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I wonder if MK11 will cover anything from the Edenian War set 10.000 years ago. From the games I put together this interpretation of the events that happened (respecting the canon in all MK bios and story, but totally adding!). In the story are Kitana, Shao Kahn, Taven, Daegon, Rain, Raiden, Shinnok, Jade, Quan Chi, King Jerrod-Ermac, Reiko, Drahmin, Sub-Zero, Havik, Hotaru, Smoke, Ashrah, Kintaro, Blaze, Tanya, Fujin, and a bit of Queen Sindel and Mileena.
Edenia was the place containing the most knowledge in the Universe, where heirs from the races of saurians, seidans, enenras etc would be sent to study and master their powers over flying, elements, or mind reading. Edenians had an essence in the fruit of the enormous Tree of Life that grew in the middle of the Capital City, from which all babies were fed and which slowed their aging by a factor of 1000 once they reached maturity, giving them long lives and protection against diseases. They also had a continuous summer wind which ensured nights were warm and crops were rich all year long
Edenians didn't have written records but their knowledge was all available through a mental database accessible from everywhere and by everyone. Every image ever seen could be uploaded in the mental database and accessed as a projection. There's this whole tragedy vibe to Daegon. We know that his father was a god and his mother a sorceress. Argus and Delia, with the power given to them by the Elder Gods, were busy with watching over the realm, every day ensuring that the sun rises and sets (creating the planet's rotation), that the crops feed and the essence provides medical care for millions of inhabitants. They were the religious authority in Edenia.

So, Argus and Delia didn't raise their children themselves. As a baby, Daegon was entrusted to the royal family and King Jerrod took him in, the dragon Caro being assigned as his teacher, friend and mentor. With very long life spans, Edenians normally have a child every 20.000 years but after losing 9 MKs, a new generation of children is born in an subconscious effort for survival. Among them the Princess Kitana, daughter of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel, loved by all Edenians from birth, and the Protector God's second son, Daegon, meant to be strong enough to fight Shao Kahn. Earthrealm Gods Raiden and Fujin were friends of the Edenians and familiar with their ruling Houses and authority.
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Because of tragic events in which his first wife died 1.000 years ago, Taven, the eldest son of Argus and Delia, had renounced his Edenian heritage and had been traveling the realms as a mercenary all this time, hating his parents and having lost his faith in the Elder Gods, only having his dragon Orin by his side as a voice of knowledge. He had been leading his own mercenary company of 20000 men, comprising warriors of different races, among which Enenra (Smoke ancestor), a young soldier Hotaru from Orderrealm, swordwoman sorceress Ashrah and shokan warrior Kintaro. They were the most expensive sellsword company as they were renowned for always winning in the realms of man.

So Kitana and Daegon grow up together in the rosy gardens of the royal palace where they learn to walk on water, glide in the wind jumping from the highest towers and ride Caro when no one is around to see them! She is at first shy to be around him, but he hides her secrets and covers for her when she runs away from her room and into the night to be alone by the Tree of Life, also resurrecting her singing bird pet with his life giving fire powers, though such a thing was forbidden in Edenia. Kitana sees him for the man he wants to become and falls in love with the child that he yet is. They climb the Tree of Life together at night and share secrets as children. Daegon swears to always protect the young Princess as he becomes skilled in both sword and combat, trained by the Prime General of Edenia himself. Kitana and Daegon develop a children's love, watching every morning from the palace garden how the God Argus, Daegon's father, creates the sunrise. Their love turns into an adolescent one, with them planning their first love night, but Daegon decides to only hold in his arms a naked scared Kitana, warming her body until morning. Edenia loses for the 10th time in a row and Shao Kahn's army enters the realm

With no highly trained military of Edenia to fight demons and Outworld creatures and no other alternatives, Argus and King Jerrod send a messenger, human Blaze, devout priest of Lady Delia's temple and long-time friend of Taven to bring him back to defend the realm. He tracks down Taven in a mortal realm where his company is engaged in a siege for mortal kings and, although the demi-god is reluctant to fight for Edenia once again, Blaze convinces him to return by offering his army the immortality of the Sacred Tree once Shao Kahn is stopped. The mercenary group made up of of ruthless warriors from different races steers controversy as they march onto the Edenian Capital's streets demanding coin, women and wine in exchange for their services. The arrogant Taven is hosted in the palace, leading the war council. He flirts with young curious Kitana and she is confused at the sight of this great warrior that all young ladies of her court dream of, including Tanya. Kitana and Taven feel an overwhelming lust for eachother. Daegon meets his brother who had been away from home for 1.000 years. Though Taven tries to ridicule Daegon at first, he warms up when he realizes his brother is truly good hearted and innocent and willing to sacrifice his life and godhood to protect the Edenians. He becomes the older brother Daegon always needed and gives the young man advice.

