Trolling You For Fun & Profit
Chapter 1, Part 1 of 2
Kuai Liang
Connecticut. 1994.
"AAHH!!" screamed the 17 year old Kuai Liang, drenched in a ice cold sweat.
"Goddamnit" he mumbled to himself.
Every night for the last week, it was the same nightmare.
Captured by a hoard of ninjas, and turned into a robot..devoid of all emotions and killing the innocent.
He checked his alarm clock and was unsurprised at the hour.
"3 o clock in the f*cking morning.. Jesus, when will I ever get a good night's rest?" he thought as he rose from the bed.
His hand fumbled around along the wall in his pitch black room until he found his lamp switch.
Pushing his jet black hair out of his face, he grabs his pack of cigarettes laying on the desk.
"F*cking empty. Great. Guess I'll sneak into Bi's room and see if he has any." he said aloud as he pushed himself from his matress onto the freezing floor.
Creeping ever so quietly down the hall, he pushes open the door of his older brother's room and peeks inside.
"What the f*ck are you doing up so late, homo?" snipped Bi-Han, who was sitting on his couch and staring intently at a porno.
"Whatever dude, I had a crazy ass nightmare.. You don't have any smokes, do you?" asked Kuai, looking around nervously in fear of their father getting up and noticing he was out of bed.
Bi-Han didn't break his stare at the magazine as he tossed his younger brother a pack of Marlboro Lights.
"You better be lucky I have a carton of these, dick; And DON'T let dad catch you smoking. If he does, you got these from someone else, I'm not being held accountable for your problems," whispered Bi-Han as he walked out of the room. "I'm going out to a party at this guy's house. If mom or dad asks, tell them I went to a friend's house to study."
"Alright, cool. Thanks for the cigarettes, by the way." Kuai responded as he headed downstairs.
Bi-Han had been the Quarterback of the football team, top of his class, and head of the debate team his senior year in '93.
The girls went crazy for him, the guys were envious of his natural good looks and charisma, and the teachers and faculty loved him.
Hell, everyone loved him, and this left an immense shadow that Kuai basked in all his life.
Growing up with a strict Japanese father, overly emotional New York mother, and his local legend older brother.. Kuai didn't have a strong family bond like his friends did.
If he asked his dad for help, he would just lecture the hell out of him.. telling him to swallow emotions and excell academically.
His mother..why even bother? She would call the police if someone was being mean to her "baby."
The only family member he could talk to was Bi-Han, and he's just been getting wasted everyday since he graduated.
Kuai tiptoed down the hall and out of the garage.
Ripping off all the plastic from his pack of cigarettes, he pulled one out and left it dangling from his mouth as he searched his pockets for his lighter.
"Oh God, please tell me I didn't forge-Yes!" he exclaimed as he pulled out his bic and lit his cigarette.
Leaning next to the garage door, he exhaled the smoke from his lungs.
He told himself, "These will calm me down.. these will ease the stress."
He wondered why he had this nightmare, why he obsesses with it every day.
It all just seems to real.. the removal of his skin and it being replaced with metal panels.
Gears and wires being forced into his body where the functioning ones had been taken out.
He shuddered at the recap of it all, and flipped his cigarette and went back inside.
He entered his room again, and slipped into his bed.
Slowly.. everything bled black until he was no longer awake..
"F*CK!!" Kuai screamed as he jumped out of bed.
He didn't want to go to school today.. he just wanted to sleep a little while longer.
Throwing on his jeans, Chuck taylors, and his favorite blue pullover, he rushed out of his room and upstairs to grab some breakfast.
"Morning, son." greeted his father who was sitting at the table and enjoying his cup of steaming hot coffee.
"Hey, dad.. do we have any cereal or something? I gotta eat it fast, I might be late for the bus."
"Haha, today wouldn't be any different now, would it? You have got to get on a better sleep schedule, son.. you look awful. Eat that grapefruit in the fridge, you need some vitamin C. And drink some milk, too.. my god, your as thin as a rail"
"Grapefruit and milk? No thanks, dad.. that sounds disgusting. I'll just skip breakfast, not like it's important anyways. I gotta go catch the bus, see ya dad."
"Bye, son.. try to bring that History grade up today!"
Kuai rushed outside to be greeted by his best friend, Hanzo.
"Sup, dude?" Hanzo asked as he tied his long brown hair into a ponytail.
"Not much, same old shit from dad.. 'Bring your history grade up!' Like I give a f*ck."
"Haha, I hear you on that dude. Well, we better make it down to the corner before we miss the bus like yesterday" said Hanzo as they walked in unison to the bus stop.
"Hey," said Hanzo, as they waited for the bus "We should go down to that new martial arts place by the mall after school. Cedric and and Sam enrolled last week, and Sam's dad owns the place, so we could probably get in for free."
The bus rolled up as Kuai nodded his head yes, he wanted to give a better response but his mind was on something else.
He was thinking about the dream from last night, how today's grey rainy skies were just like that day's.
