MKast Episode 2 Part 1 of 4 Now Up on Facebook

Jeff Greeson

Staff member
After suffering technical difficulties with <b>YouTube</b>, the latest episode of the <b>MKast</b> video podcast has now been <a href="">made available on Facebook</a>. The crew at <a href="">NetherRealm Studios</a> talk extensively about how much progress the game has made from the first <b>E3</b> build to the <b>PAX Prime</b> demo. A lot of time is also devoted to the overall process of character balance and the hooks that the team has put into place in order to tweak these balancing issues on the fly without having to patch the game.

FYI, you must be logged into <a href="">Facebook</a> in order to see the video. In addition, you must be older than 17 to view the video due to <b>ESRB</b> regulations compliance.
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Pretty odd that they're not uploading the other parts. I hope they don't treat each part as an episode.
Could've done without this one, didn't really get much out of this, but did see some cool Cyrax combos.

I hope the more of these they do, the more comfortable they get because they still look a little uneasy in front of the camera. :bike:
Could've done without this one, didn't really get much out of this, but did see some cool Cyrax combos.

I hope the more of these they do, the more comfortable they get because they still look a little uneasy in front of the camera. :bike:

That's what you get when you take game designers out of there caves LOL!
I think there are 4 parts to episode 2.

Ya, that's what I'm talking about. I thought there were 2 parts to this 2nd episode, not 4 parts. They might as well call the 2nd part the 3rd episode, instead of causing confusion if they're going to release them a week apart.
The next episode should be 2.3, or 2-3. (Series 2, episode 3)
Instead we got 2.2.1 (or 2-2-1), next week 2.2.2, then 2.2.3 and 2.2.4. Will the real 3rd episode be such a jump in quality that they couldn't have named the next week's part 'episode 3'? It's almost like software upgrades.

Part 2 of the MKast episode 2 was supposed to be this week, according to the MK twitter. Does anyone know if it's supposed to come tomorrow or Saturday? Or are they waiting to show it on Monday?

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Part 2 of the MKast episode 2 was supposed to be this week, according to the MK twitter. Does anyone know if it's supposed to come tomorrow or Saturday? Or are they waiting to show it on Monday?

According to Rigo, Friday (today) is the targeted date. Of course, we all know how deadlines go for those working at NR, so it's anyone's guess as to when it will actually arrive. Thank goodness there was no countdown timer, though.
Just got a tweet that episode 2 part 2 is up.

Yeah its on YouTube. I have a link but my phone won't let me copy and paste.... I will keep trying unless someone else gets it.