Enigmatic Rain (under his real name), who also loved the princess, was the only one who could match Daegon in the competitions, boosting his ego, as Daegon was a demigod. This status made Daegon ineligible to participate in Mortal Kombat to defend Edenia, but Rain was also refused participation despite his strong desire, not even him being aware that he was also a demigod. Rain was however not the product of infidelity, but that of dark magic a powerful demoness from the Netherealm (woman from Jade's ending) had conjured using his father's blood. Argus rescued the boy from the Netherrealm where he was forged and had faith that the taint of evil will disappear from him, took him to Edenia but trusted no one with the secret that the child was half god and half demonic. He instead made up the lie about his own infidelity and entrusted Rain to be raised by the loyal General. When the General died in the first counter-offensive against Shao Kahn's invading forces, orphan teenager Rain became part of the Edenian Resistance movement.

In the Edenian Battle Games honoring his return, Taven, Rain and Daegon defeat hundreds of opponents from the 12 colonies of Edenia. All best warriors, military leaders, mercenaries and Edenians with the power over elements compete. Kitana wishes to compete too, but is too young. Rain loses in the semi-finals. Only the courageous good-hearted Daegon faces Taven in the final. Taven is reluctant to win, but the people of Edenia need to see him being a champion so they can be inspired for the coming War. The younger brother tastes failure for the first time and the crowd cheers for Taven, confident for the upcoming war. Fujin and Raiden witness this from the high stands as they offer advice to Argus and King Jerrod on how to defend themselves. The Earthrealm Gods are however forbidden to interfere in a War that is not their own

A kid called Jade no more than 14 years years old, who had no family and had been stealing from the rooftops of the Edenian Capital, becomes Kitana's handmaiden. She is cunning for her age and, at the princess' request, has her secretly trained into the arts of war and theft. The girls get along well and share secrets. Kitana tells Jade that she can't help being attracted to the strong warrior Taven. Jade facilitates a secret meeting between Kitana and Taven in a hidden part of the castle where they can't resist and end up kissing and sleeping together, although they both regret it afterwards. She wishes him to return safe from war as he departs, but says it was a mistake, feeling guilty towards Daegon

The souls of the dead in Edenia are not allowed to ascend to the Heavens anymore as Shao Kahn has the power to absorb them. A decade long war begins as Edenia refuses to fall, the greatest cities surviving long sieges under the wards of Argus as no portals of Shao Kahn can penetrate them, but suffer because the Emperor's armies are camped right outside their gates

Shao Kahn divides his forces in 3, each contingent being lead by an immensely powerful warlord: his Generals Reiko and Drahmin (before dying and becoming an oni) and the sorcerer aiding him in this War, Quan Chi (as this is around 9.000 years before the birth of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, even though was Shinnok's right hand, had a free hand in making alliances). The Emperor speaks from outside every city's gate and threatens to rape every man, woman and child who don't submit, but promises to give freedom and mastery over their own destiny and soul to all who join his army. Many Edenians express their desire to leave the under-siege cities and deflect to his camp. Among them is Tanya, who willingly relinquishes her body to the Emperor for a position of power. The Elder Gods don't interfere even when Argus begs them to, as the torments Shao Kahn causes to bodies or souls in the mortal world are finite to decades and therefore the realms don't suffer permanent damage. The Edenians perform a ritual to summon the terrifying Elder God Shinnok in a mortal body in Edenia for the first time in 100.000 years, but when he appears he offers cryptic advice, seemingly because the rules forbid him to directly interfere

