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I know it's long, but I hope it will catch on and you will enjoy it. You should just give it a try and, if you like it, please choose the 35 most important characters from it that should be in the game.
As long as Shinnok lived, the Netherrealm had known a sense of order. And after his imprisonment, Quan Chi held the realm's most powerful warriors united for a cause. But after their deaths, War began ...... 3 sides, one more threatening than the other, more deadly, more ruthless... all fighting for the ultimate power. 3 powerful warriors had crowned themselves Emperors... Emperors over the dead and the wretched, Emperors of the vast chimera Shinnok had created, Emperors of Hell, though only of the known part of this infinite in size realm. As much as they tried to use their sight and look beyond the outer edge of the known Netherrealm, none of the 3 Emperors had managed to find an end. Even though they could see as far as parsecs and light years, the Netherrealm never ended. The first, Liu Kang, ruling in the center of the former Elder God's Empire, commanding billions from the Great Pyramid, aided by Dark Empress Kitana and the fallen Earthrealm warriors. Another, Emperor Noob Saibot, in an alliance with excommunicated Chaos priest Havik, fallen from the land of mortals, commanding the remains of the Brotherhood of the Shadow's thousand warriors and attacking from the Western territories. The third one, self-entitled Emperor Reiko, who gathered the best fallen Outworld fighters under his command, proving his skill in war tactics, as he rules the Outer territories where Liu Kang's troops can not reach. The damned who end up in Hell must choose one side and Liu Kang gains more and more strength each day. Those who do not join either side are hunted by all... and when found.... are subjected to the worst imaginable torments. Some wish to atone for their sins and leave this wretched world behind. But none has ever escaped the Netherrealm for good. Some had managed to go back into the land of the living for short periods of time but they have always ended up back in Hell, deemed evil at heart by the Elder Gods. Can there be anyone truly good in the Netherrealm? Ashrah and Kintaro lead a group of fugitives who refuse to feed themselves on the week. They pray to the Elder Gods and attempt to escape this place, but the Gods have not answered them so far and the War forces them to lay out of sight. A War which has become more balanced after the recent successes of Emperor Noob Saibot: the betrayal of the Emperor Liu Kang by the enenra Smoke, who has joined his old ally Bi-Han and the bringing of Imperial troops of the Moroi by Nitara, a vampire plunged into the Netherrealm to seek an alliance and take back the living world for the vampires as it was millennia ago.
Emperor Liu Kang...............................Emperor Noob Saibot.................................Emperor Reiko
Empress Kitana..................................Enenra leader Smoke.................................Empress Skarlet
First General Kung Lao............................Queen Nitara.......................................Commander Motaro
Mother Empress Sindel.........................Fallen Priest Havik..................................Commander Baraka
General Nightwolf..............................Contingent leader Kobra.............................Commander Mavado
General Kabal
General Stryker
On Earthrealm, Raiden's madness had consumed him. After years of living a secluded life and not getting involved in the politics of the world, Raiden decides to make his presence felt. In a show of power, he brings the world's most prominent leaders (all greedy and incompetent) for a meeting in Egypt and rises over the pyramids on national television as he reveals himself to be Earthrealm's most powerful God. The world leaders are assassinated by Raiden's followers: Scorpion, Sonya, Jacqui, Frost, Kira, Chameleon and Class, Kano's son. Jacqui and Sonya seek revenge over Jax's death at the hands of Erron Black and have become disillusioned with the United States' army commanders, who have failed to protect Earhrealm. Sonya becomes Commander in chief of the UN troops and institutes martial law in all of Earthrealm, with the armies ready for deployment, as the people of Earth are forced to bow to Raiden and adopt a new religion. Sub-Zero is saddened that Frost has chosen to kill for Raiden rather than protect Earthrealm, but Frost wants to prove that she is the best. Kung Kin is also on Raiden's side, though he only watches in horror the onslaught of the Earthrealm leaders. Kung Jin's only hope of freeing his cousin from Hell is Raiden, as Fujin could not promise him such help.
