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Well hello to anyone who comes across this i am new to these boards but before I officially joined i have read a few cool fanfictions including one about mk10 and even one about the characters in highschool (I wish I knew the author) but I have been working (and Finished) on one for awhile about my two favorite fighters MK and SF since no one has seemed to have made that yet. so here is a snippet of a scene from my story.
"Oh man how did I get into this mess?" Ibuki thought to herself as she leap from the branches of the demonic trees. As she gazed down for a split-second she noticed that the savage tarkatans were still close on her tail despite her being several feet above the mutants. "How can a little girl be so nimble!?" one pursuing tarkatan barked. "It doesn't matter she knows too much she must be disposed of!" another tarkatan declared. "AW CMON GIMME A BREAK!!" the young ninja shouted." I promise I won't tell anyKYAAAAAAAAAH!!! much to her surprise and shock her foot ends up getting ensnared by a vine that suddenly sprung up from a moaning tree she plummeted to the ground losing all of her equipment along the way. She hit the ground with a loud thud losing since of reality for a short moment.
As she came to her senses she suddenly realized the monsters were only yards away from her. She desperately pulled on the vine, but it was to thick and soon another vine grabbed her wrists pulling it back above her head. "I will feast on your bones!" the lead Tarkatan shouted as he readied his blades soon another tarkatan emerged from the trailing mob equally eager to slaughter the girl. "I...I can't believe it I'm..... I'm gonna die......" Ibuki thought to herself. "I'm sorry Sarai, Don, and everyone I'm so sorry... I should've listened and not venture out.." as she said to herself as stared into her inevitable fate in the form of two monstrosities with their protruding blades aiming straight for her. She wept out a single tear and closed her eyes ready to embrace a painful death. With her eyes still closed she came to realize nothing has happened "am I dead?" she pondered. she opened her eyes for a moment and realized two mysterious figures were blocking her view of the monsters. the garments the figures wore were both identical as if they came from the same clan the one to her right wore blue and was gripping the neck of one tarkatan who appeared to have ice enveloping his neck. Ibuki then turn to the warrior on her left and immediately noticed that he bore grey armor and had not only blocked the killing blow from the other tarkatan he had plunged his fingers through the latter's eyes with some strange smoke emitting from his arms into the tarkatan's eyes. Relived yet still cautious Ibuki asked one question to her presumed saviors "Who are y'all".
well thats all for now hopefully i will post more during later in the week feel free to post suggestions or questions.
"Oh man how did I get into this mess?" Ibuki thought to herself as she leap from the branches of the demonic trees. As she gazed down for a split-second she noticed that the savage tarkatans were still close on her tail despite her being several feet above the mutants. "How can a little girl be so nimble!?" one pursuing tarkatan barked. "It doesn't matter she knows too much she must be disposed of!" another tarkatan declared. "AW CMON GIMME A BREAK!!" the young ninja shouted." I promise I won't tell anyKYAAAAAAAAAH!!! much to her surprise and shock her foot ends up getting ensnared by a vine that suddenly sprung up from a moaning tree she plummeted to the ground losing all of her equipment along the way. She hit the ground with a loud thud losing since of reality for a short moment.
As she came to her senses she suddenly realized the monsters were only yards away from her. She desperately pulled on the vine, but it was to thick and soon another vine grabbed her wrists pulling it back above her head. "I will feast on your bones!" the lead Tarkatan shouted as he readied his blades soon another tarkatan emerged from the trailing mob equally eager to slaughter the girl. "I...I can't believe it I'm..... I'm gonna die......" Ibuki thought to herself. "I'm sorry Sarai, Don, and everyone I'm so sorry... I should've listened and not venture out.." as she said to herself as stared into her inevitable fate in the form of two monstrosities with their protruding blades aiming straight for her. She wept out a single tear and closed her eyes ready to embrace a painful death. With her eyes still closed she came to realize nothing has happened "am I dead?" she pondered. she opened her eyes for a moment and realized two mysterious figures were blocking her view of the monsters. the garments the figures wore were both identical as if they came from the same clan the one to her right wore blue and was gripping the neck of one tarkatan who appeared to have ice enveloping his neck. Ibuki then turn to the warrior on her left and immediately noticed that he bore grey armor and had not only blocked the killing blow from the other tarkatan he had plunged his fingers through the latter's eyes with some strange smoke emitting from his arms into the tarkatan's eyes. Relived yet still cautious Ibuki asked one question to her presumed saviors "Who are y'all".
well thats all for now hopefully i will post more during later in the week feel free to post suggestions or questions.
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