MKT - Salty Wounds NOV/11 (Sign up/Suggestions)

Welcome to the MKTournaments - Salty Wounds sign up thread! This is a continuation of the last XBL tournament, but we've decided to clean things up a bit. MKTournaments will be a monthly occurance and we would like to get an even bigger turnout than the last. We are still working on the tournament rules and how it will play out, but we want your opinion! What did you like/dislike about the last tourney? What would you like to see in the new one? We have some big things in the making, some of which (DEC hopefully) will blow your mind, and we want you to be a part of it!

If you are interested in joining the November tournament, please post you're XBL gamertag and also a few comments or suggestions on what you think the tourney should be like!
Naturally, I am in ;)

Sigh, RESERVED......


Flagg GT: cactus flagg
iVital GT: imme224
Zoidberg747 GT: Zoidberg747
TesusJits GT: Wushu Fighter
fr stack GT: fr stack
squirrelpion GT: squirrel 1571
n9195v GT:n9195v
Kanye West GT: Th3UnKn0wN1n3
Saix88 GT: BeatDownMao88
Treadmill GT: Treadmill1150
Travokane GT: Travokane
luxul GT: luxu1
Tama Tones GT: Tama Tones
Alex Dubinkin GT: Rage xo
Pink|Zeppelin GT: Pink|Zeppelin
Mike Riazy GT: Mikemetroid
Wraith GT: BINO973
buddthagreat GT: BUDD THA GREAT

Suggestions/Rules PLEASE READ: Anything in bold is a RULE that will be implimented, anything in italics is a SUGGESTION, that will be agreed or disagreed on. So keep them coming guys.

1) Double Elimination
2) Open roster, but you can only change a character when you lose one game?
3) Disqualifications for no shows
4) Much faster tournament this time (1 week long, 7th November through to the 13th)
5) Entire roster available, including DLC characters

6) Mandatory 900 900 code? (this turns off blood and fatalities, so the games end quicker)
7) First round of the W and L bracket, best of 3, ALL OTHER ROUNDS, best of 5, Finals and Grand finals, best of 7?
8 ) Ban certain stages like Subway and City stage, due to distracting elements (implimented should the 900 900 rule be agreed)?
9) Zero Tolerance for any "after the fact" situations. For instance, if someone who wins picks a different character, and you play them, you cannot complain afterwards should you lose. You are in your rights NOT to play in that situation, and should the person changing their character carry on breaking that rule, they are the won that will be punished or disqualified.
10) What happens if there is lag or a desync? the last tournament was fortunate to have very little of this. If the lag is very bad, it is down to the two players discretion to restart if they wish. If the lag persists, the only suggestion would be to delay their game. In this event, they need to notify myself, GUTZ or Saix so we know why the game has been delayed. If the problem cannot be rectified, the player with the better record up to that point will go through, and the other guy will be filtered down into the L Bracket. Similarly, with desyncs, the players will have to restart. If one guy feels he had the definite advantage, contact myself, GUTZ or SAIX, and a KoH will be arranged, where the match up to the point of being desynced, will be re-created as close to health bars as possible, and we will watch the match.
11) Everyone that enters/signs up, should all add each other to XBL so its easier to all contact each other
12) Similiar to number 6, have a number of codes as mandatory. 001 001 may reduce lag, for instance. There is also 900 900 to end rounds quicker, and of course, there is 101 101 for those with no lag that like awesome classic music, ala, The Pit.
13) Those with the means to record your games and upload them to YouTube, please do so! There will be a video section provided for everyone to see.
14) No mic talking during games. And especially no chiding, gloating or flaming during matches
15) Make 001 and 900, mandatory codes. Both reduce lag and help speed games up. Perhaps insist that 001 be used for Subway and City, as "banning stages", means restarting and a lot of uncessary faffing about.
16) Much stricter deadlines. Last tournament, a few people just kept delaying, delaying, delaying and it really held a few of the rounds up. There'll be a list of "dates" that people in certain rounds will have to play their matches by. Failure to show on that date will result in automatically losing that match. If anyone can't make certain dates (between 7th-13th Nov) please let me know in advance so it can be rearranged.
17) Everyone add each other to XBL prior to the tournie starting?
18 ) Create a room for the tournament each day the tournie runs. Have something like 0SaltyWounds so everyone can find everyone, without the hassle of adding each other on XBL
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Im in :)

Make the tournament faster than the last one.

We should be allowed to use all characters including DLC... But maybe we should ban freddy <_<
No banning of characters. That would be stupid.