Fujin has a meeting with the other elders, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Sub-Zero, Bo'Rai'Cho and Shujinko. They have refused to follow Raiden on the path of madness. Johnny Cage cannot reason with Sonya anymore. She believes that he and Cassie will understand later on that only this way she can protect them. As Earthrealm's armies enter Outworld, Kotal Kahn gains the right to defend his realm in Mortal Kombat, Kotal Kahn prepares his warriors: Reptile, Ferra/Torr, Erron Black and Sheeva. With the help of Raiden, Outworld is weakened, as Rain and Tanya have freed Edenia and now rule over the realm in an alliance with Earthrealm. Many Outworlders have fled to Edenia, where the food is plenty and the regime is not as harsh. Kotal Kahn even gives up his pride and bows to Goro, asking him to fight for Outworld once more. Goro agrees, but says that after the tournament their feud will continue and he will kill Kotal Kahn. “I do this for Outwolrd, not you.” Bo'Rai'Cho takes Li Mei to personally inform Raiden that he will be fighting for Outworld, as this time Outworld is the one attacked. Raiden says that he laments his friend's decision, tells him that he will die on the battlefield and doesn't understand why Bo'Rai'Cho can't see the danger in Kotal Kahn's rule. “He is just like Shao Kahn, can't you see? Bent on conquering, on becoming more powerful. You can't understand things the way I do. Has the death of Major Briggs taught you nothing?” are Raiden's words. The old master takes Li Mei with him to the Living forest where she resumes her training.
The young generation is torn apart, Jacqui and Kung Jin having joined Raiden, Cassie and Takeda have sided with Fujin. Takeda tried everything to comfort Jacqui, but she had changed after her father's death. She is not the same sweet, innocent girl he had fallen in love with. Cassie and Takeda are joined by newcomers Kai and Sareena and await the decision of the elders.
After consulting the Elder Gods, Fujin learns that the timeline keeps trying to correct itself. Raiden succeeded in stopping Shao Kahn with the use of the Amulet given to him by the Elder Gods, but the universe keeps moving in the same direction: Shinnok's liberation and subsequent defeat, Raiden turning evil, the Dragon King manifesting himself from beyond death, Edenia being freed and the center of a large conflict....all will result in the deaths of the ones that also died in the first timeline, inevitably. Now knowing about Taven, Fujin sends Kenshi and Takeda to free him. Taven learns of all the wretched things Daegon has done, but still believes his brother may be saved. He is shocked however to find out he has another brother, Rain, now calling himself the Protector God of Edenia. Johnny and Cassie are sent to the maximum security prison where D'vorah is kept, infiltrate it and open an air vent to get her out in the form of bees, which Cassie and Johnny promptly put to sleep with pesticide, wearing masks. Seeking good relations with Kotal Kahn, the Earthrealm Resistance allows him to have a conversation with D'vorah. A visibly shaken Kotal enters her sealed quarters and has a tearful conversation with a repentant D'vorah. Though Kotal Kahn loves her, he cannot forgive her betrayal. She can only answer that it is in the nature of the Kytinn to seek the best option for their future offspring and she cannot fight her nature. Kotal promises to absolve her of all sins if she fights for Outworld in the coming tournament, but D'vorah says she will not do that. After he leaves, a bug secretly planted on his back exits the room as well and is ingested by one of the human troopers guarding the entrance. He begins hallucinating and eventually frees a patient D'vorah from her prison.
Fujin goes himself to meet Khameleon, who is hiding in India with the few saurians left alive, posing as humans. He asks from her to go to Outworld and speak with Chameleon and Reptile, have the saurians' best warriors join sides.
Sub-Zero asks if the Elder Gods have made Fujin the new Protector of Earthrealm, but Fujin says that they have chosen him instead. Fujin believes in Kuai Liang, even though the cryomancer still feels responsible for doing horrible things while working for Quan Chi and Havik. “They need a better protector. They need you.” Fujin reassures him. Sub-Zero, new Protector of Earthrealm, takes Sareena to Kotal Kahn's Outworld to investigate the reappearance of Shang Tsung. Having cheated death by binding his soul to Shao Kahn's old fortress and waiting for the right time, Shang had lured Ermac into a trap and absorbed almost all his souls, becoming even more powerful than before, but unconsciously absorbing Shao Kahn's soul as well. Ermac is left comatose, a shell of his former self, only one soul remaining. Unable to control the new-found power Shao Kahn's soul grants, Shang Tsung retreats to his island where Sub-Zero and Sareena corner him. With Bo'Rai'Cho's help and Sub-Zero's new Protector powers, they can save Shang, but only if he atones for his sins and fights against Raiden. Shang Tsung refuses to help his enemies and escapes, Sub-Zero and Sareena loosing his track.
