<img src="http://www.trmk.org/images/mkhdk/mk_hd_euro_artwork_200.jpg" style="float:right;margin:4px">Earlier today, <a href="http://twitter.com/MK_XTRA">@MK_XTRA on Twitter</a> discovered more evidence of the <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/13089/mortal_kombat_hd_kollection_confirmed_in_development.html">Mortal Kombat: HD Kollection</a> that we confirmed last summer. The resume of a freelance 3D Artist lists the game as a project that he did props and environment art for.
Later on in his resume he lists the title information directly, which only lists the <b>PlayStation 3</b> as the platform the game is coming out on. We still hope that Warner Bros. is looking to make this a <b>timed exclusive</b> and later release it for <b>Xbox 360</b> owners as well.
One of the videos on his demo video showcases his 3D environment work, which is very realistic looking. It's likely they are re-creating many of the games' stages for this HD remix, as much of the older stage artwork would need to be recreated for the larger HD resolutions.
<a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_3">Mortal Kombat 3</a> was the first game where they started modeling the stage environments in 3D. That means the backgrounds and some objects for the older games would have be re-created in 3D where old usable 3D models no longer existed. This process was recently done to varying degrees of success by <b>EA Mobile</b> in their <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/13758/ultimate_mortal_kombat_3_for_iphone_by_christmas_updated_release_is_1216.html">iPhone port of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3</a> where some stages look very close to the originals and others look drastically different.
Since the <b>November 2010</b> date came and went it was discovered that both <a href="http://www.blockbuster.com/games/catalog/gameDetails/25582">Blockbuster</a> and <a href="http://www.fye.com/Mortal-Kombat--HD-Arcade-Kollection--PlayStation-3--Front-Page_stcVVproductId115207133VVcatId455366VVviewprod.htm">FYE</a> both have a <b>early March 2011</b> release dates listed. That would be a good time to release it if it does still include a playable <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9/">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a> demo as the <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/13196/box_art_for_mk_hd_kollection_revealed_mortal_kombat_2011_demo_included_updated.h%20%20tml">leaked cover art previously revealed</a>. But some international retailers are listing the game for <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/showthread.php/13675-mk-hd-dead-no-hope?p=172399&viewfull=1#post172399">June 2011 release date</a>. So time will tell on this, as development of games are no easy task, and we'd rather them make it right instead of rushing it. We are sure Warner Bros will announce it once they are ready.
Thanks to <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/4025-KornKombat ">KornKombat</a> for bringing this news bit to our attention. And thanks to <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/4943-fraysol">fraysol</a>, <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/5096-ShawnBronald">ShawnBronald</a> and <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/5253-Morbyr">Morbyr</a> for the newer rumored release dates.
<b>Update 1/12</b>: With no surprise the job listings have been removed from the artist's website. At his request we also have removed links to his name and website due to being contacted by far too many MK fans begging for information. So we highly request fans don't try reach out to him as he'd be unable to mention the project officially due to any <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-disclosure_agreement">work related NDA</a> he would have signed.
March 2009 - Present
Self-Employed | Freelance 3D Artist
Remote contract work for Liquid Development, Streamline Studios, and numerous independent game developers. Major projects <b>includes prop and environment art</b> for Doom 4, <b>Mortal Kombat HD Arcade Kollection</b> and Firefall. In addition, architectural visualisation projects for GSA Architects and Virteer.
Later on in his resume he lists the title information directly, which only lists the <b>PlayStation 3</b> as the platform the game is coming out on. We still hope that Warner Bros. is looking to make this a <b>timed exclusive</b> and later release it for <b>Xbox 360</b> owners as well.
Title: Mortal Kombat HD Arcade Kollection
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Platform: Playstation 3
One of the videos on his demo video showcases his 3D environment work, which is very realistic looking. It's likely they are re-creating many of the games' stages for this HD remix, as much of the older stage artwork would need to be recreated for the larger HD resolutions.
<a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_3">Mortal Kombat 3</a> was the first game where they started modeling the stage environments in 3D. That means the backgrounds and some objects for the older games would have be re-created in 3D where old usable 3D models no longer existed. This process was recently done to varying degrees of success by <b>EA Mobile</b> in their <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/13758/ultimate_mortal_kombat_3_for_iphone_by_christmas_updated_release_is_1216.html">iPhone port of Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3</a> where some stages look very close to the originals and others look drastically different.
Since the <b>November 2010</b> date came and went it was discovered that both <a href="http://www.blockbuster.com/games/catalog/gameDetails/25582">Blockbuster</a> and <a href="http://www.fye.com/Mortal-Kombat--HD-Arcade-Kollection--PlayStation-3--Front-Page_stcVVproductId115207133VVcatId455366VVviewprod.htm">FYE</a> both have a <b>early March 2011</b> release dates listed. That would be a good time to release it if it does still include a playable <a href="http://www.trmk.org/games/mortal_kombat_9/">Mortal Kombat (2011)</a> demo as the <a href="http://www.trmk.org/news/13196/box_art_for_mk_hd_kollection_revealed_mortal_kombat_2011_demo_included_updated.h%20%20tml">leaked cover art previously revealed</a>. But some international retailers are listing the game for <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/showthread.php/13675-mk-hd-dead-no-hope?p=172399&viewfull=1#post172399">June 2011 release date</a>. So time will tell on this, as development of games are no easy task, and we'd rather them make it right instead of rushing it. We are sure Warner Bros will announce it once they are ready.
Thanks to <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/4025-KornKombat ">KornKombat</a> for bringing this news bit to our attention. And thanks to <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/4943-fraysol">fraysol</a>, <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/5096-ShawnBronald">ShawnBronald</a> and <a href="http://www.trmk.org/forums/member.php/5253-Morbyr">Morbyr</a> for the newer rumored release dates.
<b>Update 1/12</b>: With no surprise the job listings have been removed from the artist's website. At his request we also have removed links to his name and website due to being contacted by far too many MK fans begging for information. So we highly request fans don't try reach out to him as he'd be unable to mention the project officially due to any <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-disclosure_agreement">work related NDA</a> he would have signed.
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