Also, I am in. I say we do you can change characters only if you lose.
I am hoping to have shang or Quan Chi(Whichever one I end up liking more) ready as a secondary by then.
No banning of characters. That would be stupid.

Also, I am in. I say we do you can change characters only if you lose.
I am hoping to have shang or Quan Chi(Whichever one I end up liking more) ready as a secondary by then.

C'mon projectiles go straight through freddy <_< some people play styles rely on Zonning and keeping your opponent out o_o
Im in :)

Make the tournament faster than the last one.

We should be allowed to use all characters including DLC... But maybe we should ban freddy <_<

Freddy's been fixed now, post patch.

I think 11th Dec to the 20th is a good time frame. Start to finish.

Guys, what did you think of the 2 character option last time? I know some of you liked it, some didn't.

This time we could use the system they use in the tournies. The Roster is open, and you choose a character. If you win a game, you have to stick with that character until you lose. Then you can switch. For example:

Mr A chooses Cage and Mr B chooses Reptile.

Mr A wins the first game, 1-0. Mr A has to stick with Cage. Mr B chooses Sindel, and wins the next game making it 1-1. Only this time, Mr B has to stick with Sindel and Mr A now has the option of changing players.

No banning of characters. That would be stupid.

Also, I am in. I say we do you can change characters only if you lose.
I am hoping to have shang or Quan Chi(Whichever one I end up liking more) ready as a secondary by then.

X 2. And did a much quicker way of explaining it then I did :P

@vItal, Freddy has been patched now. Projectiles dont pass through him anymore, and his damage has been MASSIVELY reduced, and some of his insane resets have been removed (i've been toying with Freddy in the lab).
I recommend
Blind pick at start(optional) incase you hit that scenario here both characters are trying to counterpick round 1.

What zoidberg and Flagg mentioned with whole roster, but you can't change unless you lose.

Incase there is a fight for first player(who has advantage: aka when equal lives player 1 wins, when same move executed at the exact same time, player 1 wins). How would you decide that? Probably won't happen but should be looked into as a rule just incase.

In SSBM the same thing happened with grabs. The person who was player 1 would win out any (same time grab) scenarios. Everything else clanked. So players would rock paper scissors for player 1 port. Dunno how to handle the situation if both players argued about player 1 (doubt anyone will but you never know)

Stage Bans? Some stages are banned in Professional play. I don't know the reasons. Someoen who does could you chime in? the only one I know that's banned in PS3 is the kratos stage because it vibrates. I also think the street level is banned because sometimes when cars fly by you can't see the character for a split second.
Maybe some codes should be made mandatory, like 001 (remove background objects) or 900 (no blood/fatalities).

Yeah, I think the Blind Pick thing at the start is a good idea. Some people will be THAT competitive as to counter pick right at the start.
Maybe some codes should be made mandatory, like 001 (remove background objects) or 900 (no blood/fatalities).

Yeah, I think the Blind Pick thing at the start is a good idea. Some people will be THAT competitive as to counter pick right at the start.

You dont need to mandatory the blind pick. If someone is willing to just pick JC right at start and be counterpicked. That's their choice.

Just if both players are sitting there waiting out their opponent. blind pick should take place.
I think perhaps that should be left to play discretion.

If they want to blind pick, then that's fine, especially if the other guy is just waiting for them. Please be aware, if you ACCIDENTLY pick wrong, be it on your own head...

P.S. buy an Xbox, Critical.
The only reason stages are banned I believe is because of the lag that they bring. For example the car stage has cars that drive by in the foreground, the subway stage seems to shake when a train is coming, stuff like that.

Obviously I'm in, and I think you should pick as you feel needed. If your opponent is trying to counter pick, hide your cursor!
SZ is a tough game for Baraka, but he really has the tools to overcome a LOT of characters. Post-Patch, I would say he doesn't have any terrible match ups now.

He isn't complicated, but he isn't easy either.

I've messaged a nearly everyone in the last tournie, and also all the people that expressed a interest in this one, on their profiles.
I still think it should be done in one day, it will go extremely quick. Flagg I think you should base it around when you can do it since you are an oversea player. IF people are aware of the time and date ahead of time there should be no problem, just as if you were going to drive to a local tourny.

I like having whole roster and only being able to change when you lose.
Okay guys, how about this;

We get everyone on board first, then we'll put it to the vote. I mean the weekend of November 11th-13th i'm totally free, but it's a case of who else can be.

Even 1 day may be hard for some people, but...Friday to Sunday could work.

When we have a final figure of who will be in, they can be PMed on what is preferable.
