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The Justice Heroes Elite
CHP6: Surprise equal
Mileena stands in front of Wolverine spinning a Sai. He just looks back and forth between her and the roaring crowd. CaptainAmerica and everyone in the waiting room watch, except for a few who just sit around talking. The announcer as usual walks up to the two participants.
"Where will the two of you fight? How about giving our audiences something we haven't seen yet!" The announcer suggests.
Wolverine thinks to himself, trying to remember the many arenas that he saw on screen before hand. He smiles with a decision made.
"The great farm looks promising." He replies.
The crowd claps and cheers, within moments the two of them are transported to the chosen area. Mileena stands on the open caged field, looking at a few horses galloping. She checks out her surroundings, also spotting Cows that chew on grass. Mileena sniffs the air, but cannot pick up his scent. The avenger/Xmen walks inside of the farmhouse. He bends down petting one of the pigs, who just squeals. He looks around to see many other caged animals, such as buffalo and lamas.
"This place is not like a farm, it's more of a zoo." He says to himself.
He exits the farmhouse with caution, looking out to see a field with Horses and Cows. He walks onto the field, sniffing the air as well, Logan picks up many different scents. A horse comes galloping at him fast, with Mileena on top of it.
"Let's do this bub!" He says, with his blades blasting out of his knuckles.
He jumps up high landing onto the horse next to her. Wolverine pulls them both off the animal, with them tumbling to the ground. She is first to get up, ready to attack he jumps back putting space between them.
"It's such a shame a mortal like you had to face me first. I am Mileena the leader of a Tarkatan army. You had better enjoy every moment of your life little man, because it ends now!" She yells ready to attack him.
"First off I am not a mortal, I'm a mutant. And second, I'm not the one who is going to die." He replies.
The two of them run at each other, with there blades colliding. She knees him close to his private area, his eyes water up as the reaction. He slashes her in the chest with his claws, as her blood flies out. She stabs one sai into his shoulder, and another one into his left rib. She kicks him to the ground after wards. She rests her boot on his chest, pulling the Sai out of his shoulder. She stabs it straight into his heart. A laugh escapes from her mouth. The crowd goes wild back in the stadium, with some people jumping out of there seats. Flash stands up from his seat shocked.
"I can't believe it, he lost! How is this happening, not only did he loose but she killed him!" Flash yells, slamming his fist on the table.
A lot of fighter's attention is now on flash, who turns his face to a wall. Batman gets out of his chair walking up next to him.
"Don't be upset Wally, I'm betting this match isn't over." He whispers.
Wally turns to Batman with a face of disbelief.
"You know what I think bats. I think you have been in your dark cave a little bit too long. She stabbed a blade into his heart, it's over I'll even put 20.00 on it!" Flash says.
Batman smiles shaking his hand, they both sit down afterwards. Flash right away puts his hand out for his money. Mileena pulls both Sais out of Wolverine, stepping back looking down at his apparent dead body. About to walk away from him, she notices something strange. The areas of his wounds begin to move! She realizes his body is regenerating! He jumps back on his feet to face her. At this moment, Batman puts his hand out in front of the flash.
"Don't tell me that you actually thought I was dead. Someone like me can't be beaten that easily." He tells.
Wolverine jumps over Mileena kicking her in the back of the head. She holds her balance, not letting herself fall. She throws both her Sais at him, as if a projectile. He spins around dodging both blades, running into her with his blades stabbing into her stomach and chest. He pulls them out, and watches her fall to the ground. She holds her stomach, as a good amount of blood gushes out.
"You may have defeated me this time, but there will be a next time." She says.
The part Tarkatan lays in a puddle of dripping blood as her eyes close, she finally dies. Wolverine shows no emotion on his face. He is brought back to the dome to a loud crowd. Flash pouts but is glad Wolverine won as he hands his cash over to the dark knight. He puts it into his utility belt. The announcer and Shang Tsung already stand in the ring.
