a crest, he puts the crest in his pocket and runs out into the hall and enters a door across from him, walks up to desk and reads a journal*

Chris: May 16th, 1998. I heard a researcher who tried to escape from this mansion was shot last night. My entire feels burning and itchy at night. When I was scratching the swelling on my arm, alump ofrotten flesh dropped off. What the hell is happening to me?

*Chris turns the page*

Chris: May 19th, 1998. Fever gone but itchy. Hungry and eat doggie food. Itchy itchy Scott came. Ugly face so killed him. Tasty.

*Chris closes journal, zombie breaks out of closet, grabs Chris, Chris tries to fight off zombie, his gun falls to the floor, tries to reach down for it while still holding off zombie, sweeps the zombie's legs, zombie falls and Chris dives for his gun, turning and shooting the zombie on the floor, blood squirts out from it's head*

Chris: You bastards are everywhere.

*Chris gets up and goes back to the room Rebecca was in but she is gone*

Chris: Rebecca! Rebecca! Dammit.
*Screen fades to black as Chris runs down the hall to look for Rebecca, screen fades back in showing Jill walking down the stairs and into the hallway with the crow room door. She slowly opens it, gun drawn, and enters looking up at the crows sitting on a bar. Jill reads the inscription under the first picture.*

Jill: From cradle to grave.

*Jill reads the next inscription*

Jill: A picture of a newborn baby....cradle to grave....

*Jill presses the button, nothing happens. She walks over to next two pictures*

Jill: A picture of a young man. A picture of an infant.

*Jill reads all the inscriptions and presses them in order. She approaches the last picture*

Jill: The end of life...

*Jill pushes the button, the picture falls revealing a crest. Jill grabs the crest*

Jill: Another one....

*Jill exits and walks straight ahead to another door. It leads outside. She tries to open the door at the end but it's locked. She reads the inscription about the crests. She puts her two crests in the proper places*

Jill: Shit I need two more.

*Jill sighs and the screen fades to black*

*Chris hears a piano and enters the room*

Chris: Rebecca! I told you not to move!

Rebecca: I heard the monsters upstairs so I ran for it before they could make it downstairs. I found this room. It's better and it had this piano so I thought I would play this piece by Beethoven. Look, it opened this new area. I can see that room we were in earlier with the plant. I don't know what it's used for. There is just a Beethoven statue in there.

Chris: It might be a trap. I'm gonna check it out. Stay here.

*Chris walks in and sees the emblem. He takes it out and the wall closes*

Chris: Hey!

Rebecca: Chris!

*Chris puts the emlem back and the wall reopens*

Rebecca: Chris, are you alright?

Chris: Yeah. It's some kind of puzzle. I'll be right back. I saw a similar emblem over the fireplace in the dining room. Whatever you do, leave that emblem alone.

*Chris runs off to get the emblem, the camera focuses on Rebecca looking around the room. Chris returns*

Chris: I'm going to switch emblems so the wall will go down. Hopefully when I insert this one arrows wont come shooting out and kill me or anything like that.

*Rebecca stands by the piano watching as Chris takes out the emblem and the wall closes. Chris slowly puts in the other emblem and the wall opens again*

Chris: Going by logic, this one must go over the fireplace. Christ, these puzzles are what's going to take me to the grave before these monsters do. Rebecca, stay.....nevermind. Just be careful if you decide to go for a walk again.

*Rebecca smiles and watches Chris leave. Chris puts the emblem in the opening and the Grandfather clock chimes and moves. There is a key behind it*

Chris: Great. Which one of these hundreds of doors does this key work with.

*Screen fades as Chris runs off to find the door the key works on. Fades back in on Chris upstairs in the hallway. He opens the door and walks in*

Chris: Richard!

*Richard is on the floor covered in blood with huge snake bite across his chest*

Richard: Chris....

Chris: What the hell happened to you?

Richard: bit's poisonous...shit...

Chris: ****...Richard hang on. I'm going to help you okay. Just stay still.

Richard:'re too late. The poison has already spread through me. I'm done...just leave me...find the other members...please Chris...

Chris: Richard I can help you.

Richard: No. Just let it go Chris. Save them...they need you...take my radio...I don't...need it anymore...

*Richard dies*

Chris: Richard? Richard! Come on man, don't do this to me! Richard! Dammit...

*Chris takes the radio. He takes a moment before continuing into the next hall. He shoots a zombie standing at the end of the hell to his left and he walks up the steps ahead. The door is locked so he tries the key. The door opens into the attic.Chris walks in and sees something in the far left corner. He goes for it and Yawn comes out. Yawn hisses at him*

Chris: Holy shit.

*Flashback of Richard*

Richard: bit's poisonous...shit...

*Chris stares at the snake. It hisses again and he shoots it a few times, skin ripping off of it's head. He runs one way and then dodges the other way. He runs to the back of the attic and grabs the crest. Yawn has turned and is coming for him. Chris jumps out of the way and Yawn hits the wall. Chris is running and Yawn turns and attacks, hitting the ground but cuts open the back of Chris' leg with a tooth*

Chris: Ah! Shit!

