My 10th Year of Mortal Kombat Coverage

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
Ten years ago this day, I posted my first ever MK FAQ, the MK3 Chicago Area FAQ 0.5, out to the Usenet Newsgroups. A bit of history on the FAQ: back when this was written the game wasn't out yet (or just went to Beta across Chicagoland) and most of it was based off of rumor, and few facts. We also thought that the game would be different across the country to make finding codes/moves harder, hense the "Chicago Area" in the FAQ title. I was responsible for Chicago, while others had volunteered to other regions.

It has been a long ten years and I have grown a lot from the beginning when I was a fairly naive & inaccurate, as you can see in the FAQ. Starting out as FAQ writer looking to help people on the Internet learn how to play MK3, I had no idea that 10 years later I would still be doing it. I had no idea how much covering MK was going to shape my life, without it I wouldn't be where I am today. I also would never have met the people I have met and never been able to touch the thousands of people that visit here daily looking for help in their game.

Thanks to those who have supported me, mostly of all Jeff Greeson and TetterkeT here at TRMK for giving me a home here many years ago when Mortal Kombat 4 came out. And thanks to Midway for making a great game, and I can't wait to see what this year has in store with Shaolin Monks.

Thanks Again Everyone,

PS: For comparison's sake, here is the possibly the final revision of the MK3 FAQ before UMK3 came out. Vastly different from what I started from. The MK3 FAQ v4.4