Kuai made it through the school day just barely doing any work at all, drawing pictues of the devil on all his papers and turning them in.
He really just wanted to go home and not have to deal with the jailcell of being in school.
The day dragged on for what seemed like a lifetime, until the bell rang after 6th period.
Sprinting out the door, Kuai threw his books in his locker and met Hanzo outside.
"Goddamn, I thought today would never end," gasped Kuai, who was short of breath after running from Ms. Thompson's class to the parking lot.
"So," he said after he had recieved a few seconds to regain his breath "You said you want to go down to that Karate place?"
"Yeah dude, it's going to be radical. I can't wait to start busting open heads and cracking spines!" Hanzo screamed as he chopped and kicked the air, making his best Bruce Lee impersonation.
Cedric overheard them in the from his car, and approched the two with sheer arrogance.
"You two little b*tches think you can make it at the Lin Kuei Academy? Psh. Yeah right, get real! Hanzo, I know for a fact you won't even get in the door, we don't allow poor kids."
"You f*cking dick!" shouted Hanzo, enraged at the disrespect and c0ckyness of Cedric.
"You KNOW I can kick anyone's ass in here, Hell I used to beat you up all the time in Middle school!!" Hanzo screamed, purely seething with hatred that Cedric would bring up the fact that he was poor.
"Take it easy, douche bag. I'm not letting you in, but I've never seen Kuai fight.. so I'll see if the Grandmaster will let me spar with him.
Kuai, get in the car. We're going to The Academy. Hanzo, you can come and watch.. if you want." Cedric said with a sneer.
Arriving at the "Academy" (merely a dojo), they were immediatley greeted by The Grandmaster.
"And what do we have here?" he asked, eyeballing Kuai and Hanzo "Fresh meat? If you boys think your cut out for this place, your wrong. You don't just walk right in here and start fighting, it takes years of discipline to get to where my pupils are today. Look, you might as well just walk right out of here."
"Grandmaster, only one of them is here to spar with me, the one in blue.
All of the students in here are no match for me, and I grow tired of fighting Samuel.
Please Grandmaster, if not for just one round" pleaded Cedric to his sensei.
"Alright, FINE! But you look here, if you knock him out.. this never happened." said The Grandmaster.
Kuai's mind was going a mile a mintue.. he had never even been in a fight before.
Hanzo knew what he was thinking. "Don't worry dude, you can lay this b*tch on the floor in no time. I've kicked his ass so many times.. Trust me, it's easy." Hanzo reassured Kuai.
"Ok," Kuai thought to himself, shaking from being so nervous "Here goes nothing."
Kuai Liang
Connecticut. 1994.
"AAHH!!" screamed the 17 year old Kuai Liang, drenched in a ice cold sweat.
"Goddamnit" he mumbled to himself.
Every night for the last week, it was the same nightmare.
Captured by a hoard of ninjas, and turned into a robot..devoid of all emotions and killing the innocent.
He checked his alarm clock and was unsurprised at the hour.
"3 o clock in the f*cking morning.. Jesus, when will I ever get a good night's rest?" he thought as he rose from the bed.
His hand fumbled around along the wall in his pitch black room until he found his lamp switch.
Pushing his jet black hair out of his face, he grabs his pack of cigarettes laying on the desk.
"F*cking empty. Great. Guess I'll sneak into Bi's room and see if he has any." he said aloud as he pushed himself from his matress onto the freezing floor.
Creeping ever so quietly down the hall, he pushes open the door of his older brother's room and peeks inside.
"What the f*ck are you doing up so late, homo?" snipped Bi-Han, who was sitting on his couch and staring intently at a porno.
"Whatever dude, I had a crazy ass nightmare.. You don't have any smokes, do you?" asked Kuai, looking around nervously in fear of their father getting up and noticing he was out of bed.
Bi-Han didn't break his stare at the magazine as he tossed his younger brother a pack of Marlboro Lights.
"You better be lucky I have a carton of these, dick; And DON'T let dad catch you smoking. If he does, you got these from someone else, I'm not being held accountable for your problems," whispered Bi-Han as he walked out of the room. "I'm going out to a party at this guy's house. If mom or dad asks, tell them I went to a friend's house to study."
"Alright, cool. Thanks for the cigarettes, by the way." Kuai responded as he headed downstairs.
Bi-Han had been the Quarterback of the football team, top of his class, and head of the debate team his senior year in '93.
The girls went crazy for him, the guys were envious of his natural good looks and charisma, and the teachers and faculty loved him.
Hell, everyone loved him, and this left an immense shadow that Kuai basked in all his life.
Growing up with a strict Japanese father, overly emotional New York mother, and his local legend older brother.. Kuai didn't have a strong family bond like his friends did.
If he asked his dad for help, he would just lecture the hell out of him.. telling him to swallow emotions and excell academically.
His mother..why even bother? She would call the police if someone was being mean to her "baby."
The only family member he could talk to was Bi-Han, and he's just been getting wasted everyday since he graduated.
Kuai tiptoed down the hall and out of the garage.