"The Winner is Wolverine, fatality." Shang Tsung says.
Wolverine quickly steps out of the ring, heading back to the waiting area.
Worlds away
Ralph Bores and his men gather at the docks. The sun shines bright over the City of Gotham, many men in black suits stand around. Ralph steps forward, shaking hands with another man.
"I'm glad you could make it Bernard, this deal must go through right now. So do you have all the weapons?" Ralph asks.
Bernard puts his sun glasses on while smiling. He snaps his finger, and some of his men bring a few of the weapons out of the surrounding vehicles. The weapons are located in steal suit cases.
"I've got your money; let's do this quick before trouble shows up." He replies.
A flying object comes out from a corner knocking one of the cases out of the mobster's hands. The men look around to see Robin jumping off of a wall. The men pull out there guns shooting at him. He blocks a few of the bullets with his cape. He knocks a few of the thugs to the ground.
"Don't just stand there boys, get the damn bird boy!" Ralph yells.
Robin knife hands a guy on the neck, who coughs blood. He kicks and throws a few of them into the Gotham Lake. Bernard pulls out a chain swinging it, Robin dodges it. He round house kicks and uppercuts the mob boss into a nearby truck. He throws bird wiring around the legs of Ralph, who tries to run. He falls down hard, as the boy wonder pulls him back.
"Do yourself and your pals a favor, keep your activities out of Gotham." He tells.
Robin ties them up, leaving a legitimate call to the police. He returns to the bat cave un dressing, and heading up to the manor. Tim heads into the kitchen wetting a rag; he puts it over a bruise on his arm. He walks into the main dining room turning on the TV.
"In latest news the reporter Lois Lane is missing. She was last seen at Archens manufacturing company building." A news man tells.
Tim watches rubbing the wet rag over his arm. He thinks to himself knowing that the crime rate in Gotham has been increasing as of late, he pulls a small phone book out of his pocket. The two first numbers he spots are that of Stephanie Brown and Dick Grayson. He puts the book back into his pocket.
"I think I should be able to handle this myself, If something ever happens to Batman it will be up to me to carry on his heroics. Robin can handle Gotham for a little while." He concludes.
Tim sits back on the coach and relaxes, because when night fall hits it will be time to work. Back in the city of Bludhaven, a ninja stands in the middle of a room. The room is filled with many different weapons from all around the world, with ancient suits of armor.
"Lets begin; I will have a prize for the one who can take me down!"
Deadpool is the ninja who stands in the middle of the room, surrounded by five of his own ninjas. Three of them run in and try and attack him at the same time. They throw kicks and punches at him, which he blocks sliding to the ground. He leg grabs one of them, tossing them over and into a wall. He elbows and neck grabs two other ninjas, slamming one of them onto the cement floor. Deadpool quickly defeats the rest of them.
"You've got to be kidding me right? No wonder that Nightwing punk defeated you all so quickly! You fight like pussy cats." Deadpool says, laughing out loud.
A few of his ninjas look at him with questionable faces, because of the joke he just cracked. Deadpool walks over to one of the displays rubbing his hand against one of the blades of a sword.
"There are just a few more things we need out of this city before we leave. If that winged vigilante shows up again, don't disappoint me boys." He says.
Deadpool pulls out a sword from its holder. He performs a full kata using it. His ninjas watch him as he performs many different advanced moves. Deadpool jumps up kicking a sand bag off of its chain that holds it up.
"I'm not trying to change the plans or anything, but can't we find what where looking for in another city. Like how about New York?" One of the ninjas asks.
Deadpool throws the sword into a dart board; it sticks right into the middle. Some of the ninja's eyes widen at his accuracy! Deadpool turns to face them.
"The precise things I seek can only be found in this city. Don't tell me you're afraid of the knight with wings!" Deadpool says again laughing.
The ninjas are quite not saying a word, Deadpool exits right afterward.