Fujin sends Shujinko to Orderrealm, where Hotaru has won the war with Chaosrealm and is keeping Darrius prisoner. Half of Chaosrealm is now under the control of Seido and the clerics of chaos have been spared under the condition that no more Revolutions will be supported and that Seido is allowed to use the natural resources their realm offers. The cult of deceased and excommunicated cleric Havik is however gaining supporters, a new Revolution being prepared in the free part of Chaosrealm by General Dairou. Shujinko asks that the Seidan army occupies Earthrealm, as the new Protector God will not consider it an act of aggression. Hotaru is aware that he doesn't speak about Raiden, agrees on the condition that Earthrealm will return the help in the Chaosrealm Revolution and wants his troops to be lead by his former comrade, Taven.
As Orin senses Caro's location, Kenshi, Takeda and Taven infiltrate the Red Dragon base and free the dragon. Daegon is cornered and they work together to defeat him. As they prepare to land the killing blow, he calls them to wait, as he has information about an imminent attack on Earthrealm. “You killed my mother!” “I can give her back to you” Daegon says. Takeda screams and puts his sword to Daegon's throat. Taven puts himself between Takeda and Daegon in an effort to save his brother as the 4 warriors engage in a stalemate. But reason prevails, as Takeda chooses to spare him. “Daegon, you are my brother and I will always love you. But why would you do this? Destroy our father's legacy? Kill all those innocent people?” “I told you I can bring Suchin back and I meant it. You have come to kill me for things you do not understand. Death is meaningless. It is a mere passing from one world to another- the Heavens or the Netherrealm. Your Suchin was deemed worthy by the Elder Gods and now is granted eternal rest with angels. I did her a favour, but because you are so young you cannot see death as I do and life bears too much meaning for you. I have been preparing for Taven's arrival for 10.000 years. Close to Lord Shinnok I was all this time, his protejee he called me, destined to win the battle of Armageddon. I listened, learned his secrets in the Netherrealm, was worshiped as a God here on Earthrealm and on other realms, amassed this massive army from the best fighters I could find. All in the name of this One War that is to come, foretold long before our mother had sensed it. Everything you've been told, all the history you know.. is a lie! The Dragon King had known it and that is why the Elder Gods feared him, cause when their rule will be over, every damned soul in the Netherrealm will escape into this world and take control. Shinnok wanted to destroy this Universe and re-create the One Being, but there are others who don't want it destroyed...but want to rule it. They are preparing right now, gathering their 5 armies of undead, demons, vampires, tarkata and chaosrealmers. And only we, my brother, can stop them!” “Lies” Takeda said. “How can we know this to be true?” asked Kenshi. “All portals to and from the Netherrealm have been sealed after their invasion.” “Not all portals were known to Raiden. Come with me and see for yourself! Caro, open the gate to the Netherrealm. You think you're too righteous to walk that realm? Think again.”
The proposed “Alliance of Seven” takes place in the Netherrealm. A cease of hostilities is arranged and the most important figures of the 3 sides are brought together to negociate. Liu Kang and Kitana, Noob Saibot with Nitara and the priest Havik and Reiko all come to the table. The 7th warrior to come is Rain, who smugly humiliates Tanya, telling her to wait for him outside. Rain reveals that he had come to the Netherrealm, where the sight of the Elder Gods does not reach, to release his full power, and he has taped into the very power of the realm itself, being now more powerful than the Gods. He had recently been reunited with mother, a powerful demon sorceress as old as the Netherrealm itself, “older than Shinnok and the Elder Gods themselves” says Rain. As the others claim it is not possible, the Elder Gods having crafted reality from the One Being, Rain tells them that time has come for them to learn the truth of how the universe came to be. The living realms and the Universe had indeed been created by the One Being's destruction, but the Netherrealm had existed forever, even before 11 billion years ago. Rain believes that the 7 of them together can bring enough troops in a War that will destroy the combined armies of the living realms and allow them to infiltrate the Heavens to cast down the Elder Gods once and for all, taking their place and allowing all damned souls an escape from the Netherrealm into the realms. Rain can bring millions of Edenian troops, Liu Kang and Kitana command billions of demons, Noob Saibot has the formidable Brotherhood of the Shadow, Nitara the Imperial Army of the Moroi, Havik brings his Chaosrealm followers, Reiko still has loyal Outworld human and centaur troops in and out of the Netherrealm. Their combined armies can defeat an Earthrealm-Outworld-Seido alliance.
