Mortal Kombat Gold Magazine Ads

Jeff Greeson

Staff member
It appears that <B>Midway</B> is hitting magazine shelves this month with a huge 2 page layout promoting <B>Mortal Kombat Gold</B> for the <B>Sega Dreamcast</B>. Both <B>Sega Dreamcast</B> and <B>Mortal Kombat Gold</B> are available in stores next month, <B>9/9/99</B>. Below are scans from the September issue of <A HREF="">Electronic Gaming Monthly<A> courtesy of <B>Joe E.</B></UL>
<CENTER><A HREF="/images/games/midway/mkgold/egmseptmkg1.jpg"><IMG SRC="/images/games/midway/mkgold/egmseptmkg1s.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="202"></A> <A HREF="/images/games/midway/mkgold/egmseptmkg2.jpg"><IMG SRC="/images/games/midway/mkgold/egmseptmkg2s.jpg" WIDTH="150" HEIGHT="202"></A></CENTER><UL>