In order to end the war, Shao Kahn agrees to fight at the same time the best 3 warriors Edenia has. Taven, Daegon and Rain come out of the city and the sons of Argus battle the Emperor in the great desert. They manage to pierce his heart but he refuses to follow the mortal rules set by the Elder Gods and die, instead healing himself, to the surprise of mortals and Gods alike. As the youth of Rain and Daegon and their desire to prove themselves the ultimate winner causes them to fight one another instead of fighting the enemy, Taven is forced to stand between them to stop them from tearing each other's throats. They lose the battle and injured, they are forced to retreat into the Capital

After 9 years of war, the Princess tries to do something to help all the people wh are getting hurt. She and Jade evade the Capital without her father's consent through a secret portal in order to seek an alliance against Shao Kahn. They go to Seido and Vaeternus but can't offer terms so that those realms join Edenia's War. They travel to Outworld, to the King of Cryomancers, the last bastion in the icy mountains of Outworld opposing Shao Kahn, where the Princess pleads her case, but the cryomancers are too few to change the outcome of the war

They run when the King Sub-Zero wishes to send them back to her father. Crossing Outworld on horse, the Princess is captured and taken to Shao Kahn. Daegon, young commander of the army, abandons his post leaving to rescue her. He traces her steps but gets captured too. Shao Kahn rapes Kitana under Daegon's eyes while centaurs hold him down and then gelds him, leaving him forever mutilated, but alive in the dungeons with the feeling that he couldn't rescue his lover. Shao Kahn looks into Kitana's soul and tells Daegon about her and his brother. Kitana and Daegon remain prisoners for months, but are separated. They are not allowed to die. Daegon must reflect in hs cold cell again and again that he was not able to save the girl he loves and that she was taken in front of him, depriving him of his manhood. He starts to wonder if his faith in the Elder Gods and good gave him something back in life.
Shao Kahn tries to make Kitana feel ashamed for feeling pleasure during the rape, but she confronts him. She calls him for what a pitiful human being he is and how he does to others what has been done to him- hurt and cause pain. Touched by her unbroken spirit, Shao Kahn attempts to improve his relation with Kitana as he begins to love her. He invites her to dinner in the Palace and she asks him what has made him so angry on the world, what his past is. He says that, maybe, one day he will tell her...but that now his goal is to change the world the Elder Gods have created and he will not die until he achieves it. His body will reject death until he will have his vengeance.

Taven leads a secret offensive into Outworld and saves his brother and Kitana, bringing them injured back to the Capital City, before the Emperor could react.

Jade had become captured with Kitana as well and became one of Quan Chi's slaves. She was not found by Taven as she had been taken to the sorceror's palace. However, Quan Chi treated her kindly because she reminded him of his daughter. The sorcerer creates for Shao Kahn 100 evil Kitana clones named Mileena, the first time this had been achieved.

Enenra, Ashrah, Kintaro and all the 20.000 men in the formerly undefeatable mercenary group all die in battles one by one and their souls are taken by Shao Kahn. Taven mourns their loss but finds his inner strength praying to the Elder Gods and he receives visions to make an alliance. Taven reconciles with his parents.
Hotaru, the last surviving warrior in his mercenary group, is sent to his home, the binary planet system of Seido, the realm with most inhabitants in the Universe, which had remained neutral up to this point, to convince the ruling Senate into an alliance with Edenia against the great evil of Outworld

Seido had already lost 5 MK tournaments and they knew that their downfall was imminent after the 10th loss without Edenian technology that they had not been granted permission to until then. Concerned about giving immortality to Seidans, Edenians give them the fruit of the Sacred Tree combined with an essence that ensures they always choose the right thing to do, thus being responsible for their sense of absolute order. Hundreds of thousands of battle equipped seidans enter Edenia

Kitana is helped by her mother, Sindel, to get over her ordeal. Taven tries to heal his little brother, but Daegon is too broken. He loves his brother but now is also aware that Taven and Kitana slept together. Unable to resume his relationship with the Princess who is traumatized and wouldn't see him, ashamed of having been rescued by his brother and seeing that Taven becomes the hero in Kitana's eyes, as well as being declined magical healing of his body by his God-parents, for Edenians encouraged people with deformities to accept themselves, Daegon goes insane. Shinnok steps in as a father figure and tells him that his parents have the power to heal the damage done to his body but instead are aiding Taven. The older demigod brother, in the meanwhile, makes his peace with the Elder Gods and prays for the souls of his fallen comrades. He finds his faith again and vows to win this war for the people of Edenia and kill Shao Kahn the next time they meet in combat.
As the armies of Shao Kahn are pushed back from Edenia by Taven's new-found inner powers and the Edenian-Seido alliance, Argus and Delia have their visions of the future and must come up with a plan to prevent Armageddon. Taven believes the War is won.