From the Netherrealm, Rain informs, there are passageways to a strange realm, known as the Dream realm, where normal physical laws don't function and where one's mind fades if he or she remain too long. It is a part of Hell, but not of the realm itself, as it can only be accessed through remote locations. It is also the place where demons and other doomed souls are reborn if they are eaten or killed in the Netherrealm. Jade, the messenger of the Lady of the Dream Realm, is revealed to be alive and makes an entrance vouching for everything Rain has said. Lady Lamashtu Mephistopheles is presented by Rain as his real mother, a demon sorceress who had remained in the Netherrealm unbothered by either Lucifer or Shinnok the past millennia. She traveled the realms as she pleased, taught Quan Chi sorcery, stole the essence of Argus and created his demon son Rain from it, in the hope that one day he would become the most powerful warrior in the realms. Argus had saved the small child and entrusted him to be raised by one of the First Generals of Edenia, making up a lie about his infidelity rather than have the boy slain for being a half-demon. Argus believed in the good nature of Rain, but knew that his powers would manifest and Edenians will know he is the son of a God. With Tanya's sorcery and Jade's aid, a mature Rain was reunited with his mother, who wishes to change the flow of time and reveal to all mortals that the Elder Gods are liars and were, at first, mere residents of the Netherrealm, just like everyone else, and they were all created by even more powerful beings in a neverending cycle. In the dawn of times, 11 billion years ago, powerful sorcerers and sorceresses wishing to create a new, better world fought a war in Hell, which the current Elder Gods won, leaving the realm almost void of sorcery. They destroyed a great God of Hell, the One Being, and created the Universe from it. This Universe was sealed off from the Netherrealm, leaving behind those who had lost the war, the first demons, among whom Lucifer and the Lady of the Dream Realm.
The demons that the Elder Gods took with them were now called Gods in the new world, the planets of the Universe were created and looked after by these deities, afterwords populated with their new creation- biologic life that would evolve until reaching their image and gain eternal life with them in the Heavens. Gods even mated with their new creations, powerful descendants of Edenia being born, the royal lineage from an Elder God himself. Only from the Universe could souls pass after death into the Heavens, the new infinite home the Elder Gods constructed. But only those deemed worthy by their judgment could enter the Heavens, the ones considered evil or too powerful left to rot in the Netherrealm. Lady Mephisopheles is beautiful and looks young even though she is older than the Heavens themselves. She has an appealing nature and is promiscuous, kissing her son Rain on the mouth as a disgusted Tanya looks from behind. Their relation is revealed to be that of lovers, as well as mother and son. “Don't let yourselves be fooled by chastity! This is the Netherrealm and there are no rules here. My body longs for the strongest male. And who better than my own flesh, my son?”
The 7 agree to bring together their armies, Reiko and Havik surender their feud until after their escape from the Netherrealm, but Liu Kang asks that he be allowed to enact vengeance on the betrayer Smoke. As this is the only impediment, Noob Saibot has to accept and Smoke is allowed to defend himself. Though he fights bravely, Liu Kang decapitates him, which angers Noob Saibot. Lady Mephistopheles tells Liu Kang that he will see the enenra again, in the Dream Realm, where she will wait for him. Kitana is reunited with the old friend she had mourned for, Jade, who promises that she has returned to free her and join her with her son. “Son?” asks Kitana, whose only son had died at the young age of 10 a short while after Shao Kahn's conquest. “He is in the Heavens, held in ignorance by the Elder Gods” says Jade. “I promise you you shall see him again. Lady Lamashtu is unlike anyone we had ever known, Shao Kahn included. She is more powerful and has shown me much more truth than anyone has ever done. She will lead us to victory out of this Netherrealm and into the Heavens. This I promise you Kitana.”
