Mortal Monday: Web Series Konfirmed, Ketchup and Mustard and Goro's Head

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
It's Mortal Monday again, and we've got a few items for you today.

First is earlier today Warner Brothers confirmed the story that ran last week about <a href="">MK Rebirth turning into a web series</a>. The series does in fact begin filming soon and will be available on Amazon and iTunes stores late spring or early summer.

Here's a bit of the press-release:

Warner Premiere today announced development of a live-action digital series based on the best-selling Mortal Kombat videogame franchise. Directed by Kevin Tancharoen, known for his popular unofficial fan short Mortal Kombat: Rebirth which garnered over 10 million views online, and in conjunction with the upcoming Mortal Kombat videogame, this action-packed, digital series will take gamers deep into the history of warriors they know and love such as Scorpion, Johnny Cage and Liu Kang. Shooting for the digital series will take place in Vancouver starting in early February.

Available this spring through online digital retailers from Warner Bros. Digital Distribution, the Mortal Kombat digital series is an anthology of multiple live action shorts, each providing never-before-revealed insights into characters featured in the upcoming videogame as well as the game’s universe. Additional details, including casting, will be announced in the coming weeks.

<b>NetherRealm Studios'</b> Community Manager <b>Rigo Cortes</b> sent over some new concept art to the <b>Mortal Kombat</b> fan sites that was featured in some recent gaming print magazines. Today we get a look at the concept art for <b>Sektor</b> and <b>Cyrax</b> from <a href="">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a>!

<center><a href="" target="enlarged" ><img src="" width="250" class="newslink" /></a> <a target="enlarged" href=""><img src="" width="250" class="newslink" /></a><br/>Click to Enlarge</center>

Rigo also sent along a picture of a rare piece of Mortal Kombat history that <b>NetherRealm Studios</b> recently acquired with a bit of help from us. A friend sent me a link to the head of Goro from the Mortal Kombat movie on the website <a href=""></a>. I figure this was an item that <b>NetherRealm Studios</b> would like to keep for their collection and sent it along to them. They purchased it, and now Rigo sent us an image to share of the head. Hopefully one of the programmers at <b>NetherRealm Studios</b> will get it powered up and working again.

<center><a href="" target="gorohead" style="newslink"><img src="" class="newslink"/></a></center>

Also those on Twitter, be sure to <a href="">thank Rigo on Twitter</a> for all his hard work for the Community as today is <a href="">Community Manager Appreciation Day</a>!
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are they going back to doing the whole "render counts as Mortal Monday/Fatality Friday updates" thing? oh well, at least the renders looks awesome! theyre not obliged to make videos for us anyway
are they going back to doing the whole "render counts as Mortal Monday/Fatality Friday updates" thing? oh well, at least the renders looks awesome! theyre not obliged to make videos for us anyway

Of course that counts, it's still new stuff for us. They can't expect to have two videos for us each week on Monday and Friday, we're very lucky we get two updates a week actually, which we have been getting very consistently. The videos take a lot of effort and approvals, and the team is in crunch mode now for the upcoming release, so we're very happy to just get one a week.
Sektor's artwork, as well as his model, look great. I don't like the hairstyle though. Sure, the dreadlock-like cables are klassic and look cool, but at least a different positioning would be fresh. The target marker for his tracking missile, however, looks horrible.
So far there are two things I don't like about Cyrax. First - his teleport move - he disassembles too fast and the way his parts join afterwards is ridiculous. Second - his saw has too many edges and doesn't look as '' I'm gonna dice you like a carrot '' as it should.
Anyway, that's just some minor aesthetic bull**** and I'm still looking forward to their story reboots and some tag-team combos.
Great job TRMK ! NetherRealm studio's are lucky to have fans you (us) !

And about the web-serie, i'm very happy to be part of the million people who watched it, and be part of the thousand people who sign the petition !!! It's VERY exciting to wait this mini-serie, with characters such as Mileena, Kabal, Cage, etc.

With MK Rebirth, film director Kevin Tancharoen proved he could do an excellent short film in a few days and with very few money ! This mini-serie will be fantastic !

I only hope he will be free enough to bring us his own vision of Mortal Kombat !! I really love his weird Baraka or Scorpion,and i hope that NetherRealm Studio is thinking about DLC from the Rebirth short movie !
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I love the update, but any info on if these renders are going to be in the art book in the Kollector's edition. I hope not but just wondering.
Am i the only one to realize that we are going to have to potentially purchase the new MK rebirth series? I thought it was going to be a web series, not freaking episodes that we might have to purchase on iTunes. This could be a potential letdown for us, since when were web series supposed to be purchased?

Aside from that, the renders are great and TRMK did a very noble deed by sending back the Goro head. Good job guys.
Am i the only one to realize that we are going to have to potentially purchase the new MK rebirth series? I thought it was going to be a web series, not freaking episodes that we might have to purchase on iTunes. This could be a potential letdown for us, since when were web series supposed to be purchased?

My guess they'd be something like $1-3 an episode, nothing major. And I'd bet the first is free for a while to rope people in. WB is in the business of making money, not giving away stuff. They are also not going to completely rip us off either. I like having quality MK materials to purchase, better than the 90s where everything was sub-par quality wise.
he looks (Goro) very similar to the one from first MK movie

Probably because it IS the Goro head from the first MK was stated in the article lol.

I realized after this that the web series must be paid for as well, it's a shame but as long as it's not pricey I am cool with it. If they are popular, and it profits a lot of money, it's only good news for us MK fans in the long run. We're being treated to a lot of awesome stuff because of WB, so you can't really be against them. They are making MK a big name franchise again, giving NRS the time they need and the budget they need to make MK the best it can be. They are also giving us merch. and whatnot as well, stuff that I thought had no chance of happening again. Special editions, web series,'s only a matter of time before the action figures and clothing etc. hit the stores. If we're REALLY lucky, we'll get a theatrical release as well, hopefully one that stays true to the franchise and has a nice budget to make it right.