Worlds Away
The Justice Heroes Elite
CHP6: Surprise equal
Mileena stands in front of Wolverine spinning a Sai. He just looks back and forth between her and the roaring crowd. CaptainAmerica and everyone in the waiting room watch, except for a few who just sit around talking. The announcer as usual walks up to the two participants.
"Where will the two of you fight? How about giving our audiences something we haven't seen yet!" The announcer suggests.
Wolverine thinks to himself, trying to remember the many arenas that he saw on screen before hand. He smiles with a decision made.
"The great farm looks promising." He replies.
The crowd claps and cheers, within moments the two of them are transported to the chosen area. Mileena stands on the open caged field, looking at a few horses galloping. She checks out her surroundings, also spotting Cows that chew on grass. Mileena sniffs the air, but cannot pick up his scent. The avenger/Xmen walks inside of the farmhouse. He bends down petting one of the pigs, who just squeals. He looks around to see many other caged animals, such as buffalo and lamas.
"This place is not like a farm, it's more of a zoo." He says to himself.
He exits the farmhouse with caution, looking out to see a field with Horses and Cows. He walks onto the field, sniffing the air as well, Logan picks up many different scents. A horse comes galloping at him fast, with Mileena on top of it.
"Let's do this bub!" He says, with his blades blasting out of his knuckles.
He jumps up high landing onto the horse next to her. Wolverine pulls them both off the animal, with them tumbling to the ground. She is first to get up, ready to attack he jumps back putting space between them.
"It's such a shame a mortal like you had to face me first. I am Mileena the leader of a Tarkatan army. You had better enjoy every moment of your life little man, because it ends now!" She yells ready to attack him.
"First off I am not a mortal, I'm a mutant. And second, I'm not the one who is going to die." He replies.
The two of them run at each other, with there blades colliding. She knees him close to his private area, his eyes water up as the reaction. He slashes her in the chest with his claws, as her blood flies out. She stabs one sai into his shoulder, and another one into his left rib. She kicks him to the ground after wards. She rests her boot on his chest, pulling the Sai out of his shoulder. She stabs it straight into his heart. A laugh escapes from her mouth. The crowd goes wild back in the stadium, with some people jumping out of there seats. Flash stands up from his seat shocked.
"I can't believe it, he lost! How is this happening, not only did he loose but she killed him!" Flash yells, slamming his fist on the table.
A lot of fighter's attention is now on flash, who turns his face to a wall. Batman gets out of his chair walking up next to him.
"Don't be upset Wally, I'm betting this match isn't over." He whispers.
Wally turns to Batman with a face of disbelief.
"You know what I think bats. I think you have been in your dark cave a little bit too long. She stabbed a blade into his heart, it's over I'll even put 20.00 on it!" Flash says.
Batman smiles shaking his hand, they both sit down afterwards. Flash right away puts his hand out for his money. Mileena pulls both Sais out of Wolverine, stepping back looking down at his apparent dead body. About to walk away from him, she notices something strange. The areas of his wounds begin to move! She realizes his body is regenerating! He jumps back on his feet to face her. At this moment, Batman puts his hand out in front of the flash.
"Don't tell me that you actually thought I was dead. Someone like me can't be beaten that easily." He tells.
Wolverine jumps over Mileena kicking her in the back of the head. She holds her balance, not letting herself fall. She throws both her Sais at him, as if a projectile. He spins around dodging both blades, running into her with his blades stabbing into her stomach and chest. He pulls them out, and watches her fall to the ground. She holds her stomach, as a good amount of blood gushes out.
"You may have defeated me this time, but there will be a next time." She says.
The part Tarkatan lays in a puddle of dripping blood as her eyes close, she finally dies. Wolverine shows no emotion on his face. He is brought back to the dome to a loud crowd. Flash pouts but is glad Wolverine won as he hands his cash over to the dark knight. He puts it into his utility belt. The announcer and Shang Tsung already stand in the ring.