As long as Shinnok lived, the Netherrealm had known a sense of order. And after his imprisonment, Quan Chi held the realm's most powerful warriors united for a cause. But after their deaths, War began ...... 3 sides, one more threatening than the other, more deadly, more ruthless... all fighting for the ultimate power. 3 powerful warriors had crowned themselves Emperors... Emperors over the dead and the wretched, Emperors of the vast chimera Shinnok had created, Emperors of Hell, though only of the known part of this infinite in size realm. As much as they tried to use their sight and look beyond the outer edge of the known Netherrealm, none of the 3 Emperors had managed to find an end. Even though they could see as far as parsecs and light years, the Netherrealm never ended. The first, Liu Kang, ruling in the center of the former Elder God's Empire, commanding billions from the Great Pyramid, aided by Dark Empress Kitana and the fallen Earthrealm warriors. Another, Emperor Noob Saibot, in an alliance with excommunicated Chaos priest Havik, fallen from the land of mortals, commanding the remains of the Brotherhood of the Shadow's thousand warriors and attacking from the Western territories. The third one, self-entitled Emperor Reiko, who gathered the best fallen Outworld fighters under his command, proving his skill in war tactics, as he rules the Outer territories where Liu Kang's troops can not reach. The damned who end up in Hell must choose one side and Liu Kang gains more and more strength each day. Those who do not join either side are hunted by all... and when found.... are subjected to the worst imaginable torments. Some wish to atone for their sins and leave this wretched world behind. But none has ever escaped the Netherrealm for good. Some had managed to go back into the land of the living for short periods of time but they have always ended up back in Hell, deemed evil at heart by the Elder Gods. Can there be anyone truly good in the Netherrealm? Ashrah and Kintaro lead a group of fugitives who refuse to feed themselves on the week. They pray to the Elder Gods and attempt to escape this place, but the Gods have not answered them so far and the War forces them to lay out of sight. A War which has become more balanced after the recent successes of Emperor Noob Saibot: the betrayal of the Emperor Liu Kang by the enenra Smoke, who has joined his old ally Bi-Han and the bringing of Imperial troops of the Moroi by Nitara, a vampire plunged into the Netherrealm to seek an alliance and take back the living world for the vampires as it was millennia ago.
Emperor Liu Kang...............................Emperor Noob Saibot.................................Emperor Reiko
Empress Kitana..................................Enenra leader Smoke.................................Empress Skarlet
First General Kung Lao............................Queen Nitara.......................................Commander Motaro
Mother Empress Sindel.........................Fallen Priest Havik..................................Commander Baraka
General Nightwolf..............................Contingent leader Kobra.............................Commander Mavado
General Kabal
General Stryker
On Earthrealm, Raiden's madness had consumed him. After years of living a secluded life and not getting involved in the politics of the world, Raiden decides to make his presence felt. In a show of power, he brings the world's most prominent leaders (all greedy and incompetent) for a meeting in Egypt and rises over the pyramids on national television as he reveals himself to be Earthrealm's most powerful God. The world leaders are assassinated by Raiden's followers: Scorpion, Sonya, Jacqui, Frost, Kira, Chameleon and Class, Kano's son. Jacqui and Sonya seek revenge over Jax's death at the hands of Erron Black and have become disillusioned with the United States' army commanders, who have failed to protect Earhrealm. Sonya becomes Commander in chief of the UN troops and institutes martial law in all of Earthrealm, with the armies ready for deployment, as the people of Earth are forced to bow to Raiden and adopt a new religion. Sub-Zero is saddened that Frost has chosen to kill for Raiden rather than protect Earthrealm, but Frost wants to prove that she is the best. Kung Kin is also on Raiden's side, though he only watches in horror the onslaught of the Earthrealm leaders. Kung Jin's only hope of freeing his cousin from Hell is Raiden, as Fujin could not promise him such help.
