my casting for a jla movie


since batman vs superman will pretty much open the door for such a film i gave it some thought and came up with a ideal team

henry cavill as superman


thomas jane or leonardo dicaprio as batman



maggie siff as wonder woman


ben browder for the flash barry alan


charlie hunnam as green arrow


david ramsey as john stewart green lantern


chris pine as aquaman


to be determined for martian manhunter

villain's list of ideas

david labrava as black adam


benedict cumberbatch as braniac


ron perlam as lobo


jason momoa as vandal savage

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Ben Affleck is going to be Batman again after he proves everyone wrong.

Chris Pine looks good for Aquaman, but that dude David does not look good for Black Adam.
Ben Affleck is going to be Batman again after he proves everyone wrong.

Chris Pine looks good for Aquaman, but that dude David does not look good for Black Adam.

david labrava?

dudes a beast also a former hells angel

this is him in sons of anarchy

also alot of people thought cavill didnt look like superman and yet imo i think he is the best one since reeves honestly.
Cavill definitely looks like a Superman, lol how could those people think that?

I imagine an older-looking guy playing Black Adam.

you know how fanboys can be in regards to what does or doesent look right. i admit im guilty of that myself.

david labrava is 50.

heres a photo of him with hair.

i still think he'd be the best fit for black adam and not just because of looks either. dudes voice can be
menacing and his acting skills are top notch expecially for a villain.


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Jon Hamm as Batman
Idris Elba as Jon Stewart
Charlize Theron as Wonder Woman
Djimon Hounsou as Martian Manhunter
The Rock as Black Adam
Mila Kunis as Zatanna
Emma Watson as Hawkgirl
Bradley Cooper as The Flash
Jon Hamm as Batman

Charlize Theron as Wonder Woman

Mila Kunis as Zatanna
Emma Watson as Hawkgirl

jennifer hale ( who voiced hawkgirl) should be hawk girl


Serinda Swan for zatana since she played her in smallville


i take back my maggie siff casting and will replace her with ufc womens champion ronda rousey for wonder woman. on a side note she was just cast for fast 7 so star on the rise in hollywood perhaps?

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Nooo! No no no no no!

Ronda Rousey as Wonder Woman? Yuck! You'd be better off casting Gina Carano.

Jennifer Hale as Hawkgirl? I don't think so.
why not? i thought people like to just wait and see before they judge?

Sorry but I don't trust an unproven actress to play Wonder Woman. Plus, she just doesn't have the look.

Do you honestly think Hale would be a great Hawkgirl? Come on Tazz, keep it real. Voice isn't everything.
Serinda Swan should definitely be Zatanna.

He's a good actor, but I guess with some makeup and shit, he could pull off a Riddler.

And please, don't give him Walmart pajamas.

Sorry but I don't trust an unproven actress to play Wonder Woman. Plus, she just doesn't have the look.

Do you honestly think Hale would be a great Hawkgirl? Come on Tazz, keep it real. Voice isn't everything.

i find it funny people tell others oh give ben affleck a chance as batman but if its someone whos a legit fighter is cast as wonder woman they simply just assume automatic fail and im sorry but you cant sit there and tell anybody give one person a shot and not the other.

hale would be in full hawkgirl costume with helmet so what exactly is the issue? and yes i have full faith in her she can do great.

ronda rousey i selected her because one. she is 26, 2. she would fit perfectly as far as how amazons go in the ww universe let alone can fight for real. 3. shes staring in fast 7 wich is out next year so how do you know she will do bad? you are no different than the people who bashed ben affleck for being batman and i admit i am one of those people.

oh did i forget to mention that Georges St-Pierre is in the new captain america as a villain? but i guess to you he will just be another talentless guy with no acting ability right?

randy couture was in expendables so was he a failure also in your eyes?

youd be suprised at how mma fighters are getting movie roles now a days.
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Dude, Ronda Rousey isn't an actress. Her MMA record is irrelevant. If you're trying to make a straight to DVD movie then yes, do whatever you want. However, in a major blockbuster movie, Ronda Rousey and Jennifer Hale would be terrible choices.

Oh, cause it sounded like a DBSFTekkenMKFan cast list.

Even though neither of you know who he was, lol.

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Dude, Ronda Rousey isn't an actress. Her MMA record is irrelevant. If you're trying to make a straight to DVD movie then yes, do whatever you want. However, in a major blockbuster movie, Ronda Rousey and Jennifer Hale would be terrible choices.

again her acting career starts next year in fast 7 so are you going to swallow your words after she succeeds in that movie?

also her mma record is irrelevant? i dont see you fighting her