Mortal Kombat Makes a Kameo on Nikita

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
Our eagle eyed Community Member <a href="">Kamal</a> informed us last night that the new show <a href="">Nikita</a> showed a clip of <a href="">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a>. In the clip a couple of villans are playing the game between some hacking they were doing. Check out the clip in it's entirety below:

<center><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><div id="Nikita_MortalKombat2011"><a href="">Get the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</div><script type="text/javascript">var s1 = new SWFObject("","ply","512","288","8","#FFFFFF");s1.addParam("allowfullscreen","true"); s1.addParam("allowscriptaccess","always");s1.addVariable("file","");s1.addVariable("image","");s1.addVariable('plugins','hd');s1.addVariable('hd.file','');s1.addVariable('link','');s1.addVariable('backcolor','C4611F');s1.addVariable('frontcolor','303030');s1.addVariable('lightcolor','FFFF00');s1.addVariable('screencolor','000000');s1.addVariable('controlbar','over');s1.addVariable('abouttext','TRMK Media Player');s1.addVariable('aboutlink','');s1.write("Nikita_MortalKombat2011");</script></center>

This is the isn't the first appearance of Mortal Kombat on TV during a non-gaming show, as <a href="">Lopez Tonight's E3 showcase was a few months ago</a>, but it is the first appearance of it on a non-cable network. What I also found interesting was the potentially coincidental use of the phrase "killer instinct" which we all know there is a <a href="">great fighting game of the same name</a> that was popular during the 90s.
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That gameplay looked crisp. More and more everyday we get more teasers like this haha.