"The Winner is Wolverine, fatality." Shang Tsung says.
Wolverine quickly steps out of the ring, heading back to the waiting area.
Worlds away
Ralph Bores and his men gather at the docks. The sun shines bright over the City of Gotham, many men in black suits stand around. Ralph steps forward, shaking hands with another man.
"I'm glad you could make it Bernard, this deal must go through right now. So do you have all the weapons?" Ralph asks.
Bernard puts his sun glasses on while smiling. He snaps his finger, and some of his men bring a few of the weapons out of the surrounding vehicles. The weapons are located in steal suit cases.
"I've got your money; let's do this quick before trouble shows up." He replies.
A flying object comes out from a corner knocking one of the cases out of the mobster's hands. The men look around to see Robin jumping off of a wall. The men pull out there guns shooting at him. He blocks a few of the bullets with his cape. He knocks a few of the thugs to the ground.
"Don't just stand there boys, get the damn bird boy!" Ralph yells.
Robin knife hands a guy on the neck, who coughs blood. He kicks and throws a few of them into the Gotham Lake. Bernard pulls out a chain swinging it, Robin dodges it. He round house kicks and uppercuts the mob boss into a nearby truck. He throws bird wiring around the legs of Ralph, who tries to run. He falls down hard, as the boy wonder pulls him back.
"Do yourself and your pals a favor, keep your activities out of Gotham." He tells.
Robin ties them up, leaving a legitimate call to the police. He returns to the bat cave un dressing, and heading up to the manor. Tim heads into the kitchen wetting a rag; he puts it over a bruise on his arm. He walks into the main dining room turning on the TV.
"In latest news the reporter Lois Lane is missing. She was last seen at Archens manufacturing company building." A news man tells.
Tim watches rubbing the wet rag over his arm. He thinks to himself knowing that the crime rate in Gotham has been increasing as of late, he pulls a small phone book out of his pocket. The two first numbers he spots are that of Stephanie Brown and Dick Grayson. He puts the book back into his pocket.
"I think I should be able to handle this myself, If something ever happens to Batman it will be up to me to carry on his heroics. Robin can handle Gotham for a little while." He concludes.
Tim sits back on the coach and relaxes, because when night fall hits it will be time to work. Back in the city of Bludhaven, a ninja stands in the middle of a room. The room is filled with many different weapons from all around the world, with ancient suits of armor.
"Lets begin; I will have a prize for the one who can take me down!"
Deadpool is the ninja who stands in the middle of the room, surrounded by five of his own ninjas. Three of them run in and try and attack him at the same time. They throw kicks and punches at him, which he blocks sliding to the ground. He leg grabs one of them, tossing them over and into a wall. He elbows and neck grabs two other ninjas, slamming one of them onto the cement floor. Deadpool quickly defeats the rest of them.
"You've got to be kidding me right? No wonder that Nightwing punk defeated you all so quickly! You fight like pussy cats." Deadpool says, laughing out loud.
A few of his ninjas look at him with questionable faces, because of the joke he just cracked. Deadpool walks over to one of the displays rubbing his hand against one of the blades of a sword.
"There are just a few more things we need out of this city before we leave. If that winged vigilante shows up again, don't disappoint me boys." He says.
Deadpool pulls out a sword from its holder. He performs a full kata using it. His ninjas watch him as he performs many different advanced moves. Deadpool jumps up kicking a sand bag off of its chain that holds it up.
"I'm not trying to change the plans or anything, but can't we find what where looking for in another city. Like how about New York?" One of the ninjas asks.
Deadpool throws the sword into a dart board; it sticks right into the middle. Some of the ninja's eyes widen at his accuracy! Deadpool turns to face them.
"The precise things I seek can only be found in this city. Don't tell me you're afraid of the knight with wings!" Deadpool says again laughing.
The ninjas are quite not saying a word, Deadpool exits right afterward.
Worlds Away