MK3 Sub-Zero & Retro Cyber Sub-Zero Free DLC Skins Revealed

Patrick McCarron

TRMK Admin, Co-founder
Staff member
After <a href="">Freddy was revealed to be the fourth DLC</a> the only thing we never learned was whose skins would be included with Freddy and in the <b>Compatibility Pack #4</b>. At Comic-Con they had Unmasked Sub-Zero from <a href="">Mortal Kombat 3</a> playable, but no news on the second skin. Until now that is, the second skin will be the first alternate costume for <b>Cyber Sub-Zero</b>. Here's a look at the render:

<center><a href=""><img src=""></a></center>

And here is the Gameplay video for the duo.

<center><iframe width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

I am glad to see Cyber Sub-Zero finally get an alternate, even if it's similar to the previous Cyber Ninjas. It gives everyone on the main roster an Alternate costume now.
Im more than happy to see an MK3 costume. And while i do think NRS is being lazy with the palette swaps, oh well. Theyre free so we cant ask for much. Cant wait to get them!!!
Keep in mind complainers that this is the FIRST alternate for Cyber Sub-Zero, he has no other skins. You may think it's just a simple "lazy" "palette swap" but it takes far more than just changing the skin color to make everything work right with the character's moves, fatalities, etc. All the animations and other related code for the character need to be redone to look right and tested heavily for glitches and differences between the main costume. It's a good amount of work we're getting for free.

I would much rather have this skin than yet another Smoke or Scorpion skin as people were requesting. Would it have been cool for others with two skins to get a third finally? Sure, but only after every other character has a second. It's possible we may get more paid skins in the future too, just this is the last free pack that comes with a DLC character. Time will tell.
Unmasked Sub-Zero = Epic but kinda looks like an action figure lol

Retro Cyber Sub-Zero =
Would it have been cool for others with two skins to get a third finally? Sure, but only after every other character has a second. It's possible we may get more paid skins in the future too, just this is the last free pack that comes with a DLC character. Time will tell.

That's very true, but I think a lot of fans were hoping for CSZ's ending costume instead. This retro one looks great though, I'm looking forward to it. Like I said in another thread, actually makes me want to play him more.
I agree with the OP,cyber-sub had 0 alternatives.He deserved one,as so all DLC characters.In my list i had mk3 sonya and first of all reptile in human ninja form(from the artwork book)but that is personal opinion and nothing more.Good costumes from NRS and i am sure more will come,so no need to shout and complain...
The UMK3 ninja outfit looks awesome. I can't wait to get one for Scorpion, Ermac, Rain, and the others.
I would of loved a palette swap for cyber smoke...

but now im gonna really work on cyber sub, appearance and costumes for me are a big part of who I choose to really dedicate to, I absolutely love it

#1 was definately Noob's MK2 Alternate color (smoke as his shadow)
but #2 for me is cyber sub's
Pleasantly surprised about retro Cyber Subby. For some reason I wasn't expecting unmasked Subby to have the scar, I like it.

In the words of Fluttershy, "Yaay."
Stop complaining. Don't be greedy and accept what you are getting.

Can I ask what post previous to this comment required you to respond with this statement? One of you just had a post saying "To all you complainers..." which I assumed was for the future ones we would have to deal with cuz I hate em too, but from what I see these people are giving their opinions. I hate complainers more than anything but I'm pretty sure no one really complained. I just saw a post from you two in the MK1 section 7 years ago completely blowing up and calling him such an idiot because he simply did not use the search button. I come to this website for help and to share my opinions, but sometimes I wonder why the people in charge are the way they are. I just got a thread moved cuz it was kind of similar to another thread or something which obviously was overlooked and I never got my answer thanks to that.

I hope this post doesn't cause any problems as I'm simply just making an observation. All I want to know is what previous statement made you guys reply about complainers, so that one day when I'm really not complaining I don't have to deal with this. And does the fact that I said I really wanted cyber smoke in my post make me a complainer? Because I just really wanted him but love both of these new costumes.

Just wanna know what to say and not to say so that things can be the way you guys want it. Thanks.
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He does look like Hydro, pimppaperclip. Umasked Sub-zero is pretty awesome; definitely going to use it on my Subby from time to time.