Fujin has a meeting with the other elders, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Sub-Zero, Bo'Rai'Cho and Shujinko. They have refused to follow Raiden on the path of madness. Johnny Cage cannot reason with Sonya anymore. She believes that he and Cassie will understand later on that only this way she can protect them. As Earthrealm's armies enter Outworld, Kotal Kahn gains the right to defend his realm in Mortal Kombat, Kotal Kahn prepares his warriors: Reptile, Ferra/Torr, Erron Black and Sheeva. With the help of Raiden, Outworld is weakened, as Rain and Tanya have freed Edenia and now rule over the realm in an alliance with Earthrealm. Many Outworlders have fled to Edenia, where the food is plenty and the regime is not as harsh. Kotal Kahn even gives up his pride and bows to Goro, asking him to fight for Outworld once more. Goro agrees, but says that after the tournament their feud will continue and he will kill Kotal Kahn. “I do this for Outwolrd, not you.” Bo'Rai'Cho takes Li Mei to personally inform Raiden that he will be fighting for Outworld, as this time Outworld is the one attacked. Raiden says that he laments his friend's decision, tells him that he will die on the battlefield and doesn't understand why Bo'Rai'Cho can't see the danger in Kotal Kahn's rule. “He is just like Shao Kahn, can't you see? Bent on conquering, on becoming more powerful. You can't understand things the way I do. Has the death of Major Briggs taught you nothing?” are Raiden's words. The old master takes Li Mei with him to the Living forest where she resumes her training.
The young generation is torn apart, Jacqui and Kung Jin having joined Raiden, Cassie and Takeda have sided with Fujin. Takeda tried everything to comfort Jacqui, but she had changed after her father's death. She is not the same sweet, innocent girl he had fallen in love with. Cassie and Takeda are joined by newcomers Kai and Sareena and await the decision of the elders.
After consulting the Elder Gods, Fujin learns that the timeline keeps trying to correct itself. Raiden succeeded in stopping Shao Kahn with the use of the Amulet given to him by the Elder Gods, but the universe keeps moving in the same direction: Shinnok's liberation and subsequent defeat, Raiden turning evil, the Dragon King manifesting himself from beyond death, Edenia being freed and the center of a large conflict....all will result in the deaths of the ones that also died in the first timeline, inevitably. Now knowing about Taven, Fujin sends Kenshi and Takeda to free him. Taven learns of all the wretched things Daegon has done, but still believes his brother may be saved. He is shocked however to find out he has another brother, Rain, now calling himself the Protector God of Edenia. Johnny and Cassie are sent to the maximum security prison where D'vorah is kept, infiltrate it and open an air vent to get her out in the form of bees, which Cassie and Johnny promptly put to sleep with pesticide, wearing masks. Seeking good relations with Kotal Kahn, the Earthrealm Resistance allows him to have a conversation with D'vorah. A visibly shaken Kotal enters her sealed quarters and has a tearful conversation with a repentant D'vorah. Though Kotal Kahn loves her, he cannot forgive her betrayal. She can only answer that it is in the nature of the Kytinn to seek the best option for their future offspring and she cannot fight her nature. Kotal promises to absolve her of all sins if she fights for Outworld in the coming tournament, but D'vorah says she will not do that. After he leaves, a bug secretly planted on his back exits the room as well and is ingested by one of the human troopers guarding the entrance. He begins hallucinating and eventually frees a patient D'vorah from her prison.
Fujin goes himself to meet Khameleon, who is hiding in India with the few saurians left alive, posing as humans. He asks from her to go to Outworld and speak with Chameleon and Reptile, have the saurians' best warriors join sides.
Sub-Zero asks if the Elder Gods have made Fujin the new Protector of Earthrealm, but Fujin says that they have chosen him instead. Fujin believes in Kuai Liang, even though the cryomancer still feels responsible for doing horrible things while working for Quan Chi and Havik. “They need a better protector. They need you.” Fujin reassures him. Sub-Zero, new Protector of Earthrealm, takes Sareena to Kotal Kahn's Outworld to investigate the reappearance of Shang Tsung. Having cheated death by binding his soul to Shao Kahn's old fortress and waiting for the right time, Shang had lured Ermac into a trap and absorbed almost all his souls, becoming even more powerful than before, but unconsciously absorbing Shao Kahn's soul as well. Ermac is left comatose, a shell of his former self, only one soul remaining. Unable to control the new-found power Shao Kahn's soul grants, Shang Tsung retreats to his island where Sub-Zero and Sareena corner him. With Bo'Rai'Cho's help and Sub-Zero's new Protector powers, they can save Shang, but only if he atones for his sins and fights against Raiden. Shang Tsung refuses to help his enemies and escapes, Sub-Zero and Sareena loosing his track.