Edenia was the place containing the most knowledge in the Universe, where heirs from the races of saurians, seidans, enenras etc would be sent to study and master their powers over flying, elements, or mind reading. Edenians had an essence in the fruit of the enormous Tree of Life that grew in the middle of the Capital City, from which all babies were fed and which slowed their aging by a factor of 1000 once they reached maturity, giving them long lives and protection against diseases. They also had a continuous summer wind which ensured nights were warm and crops were rich all year long
Edenians didn't have written records but their knowledge was all available through a mental database accessible from everywhere and by everyone. Every image ever seen could be uploaded in the mental database and accessed as a projection. There's this whole tragedy vibe to Daegon. We know that his father was a god and his mother a sorceress. Argus and Delia, with the power given to them by the Elder Gods, were busy with watching over the realm, every day ensuring that the sun rises and sets (creating the planet's rotation), that the crops feed and the essence provides medical care for millions of inhabitants. They were the religious authority in Edenia.

So, Argus and Delia didn't raise their children themselves. As a baby, Daegon was entrusted to the royal family and King Jerrod took him in, the dragon Caro being assigned as his teacher, friend and mentor. With very long life spans, Edenians normally have a child every 20.000 years but after losing 9 MKs, a new generation of children is born in an subconscious effort for survival. Among them the Princess Kitana, daughter of King Jerrod and Queen Sindel, loved by all Edenians from birth, and the Protector God's second son, Daegon, meant to be strong enough to fight Shao Kahn. Earthrealm Gods Raiden and Fujin were friends of the Edenians and familiar with their ruling Houses and authority.

Because of tragic events in which his first wife died 1.000 years ago, Taven, the eldest son of Argus and Delia, had renounced his Edenian heritage and had been traveling the realms as a mercenary all this time, hating his parents and having lost his faith in the Elder Gods, only having his dragon Orin by his side as a voice of knowledge. He had been leading his own mercenary company of 20000 men, comprising warriors of different races, among which Enenra (Smoke ancestor), a young soldier Hotaru from Orderrealm, swordwoman sorceress Ashrah and shokan warrior Kintaro. They were the most expensive sellsword company as they were renowned for always winning in the realms of man.

So Kitana and Daegon grow up together in the rosy gardens of the royal palace where they learn to walk on water, glide in the wind jumping from the highest towers and ride Caro when no one is around to see them! She is at first shy to be around him, but he hides her secrets and covers for her when she runs away from her room and into the night to be alone by the Tree of Life, also resurrecting her singing bird pet with his life giving fire powers, though such a thing was forbidden in Edenia. Kitana sees him for the man he wants to become and falls in love with the child that he yet is. They climb the Tree of Life together at night and share secrets as children. Daegon swears to always protect the young Princess as he becomes skilled in both sword and combat, trained by the Prime General of Edenia himself. Kitana and Daegon develop a children's love, watching every morning from the palace garden how the God Argus, Daegon's father, creates the sunrise. Their love turns into an adolescent one, with them planning their first love night, but Daegon decides to only hold in his arms a naked scared Kitana, warming her body until morning. Edenia loses for the 10th time in a row and Shao Kahn's army enters the realm

With no highly trained military of Edenia to fight demons and Outworld creatures and no other alternatives, Argus and King Jerrod send a messenger, human Blaze, devout priest of Lady Delia's temple and long-time friend of Taven to bring him back to defend the realm. He tracks down Taven in a mortal realm where his company is engaged in a siege for mortal kings and, although the demi-god is reluctant to fight for Edenia once again, Blaze convinces him to return by offering his army the immortality of the Sacred Tree once Shao Kahn is stopped. The mercenary group made up of of ruthless warriors from different races steers controversy as they march onto the Edenian Capital's streets demanding coin, women and wine in exchange for their services. The arrogant Taven is hosted in the palace, leading the war council. He flirts with young curious Kitana and she is confused at the sight of this great warrior that all young ladies of her court dream of, including Tanya. Kitana and Taven feel an overwhelming lust for eachother. Daegon meets his brother who had been away from home for 1.000 years. Though Taven tries to ridicule Daegon at first, he warms up when he realizes his brother is truly good hearted and innocent and willing to sacrifice his life and godhood to protect the Edenians. He becomes the older brother Daegon always needed and gives the young man advice.