*Chris struggles a bit but gets up and runs out of the room as Yawn follows. He closes and locks the door and proceeds down the stairs slowly*

Chris: Shit...

*Chris is dizzy. He falls to the ground. The door opens and someone walks in as the screen fades*

*Rebecca's voice is heard, echoing at first*

Rebecca: Chris! Chris can you hear me?

*Chris wakes up and looks around. He's still in the same hall*

Chris: My leg! Shit!

Rebecca: Chris, relax, I fixed it.

*Chris looks at his leg. It's bandaged up*

Chris: I got bitten by snake. Richard did too, he said it was...

Rebecca: Poisonous. I know. I found him and he told me. I ran downstairs to get serum in the first room I was hiding in but when I came back he was dead. I heard someone in this hall and it was you. You passed out. I saw the cut so I gave you the serum. You're okay.

Chris: Thanks. I owe you one.

Rebecca: Don't worry about it. I'm just doing my job.

*Chris takes out crests from his pocket*

Chris: I found these. Any idea what they are for?

Rebecca: No.

Chris: Wonderful.

*Chris gets up on his feet*

Chris: I haven't searched the other end of this hall. That's where I'm headed. You coming?

Rebecca: Sure.

Chris: Here. Know how to use one?

*Chris hands her a Beretta*

Rebecca: Yeah I know how to use it.

Chris: Good. Let's go.

*Chris and Rebecca go into the hall and see dead zombies*

Chris: Hey...did you kill them?

Rebecca: No. I went the other way.

Chris: Someone else is here. It could be someone we are looking for. Let's hurry, maybe we can catch them.

*Rebecca and Chris run down the hall. They go down the stairs and into the hall near the crow room door*

Chris: Shh. Do you hear that?

*Rebecca and Chris listen*

Chris: Crickets.

*Rebecca and Chris look around the corner and see the door leading outside is open. They peak around the corner and see nothing outside. They slowly walk out and approach the door at the end. It's locked. Chris sees the other crests in place and pulls out the two he has. He places them and there is a sound of the door unlocking*

Chris: Get ready Rebecca.

*Rebecca and Chris hold up their guns as Chris opens the door. They take a look around and see no danger. They are in a tiny shed area with double doors straight ahead* be continued.
Why couldn't the movies have went by a script like this.

You know the movies out are bad when my friend who is barely even into resident evil watches the movie with me. And when Nemesis is a good guy he has to turn to me and put a hand on my should and say "I'm sorry Alex"

I like how you had people in general in teams but also had situations where they're alone "mostly Jill"

Gives you a good sense of teamwork/caring for one another, but also delivers a story of someone who's dealing with the horrors mostly alone. a good mix of talking, and sometimes solo silence can set a unsettling mood very easily.

I know what you meant by details jade as I can clearly picture everything you meant for it to come out as. Because I've played all the games. So I followed super easily lol. I even remember by heart the mansion and where all the rooms are.

A new person reading it might have problems following(as you already said lol), but it's a "Script" and it serves it's purpose as someone who knows RE can enjoy regardless.

I like the outline of this very much despite it being back from 2004 :D

It's not a fiction "story" it's directions for directing a film. Sorta like notes :D
I had some drawings to go with it but I don't have a clue where those are. I didn't have a scanner at the time :/

Glad you liked it, lol.

I was so mad at the movie, which is funny, because I was one of those people who always thought 'wow, how could people get so mad at a movie because it isn't exactly like the game/book?' and then my beloved RE was attacked and I understood, lol.

Back then, I also had a bit of a bad habit of typing things and not going into a lot of detail because I can see it in my mind and I forget that other people can't. I still have that habit pop up once in a while in my posts, lol. If I wrote this now, I would probably add more details, but I also didn't want to kill it with stuff like *Chris turned the light off* every two seconds and wanted to try to get the actual lines out there and have people sort of envision the movie their way with my words.
I had some drawings to go with it but I don't have a clue where those are. I didn't have a scanner at the time :/

Glad you liked it, lol.

I was so mad at the movie, which is funny, because I was one of those people who always thought 'wow, how could people get so mad at a movie because it isn't exactly like the game/book?' and then my beloved RE was attacked and I understood, lol.

Back then, I also had a bit of a bad habit of typing things and not going into a lot of detail because I can see it in my mind and I forget that other people can't. I still have that habit pop up once in a while in my posts, lol. If I wrote this now, I would probably add more details, but I also didn't want to kill it with stuff like *Chris turned the light off* every two seconds and wanted to try to get the actual lines out there and have people sort of envision the movie their way with my words.

yeah detail needs balance. Too much reader gets turned off, not enough and it feels bland.

lol my friend who's only watched me play resident evil 1 and played 4,5 himself. He didn't even know about nemesis outside of name and look. and even HE knew something was wrong while watching that movie and kept apologizing to me for the director LOL

He's a HUGE HUGE HUGE MGS fan. He's so lucky that Hideo Kajima doesn't just let anyone direct his films.