Fujin sends Shujinko to Orderrealm, where Hotaru has won the war with Chaosrealm and is keeping Darrius prisoner. Half of Chaosrealm is now under the control of Seido and the clerics of chaos have been spared under the condition that no more Revolutions will be supported and that Seido is allowed to use the natural resources their realm offers. The cult of deceased and excommunicated cleric Havik is however gaining supporters, a new Revolution being prepared in the free part of Chaosrealm by General Dairou. Shujinko asks that the Seidan army occupies Earthrealm, as the new Protector God will not consider it an act of aggression. Hotaru is aware that he doesn't speak about Raiden, agrees on the condition that Earthrealm will return the help in the Chaosrealm Revolution and wants his troops to be lead by his former comrade, Taven.
As Orin senses Caro's location, Kenshi, Takeda and Taven infiltrate the Red Dragon base and free the dragon. Daegon is cornered and they work together to defeat him. As they prepare to land the killing blow, he calls them to wait, as he has information about an imminent attack on Earthrealm. “You killed my mother!” “I can give her back to you” Daegon says. Takeda screams and puts his sword to Daegon's throat. Taven puts himself between Takeda and Daegon in an effort to save his brother as the 4 warriors engage in a stalemate. But reason prevails, as Takeda chooses to spare him. “Daegon, you are my brother and I will always love you. But why would you do this? Destroy our father's legacy? Kill all those innocent people?” “I told you I can bring Suchin back and I meant it. You have come to kill me for things you do not understand. Death is meaningless. It is a mere passing from one world to another- the Heavens or the Netherrealm. Your Suchin was deemed worthy by the Elder Gods and now is granted eternal rest with angels. I did her a favour, but because you are so young you cannot see death as I do and life bears too much meaning for you. I have been preparing for Taven's arrival for 10.000 years. Close to Lord Shinnok I was all this time, his protejee he called me, destined to win the battle of Armageddon. I listened, learned his secrets in the Netherrealm, was worshiped as a God here on Earthrealm and on other realms, amassed this massive army from the best fighters I could find. All in the name of this One War that is to come, foretold long before our mother had sensed it. Everything you've been told, all the history you know.. is a lie! The Dragon King had known it and that is why the Elder Gods feared him, cause when their rule will be over, every damned soul in the Netherrealm will escape into this world and take control. Shinnok wanted to destroy this Universe and re-create the One Being, but there are others who don't want it destroyed...but want to rule it. They are preparing right now, gathering their 5 armies of undead, demons, vampires, tarkata and chaosrealmers. And only we, my brother, can stop them!” “Lies” Takeda said. “How can we know this to be true?” asked Kenshi. “All portals to and from the Netherrealm have been sealed after their invasion.” “Not all portals were known to Raiden. Come with me and see for yourself! Caro, open the gate to the Netherrealm. You think you're too righteous to walk that realm? Think again.”
The proposed “Alliance of Seven” takes place in the Netherrealm. A cease of hostilities is arranged and the most important figures of the 3 sides are brought together to negociate. Liu Kang and Kitana, Noob Saibot with Nitara and the priest Havik and Reiko all come to the table. The 7th warrior to come is Rain, who smugly humiliates Tanya, telling her to wait for him outside. Rain reveals that he had come to the Netherrealm, where the sight of the Elder Gods does not reach, to release his full power, and he has taped into the very power of the realm itself, being now more powerful than the Gods. He had recently been reunited with mother, a powerful demon sorceress as old as the Netherrealm itself, “older than Shinnok and the Elder Gods themselves” says Rain. As the others claim it is not possible, the Elder Gods having crafted reality from the One Being, Rain tells them that time has come for them to learn the truth of how the universe came to be. The living realms and the Universe had indeed been created by the One Being's destruction, but the Netherrealm had existed forever, even before 11 billion years ago. Rain believes that the 7 of them together can bring enough troops in a War that will destroy the combined armies of the living realms and allow them to infiltrate the Heavens to cast down the Elder Gods once and for all, taking their place and allowing all damned souls an escape from the Netherrealm into the realms. Rain can bring millions of Edenian troops, Liu Kang and Kitana command billions of demons, Noob Saibot has the formidable Brotherhood of the Shadow, Nitara the Imperial Army of the Moroi, Havik brings his Chaosrealm followers, Reiko still has loyal Outworld human and centaur troops in and out of the Netherrealm. Their combined armies can defeat an Earthrealm-Outworld-Seido alliance.