Enigmatic Rain (under his real name), who also loved the princess, was the only one who could match Daegon in the competitions, boosting his ego, as Daegon was a demigod. This status made Daegon ineligible to participate in Mortal Kombat to defend Edenia, but Rain was also refused participation despite his strong desire, not even him being aware that he was also a demigod. Rain was however not the product of infidelity, but that of dark magic a powerful demoness from the Netherealm (woman from Jade's ending) had conjured using his father's blood. Argus rescued the boy from the Netherrealm where he was forged and had faith that the taint of evil will disappear from him, took him to Edenia but trusted no one with the secret that the child was half god and half demonic. He instead made up the lie about his own infidelity and entrusted Rain to be raised by the loyal General. When the General died in the first counter-offensive against Shao Kahn's invading forces, orphan teenager Rain became part of the Edenian Resistance movement.

In the Edenian Battle Games honoring his return, Taven, Rain and Daegon defeat hundreds of opponents from the 12 colonies of Edenia. All best warriors, military leaders, mercenaries and Edenians with the power over elements compete. Kitana wishes to compete too, but is too young. Rain loses in the semi-finals. Only the courageous good-hearted Daegon faces Taven in the final. Taven is reluctant to win, but the people of Edenia need to see him being a champion so they can be inspired for the coming War. The younger brother tastes failure for the first time and the crowd cheers for Taven, confident for the upcoming war. Fujin and Raiden witness this from the high stands as they offer advice to Argus and King Jerrod on how to defend themselves. The Earthrealm Gods are however forbidden to interfere in a War that is not their own

A kid called Jade no more than 14 years years old, who had no family and had been stealing from the rooftops of the Edenian Capital, becomes Kitana's handmaiden. She is cunning for her age and, at the princess' request, has her secretly trained into the arts of war and theft. The girls get along well and share secrets. Kitana tells Jade that she can't help being attracted to the strong warrior Taven. Jade facilitates a secret meeting between Kitana and Taven in a hidden part of the castle where they can't resist and end up kissing and sleeping together, although they both regret it afterwards. She wishes him to return safe from war as he departs, but says it was a mistake, feeling guilty towards Daegon

The souls of the dead in Edenia are not allowed to ascend to the Heavens anymore as Shao Kahn has the power to absorb them. A decade long war begins as Edenia refuses to fall, the greatest cities surviving long sieges under the wards of Argus as no portals of Shao Kahn can penetrate them, but suffer because the Emperor's armies are camped right outside their gates

Shao Kahn divides his forces in 3, each contingent being lead by an immensely powerful warlord: his Generals Reiko and Drahmin (before dying and becoming an oni) and the sorcerer aiding him in this War, Quan Chi (as this is around 9.000 years before the birth of Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, even though was Shinnok's right hand, had a free hand in making alliances). The Emperor speaks from outside every city's gate and threatens to rape every man, woman and child who don't submit, but promises to give freedom and mastery over their own destiny and soul to all who join his army. Many Edenians express their desire to leave the under-siege cities and deflect to his camp. Among them is Tanya, who willingly relinquishes her body to the Emperor for a position of power. The Elder Gods don't interfere even when Argus begs them to, as the torments Shao Kahn causes to bodies or souls in the mortal world are finite to decades and therefore the realms don't suffer permanent damage. The Edenians perform a ritual to summon the terrifying Elder God Shinnok in a mortal body in Edenia for the first time in 100.000 years, but when he appears he offers cryptic advice, seemingly because the rules forbid him to directly interfere

In order to end the war, Shao Kahn agrees to fight at the same time the best 3 warriors Edenia has. Taven, Daegon and Rain come out of the city and the sons of Argus battle the Emperor in the great desert. They manage to pierce his heart but he refuses to follow the mortal rules set by the Elder Gods and die, instead healing himself, to the surprise of mortals and Gods alike. As the youth of Rain and Daegon and their desire to prove themselves the ultimate winner causes them to fight one another instead of fighting the enemy, Taven is forced to stand between them to stop them from tearing each other's throats. They lose the battle and injured, they are forced to retreat into the Capital