Did you know he's been offered a couple of times for a Metal Gear movie and Hideo always tells them "Under one condition" and that is he wants to direct it. And no one ever bites the bullet.

funny thing is now I wish Capcom just keeps making their own CGI movies.... I really doubt anyone will meet our RE fan needs with a live action movie after those abominations...

I heard about those movie offers. I'd do the same thing, the way Hollywood is these days. Hell, I would control everything about it, right down to who was cast. Don't need some ****ing Angelina Jolie acting as Jill in an RE movie.

The worst thing about the movies indeed was the characters that weren't even in the game. I like how they added some later on but the casting was still weak, for the most part. The dude that played Carlos didn't connect as Carlos and the shithead from Prison Break was a terrible Chris. The two who played Jill and Wesker were great, though, imo, and I didn't mind the chick who played Claire, but going back to the first movie, the fact that they basically took all the RE characters and their traits but gave them different names was stupid.

Resident Evil: Degeneration was so awesome and it's a wonder why they couldn't have made the live action movies like it. It's not like RE is a hard thing to make into a movie. Get a goddamn mansion, some ****ed up dobermans, zombies, you have half your cast right there, and it shouldn't be hard to either find a cool looking, old, abandoned mansion to film in, borrow someone's, or just build one on the set.

So very easy, yet apparently so hard for Hollywood.
I heard about those movie offers. I'd do the same thing, the way Hollywood is these days. Hell, I would control everything about it, right down to who was cast. Don't need some ****ing Angelina Jolie acting as Jill in an RE movie.

The worst thing about the movies indeed was the characters that weren't even in the game. I like how they added some later on but the casting was still weak, for the most part. The dude that played Carlos didn't connect as Carlos and the shithead from Prison Break was a terrible Chris. The two who played Jill and Wesker were great, though, imo, and I didn't mind the chick who played Claire, but going back to the first movie, the fact that they basically took all the RE characters and their traits but gave them different names was stupid.

Resident Evil: Degeneration was so awesome and it's a wonder why they couldn't have made the live action movies like it. It's not like RE is a hard thing to make into a movie. Get a goddamn mansion, some ****ed up dobermans, zombies, you have half your cast right there, and it shouldn't be hard to either find a cool looking, old, abandoned mansion to film in, borrow someone's, or just build one on the set.

So very easy, yet apparently so hard for Hollywood.

Yep agree 100%.

It's not like if they built the Mansion for real to be identical, (Probably 3 million for just a mansion)

You know they could turn around and just sell it after?

oh but it blew up? That's what CGI/Models are for. this isn't like 1980's where they would've literally blew up a mansion for real. movie magic has come a long way.

I'm willing to bet a decently funded Fan-made movie done in a rented mansion could succeed better than those RE movies did.
I like it, it follows the RE's game story line instead of Alice. I never liked her character, she always felt forced.
I like it, it follows the RE's game story line instead of Alice. I never liked her character, she always felt forced.

not to mention she was OP. I hate OP heroes.

I like my heroes against hard odds, and have to overcome fears/trials that test their limits as human beings. I like my heroes in stories to struggle. It makes it far more interesting and I have great respect for heroes like that.

one of the main reasons i effing hate Superman.

Bosses are allowed to be OP IMO.

Wesker is bad ass. I hope the guy who voice acts him never quits.
Awesome script Jade, I wish they went with your idea, I agree the Resident Evil movies sucked, Apocalypse was'nt too bad, but overall all the movies fell way short. I remember being so excited when they first announced George Romero was doing it, then a short time later they announced he was fired (WTF???!!!??) I read his scipt and though he definetly took his liberties with the story, it felt like Resident Evil, it would've been a heck of a lot better than the travesty the was the first Resident Evil movie. I think of the book Resident Evil: Umbrella Conspiracy, that book followed the game closely and I wish the movie went in the same direction: a Special Police unit in a huge spooky mansion filled with zombies and mutated monsters. How can you screw that up? wait a minute this is Hollywood, they do this with almost evry liscensed property.
Dude, Umbrella Conspiracy is my favourite book of all time. I have all the RE novels and that is by far the best one. I love how Perry started it before they were at the mansion and gave some of the other characters personalities that didn't have ones in the game (I was particularly happy with Forest's inclusion as a live member at the beginning).

I remember the Romero stuff, he had great material, but they clearly didn't learn from not keeping him around.
Jade, holy shit that was good. Nah f*ck good that was amazing

My only question is, what would be some of the music you would pick to go along with your story?
I would love to use the actual RE music from the game because it was awesome but if I couldn't use it, I would try to find someone who could put together similar sounding music to create the creepy atmosphere.

I wouldn't want to go use metal or rock music, as much as I love it, because I feel it would ruin it. I want the music to capture the sense of fear, helplessness, abandonment.
This is really good! Though I haven't played any of the games, I still understood to some extent and luckily I also saw the first Resident Evil movie a few days ago on tv.

The dialogue is well paced and none of the lines feels reduntant and the descriptions, although brief, does the job well. Great job and hope to read the rest sometime. :p