Ripping off all the plastic from his pack of cigarettes, he pulled one out and left it dangling from his mouth as he searched his pockets for his lighter.
"Oh God, please tell me I didn't forge-Yes!" he exclaimed as he pulled out his bic and lit his cigarette.
Leaning next to the garage door, he exhaled the smoke from his lungs.
He told himself, "These will calm me down.. these will ease the stress."
He wondered why he had this nightmare, why he obsesses with it every day.
It all just seems to real.. the removal of his skin and it being replaced with metal panels.
Gears and wires being forced into his body where the functioning ones had been taken out.
He shuddered at the recap of it all, and flipped his cigarette and went back inside.
He entered his room again, and slipped into his bed.
Slowly.. everything bled black until he was no longer awake..
"F*CK!!" Kuai screamed as he jumped out of bed.
He didn't want to go to school today.. he just wanted to sleep a little while longer.
Throwing on his jeans, Chuck taylors, and his favorite blue pullover, he rushed out of his room and upstairs to grab some breakfast.
"Morning, son." greeted his father who was sitting at the table and enjoying his cup of steaming hot coffee.
"Hey, dad.. do we have any cereal or something? I gotta eat it fast, I might be late for the bus."
"Haha, today wouldn't be any different now, would it? You have got to get on a better sleep schedule, son.. you look awful. Eat that grapefruit in the fridge, you need some vitamin C. And drink some milk, too.. my god, your as thin as a rail"
"Grapefruit and milk? No thanks, dad.. that sounds disgusting. I'll just skip breakfast, not like it's important anyways. I gotta go catch the bus, see ya dad."
"Bye, son.. try to bring that History grade up today!"
Kuai rushed outside to be greeted by his best friend, Hanzo.
"Sup, dude?" Hanzo asked as he tied his long brown hair into a ponytail.
"Not much, same old shit from dad.. 'Bring your history grade up!' Like I give a f*ck."
"Haha, I hear you on that dude. Well, we better make it down to the corner before we miss the bus like yesterday" said Hanzo as they walked in unison to the bus stop.
"Hey," said Hanzo, as they waited for the bus "We should go down to that new martial arts place by the mall after school. Cedric and and Sam enrolled last week, and Sam's dad owns the place, so we could probably get in for free."
The bus rolled up as Kuai nodded his head yes, he wanted to give a better response but his mind was on something else.
He was thinking about the dream from last night, how today's grey rainy skies were just like that day's.
Kuai made it through the school day just barely doing any work at all, drawing pictues of the devil on all his papers and turning them in.
He really just wanted to go home and not have to deal with the jailcell of being in school.
The day dragged on for what seemed like a lifetime, until the bell rang after 6th period.
Sprinting out the door, Kuai threw his books in his locker and met Hanzo outside.
"Goddamn, I thought today would never end," gasped Kuai, who was short of breath after running from Ms. Thompson's class to the parking lot.
"So," he said after he had recieved a few seconds to regain his breath "You said you want to go down to that Karate place?"
"Yeah dude, it's going to be radical. I can't wait to start busting open heads and cracking spines!" Hanzo screamed as he chopped and kicked the air, making his best Bruce Lee impersonation.
Cedric overheard them in the from his car, and approched the two with sheer arrogance.
"You two little b*tches think you can make it at the Lin Kuei Academy? Psh. Yeah right, get real! Hanzo, I know for a fact you won't even get in the door, we don't allow poor kids."
"You f*cking dick!" shouted Hanzo, enraged at the disrespect and c0ckyness of Cedric.
"You KNOW I can kick anyone's ass in here, Hell I used to beat you up all the time in Middle school!!" Hanzo screamed, purely seething with hatred that Cedric would bring up the fact that he was poor.
"Take it easy, douche bag. I'm not letting you in, but I've never seen Kuai fight.. so I'll see if the Grandmaster will let me spar with him.
Kuai, get in the car. We're going to The Academy. Hanzo, you can come and watch.. if you want." Cedric said with a sneer.
Arriving at the "Academy" (merely a dojo), they were immediatley greeted by The Grandmaster.
"And what do we have here?" he asked, eyeballing Kuai and Hanzo "Fresh meat? If you boys think your cut out for this place, your wrong. You don't just walk right in here and start fighting, it takes years of discipline to get to where my pupils are today. Look, you might as well just walk right out of here."
"Grandmaster, only one of them is here to spar with me, the one in blue.
All of the students in here are no match for me, and I grow tired of fighting Samuel.
Please Grandmaster, if not for just one round" pleaded Cedric to his sensei.
"Alright, FINE! But you look here, if you knock him out.. this never happened." said The Grandmaster.
Kuai's mind was going a mile a mintue.. he had never even been in a fight before.
Hanzo knew what he was thinking. "Don't worry dude, you can lay this b*tch on the floor in no time. I've kicked his ass so many times.. Trust me, it's easy." Hanzo reassured Kuai.
"Ok," Kuai thought to himself, shaking from being so nervous "Here goes nothing."
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