After 9 years of war, the Princess tries to do something to help all the people wh are getting hurt. She and Jade evade the Capital without her father's consent through a secret portal in order to seek an alliance against Shao Kahn. They go to Seido and Vaeternus but can't offer terms so that those realms join Edenia's War. They travel to Outworld, to the King of Cryomancers, the last bastion in the icy mountains of Outworld opposing Shao Kahn, where the Princess pleads her case, but the cryomancers are too few to change the outcome of the war

They run when the King Sub-Zero wishes to send them back to her father. Crossing Outworld on horse, the Princess is captured and taken to Shao Kahn. Daegon, young commander of the army, abandons his post leaving to rescue her. He traces her steps but gets captured too. Shao Kahn rapes Kitana under Daegon's eyes while centaurs hold him down and then gelds him, leaving him forever mutilated, but alive in the dungeons with the feeling that he couldn't rescue his lover. Shao Kahn looks into Kitana's soul and tells Daegon about her and his brother. Kitana and Daegon remain prisoners for months, but are separated. They are not allowed to die. Daegon must reflect in hs cold cell again and again that he was not able to save the girl he loves and that she was taken in front of him, depriving him of his manhood. He starts to wonder if his faith in the Elder Gods and good gave him something back in life.
Shao Kahn tries to make Kitana feel ashamed for feeling pleasure during the rape, but she confronts him. She calls him for what a pitiful human being he is and how he does to others what has been done to him- hurt and cause pain. Touched by her unbroken spirit, Shao Kahn attempts to improve his relation with Kitana as he begins to love her. He invites her to dinner in the Palace and she asks him what has made him so angry on the world, what his past is. He says that, maybe, one day he will tell her...but that now his goal is to change the world the Elder Gods have created and he will not die until he achieves it. His body will reject death until he will have his vengeance.

Taven leads a secret offensive into Outworld and saves his brother and Kitana, bringing them injured back to the Capital City, before the Emperor could react.

Jade had become captured with Kitana as well and became one of Quan Chi's slaves. She was not found by Taven as she had been taken to the sorceror's palace. However, Quan Chi treated her kindly because she reminded him of his daughter. The sorcerer creates for Shao Kahn 100 evil Kitana clones named Mileena, the first time this had been achieved.

Enenra, Ashrah, Kintaro and all the 20.000 men in the formerly undefeatable mercenary group all die in battles one by one and their souls are taken by Shao Kahn. Taven mourns their loss but finds his inner strength praying to the Elder Gods and he receives visions to make an alliance. Taven reconciles with his parents.
Hotaru, the last surviving warrior in his mercenary group, is sent to his home, the binary planet system of Seido, the realm with most inhabitants in the Universe, which had remained neutral up to this point, to convince the ruling Senate into an alliance with Edenia against the great evil of Outworld

Seido had already lost 5 MK tournaments and they knew that their downfall was imminent after the 10th loss without Edenian technology that they had not been granted permission to until then. Concerned about giving immortality to Seidans, Edenians give them the fruit of the Sacred Tree combined with an essence that ensures they always choose the right thing to do, thus being responsible for their sense of absolute order. Hundreds of thousands of battle equipped seidans enter Edenia

Kitana is helped by her mother, Sindel, to get over her ordeal. Taven tries to heal his little brother, but Daegon is too broken. He loves his brother but now is also aware that Taven and Kitana slept together. Unable to resume his relationship with the Princess who is traumatized and wouldn't see him, ashamed of having been rescued by his brother and seeing that Taven becomes the hero in Kitana's eyes, as well as being declined magical healing of his body by his God-parents, for Edenians encouraged people with deformities to accept themselves, Daegon goes insane. Shinnok steps in as a father figure and tells him that his parents have the power to heal the damage done to his body but instead are aiding Taven. The older demigod brother, in the meanwhile, makes his peace with the Elder Gods and prays for the souls of his fallen comrades. He finds his faith again and vows to win this war for the people of Edenia and kill Shao Kahn the next time they meet in combat.
As the armies of Shao Kahn are pushed back from Edenia by Taven's new-found inner powers and the Edenian-Seido alliance, Argus and Delia have their visions of the future and must come up with a plan to prevent Armageddon. Taven believes the War is won.

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