"Mortal Kombat X" listed by Amazon UK with 2015 Release Date

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
With only 20 hours left in Ed Boon's countdown it appears that Amazon UK <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/search/ref=sr_nr_seeall_1?rh=k%3A%22mortal+kombat+x%22%2Ci%3Avideogames&keywords=%22mortal+kombat+x%22&ie=UTF8&qid=1401650464">has listed "Mortal Kombat X" on it's store</a> The game is listed to be available for the PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. The game was also given a release date of 2015, which fits NetherRealm's previous games schedules to announce at E3 and then release the following spring.

<center><img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/mk10/mkx_amazon_uk.jpg"/></center>

If "Mortal Kombat X" is actually the shipping title, and not just the code name, then I anticipate that the X in the title is not to be officially pronounced "Ten" but rather the letter "X" and may be tied to the story line of the game. It would be confusing to most people to call the game Ten since the next game would be a sequel to 2011's Mortal Kombat.

Stay tuned because Kombat Kontinues tomorrow at 8am Central Time! Are you ready?

Thanks to <a href="https://twitter.com/WesleyLPBR/status/473169418814763008">@WesleyLPBR</a> for the news tip!

<b>Update:</b> The listings were pulled sometime overnight last night.
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I'm hoping the current gen versions don't get weighed down by the last gen versions. I've been seeing that a lot with cross platform releases.
This is awesome news, if it's true.

I'm SO glad that I don't have to spend $400 on a next-gen console for it.

I will probably have a PS4 by then, anyway, because October is BATMAN, but, it's cool to know they are still thinking of PS3 in some situations. As far as I had seen, Batman is not for PS3, which is lame, because PS4 hardly has enough games for me to want to get it yet, but, they kinda 'force you' when they make games that wont be included for PS3.
So it'll be for PS3 too? If so, I want CROSS PLAY!!! From PS3 to PS4 and I mean having all the DLC I have bought be put in both systems. My cousin's PS3 is what I'm using now. I might want to get my own PS4.
Assuming this info actually holds up, I'm glad this is going to be cross-gen as I have no plans or interest in getting a new console anytime soon.

And yeah, that'll probably hold back the next-gen version a bit, but screw it, I'd rather keep my money than have a slightly prettier game.
I want MKX to be current gen only. I don't want to be held back by last gen. The overall product won't be as good and the population would be more thinned out. The population for fighting games online more than 6 months after release is already too slim as it is.
Cross-gen makes more sense for them, though, as far as sales go.
The amount of people who have next-gen consoles is VASTLY out-numbered by the people don't , and have either PS3 or 360.
Making it ONLY next-gen would mean that they wouldn't make as much money, and at the end of the day NRS and WB are a business, and profits matter.