MMZ The Last Hunter


New member

Teaser trailer for an animation I'm making, expected in Summer of 07.

As for the story, The Maverick Wars are finally over, and the world is beginning to restore itself. All is not well, however, as there are still many Mavericks running about. The humans, in an act of fear, declare all reploids public enemy number one, and the only ones stopping them from getting destroyed by the angry reploids and the Mavericks, are the Maverick Hunters, who of course are also targeted by many humans, and by all of the reploid population for their "betrayal." Many of the few remaining Maverick Hunters leave the force, severly crippling the Hunters. X and Zero, however, have stayed and are now doing most of the protecting and serving on their own. Techno, an ex-Repliforce soldier has joined forces with X and Zero, and together the trio will take on both the humans, the Mavericks, and a new faceless evil calling itself "Parasite"
I really wish you'd done it in MMX style....the MMZ artstyle is such crap. Story isn't half bad, but I prefer Zero's old self. He used to be the best....
I wanted to use the MMX style, but I figured that a lot of people would be all "no nub u shud use the newer mmz style"
New /= Better sometimes. Besides, MMX just rocks. Reploids look too human and sleek-like in MMZ. In MMX you could tell these *****es were they look fruity. I thought that green bird guy was a chick for 3 games b4 I realized they called him a "he".