From the Netherrealm, Rain informs, there are passageways to a strange realm, known as the Dream realm, where normal physical laws don't function and where one's mind fades if he or she remain too long. It is a part of Hell, but not of the realm itself, as it can only be accessed through remote locations. It is also the place where demons and other doomed souls are reborn if they are eaten or killed in the Netherrealm. Jade, the messenger of the Lady of the Dream Realm, is revealed to be alive and makes an entrance vouching for everything Rain has said. Lady Lamashtu Mephistopheles is presented by Rain as his real mother, a demon sorceress who had remained in the Netherrealm unbothered by either Lucifer or Shinnok the past millennia. She traveled the realms as she pleased, taught Quan Chi sorcery, stole the essence of Argus and created his demon son Rain from it, in the hope that one day he would become the most powerful warrior in the realms. Argus had saved the small child and entrusted him to be raised by one of the First Generals of Edenia, making up a lie about his infidelity rather than have the boy slain for being a half-demon. Argus believed in the good nature of Rain, but knew that his powers would manifest and Edenians will know he is the son of a God. With Tanya's sorcery and Jade's aid, a mature Rain was reunited with his mother, who wishes to change the flow of time and reveal to all mortals that the Elder Gods are liars and were, at first, mere residents of the Netherrealm, just like everyone else, and they were all created by even more powerful beings in a neverending cycle. In the dawn of times, 11 billion years ago, powerful sorcerers and sorceresses wishing to create a new, better world fought a war in Hell, which the current Elder Gods won, leaving the realm almost void of sorcery. They destroyed a great God of Hell, the One Being, and created the Universe from it. This Universe was sealed off from the Netherrealm, leaving behind those who had lost the war, the first demons, among whom Lucifer and the Lady of the Dream Realm.
The demons that the Elder Gods took with them were now called Gods in the new world, the planets of the Universe were created and looked after by these deities, afterwords populated with their new creation- biologic life that would evolve until reaching their image and gain eternal life with them in the Heavens. Gods even mated with their new creations, powerful descendants of Edenia being born, the royal lineage from an Elder God himself. Only from the Universe could souls pass after death into the Heavens, the new infinite home the Elder Gods constructed. But only those deemed worthy by their judgment could enter the Heavens, the ones considered evil or too powerful left to rot in the Netherrealm. Lady Mephisopheles is beautiful and looks young even though she is older than the Heavens themselves. She has an appealing nature and is promiscuous, kissing her son Rain on the mouth as a disgusted Tanya looks from behind. Their relation is revealed to be that of lovers, as well as mother and son. “Don't let yourselves be fooled by chastity! This is the Netherrealm and there are no rules here. My body longs for the strongest male. And who better than my own flesh, my son?”
The 7 agree to bring together their armies, Reiko and Havik surender their feud until after their escape from the Netherrealm, but Liu Kang asks that he be allowed to enact vengeance on the betrayer Smoke. As this is the only impediment, Noob Saibot has to accept and Smoke is allowed to defend himself. Though he fights bravely, Liu Kang decapitates him, which angers Noob Saibot. Lady Mephistopheles tells Liu Kang that he will see the enenra again, in the Dream Realm, where she will wait for him. Kitana is reunited with the old friend she had mourned for, Jade, who promises that she has returned to free her and join her with her son. “Son?” asks Kitana, whose only son had died at the young age of 10 a short while after Shao Kahn's conquest. “He is in the Heavens, held in ignorance by the Elder Gods” says Jade. “I promise you you shall see him again. Lady Lamashtu is unlike anyone we had ever known, Shao Kahn included. She is more powerful and has shown me much more truth than anyone has ever done. She will lead us to victory out of this Netherrealm and into the Heavens. This I promise you Kitana.”
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